Chapter 5

Chris woke up the next morning and stretched. He shuddered when he thought about last night's fiasco and decided that he wasn't going to do that ever, ever again. He wished Renee was here with him instead.


Daniel walked down the street in the opposite direction of the hotel, thinking furiously about what he could do to get Judy's attention. She didn't seem interested by any stretch of the imagination. What on earth was he going to do if he couldn't even get the courage up to ask a girl out? It was crazy.

In a blur, Dan saw a figure rush past him so quickly he didn't even know if it was human. It wasn't. He turned around to see a large dog running fiercly back at him with the speed of light. Daniel turned around again to run for his life when the dog's owner, shocked to see a celebrity roaming public streets, lost all control and rammed right into Daniel herself. They toppled to the ground and, in a daze, Dan did all he could to keep from lashing out rationally. He looked up and saw the blurry figure of a girl with frizzy, blonde, big hair and huge metal braces jutting out of her teeny mouth. She was wide-eyed.

Instead of getting off of the poor guy, she just exclaimed, "Holy shit! I'm so sorry Daniel, I didn't mean to run into you! I was walking Bruiser, that's my dog, and he just got away from me...I didn't know that he was going to completely get off the leash! It's great that I ran into you though, you've been my idol for years, and I--"

"Do you think you could get off me before we begin chatting?"

The teen blushed and pushed herself away from the fallen Daniel. They both stood up and Daniel straightened his jacket and looked around to see who had caught their humiliating act. Nobody seemed to have noticed.

The girl started up again. "I'm dog sitting for my sister and she'd be really mad if I lost him so I guess I should go get him. I'm sorry again. Sorry, sorry. Nice to have met you. I love you, I really do. Thanks for being so nice. Bye!!!" The obnoxious girl ran off screaming, "Come on Bruiser, Judy will be mad if you run away. You don't want to make Judy mad, do you? Come on boy!"

Daniel shook his head and began walking. He resumed his thoughts. "How will I find Judy if I don't...Oh my God," he said aloud. He whipped around to see the girl walking in the opposite direction of him and he shouted after her. Once he had caught up he, out of breath, stated that he needed to find a girl named Judy.

"Oh, my sister's name is Judy, she's really nice. She's 19. She's totally in love with this one guy," she said. Daniel's dreams were crushed. "I think the guy's name is Gavin or something, he's from this dumb rock band. She's head over heels obsessed."

Dan laughed, "Bush, I know Bush. So what's your sister like? I wonder if we're talking about the same Judy," Daniel inquired, anxious to know.

"She's like 5'9, she's really pretty. She's not really skinny but she's NOT fat. Not at all. And she has brown hair, and these weird glasses. I wish she would get contacts. But I love her anyway."

Daniel's eyes widened. Oh man. "We're talking about the same Judy alright," he said to the young girl. "What was your name, by the way?"

She beamed. "My name is Mandy," she said happily, feeling a bit lucky to be chatting with Daniel Johns from silverchair.

He put out his skinny hand. "Thank you for your help Mandy. Can I have your phone number so we can keep in touch?" She was so excited she could hardly contain herself.

They walked a few doors down to ask a store clerk for a pen and she wrote her number on Daniel's palm. "That tickles," he said, laughing. "Thanks alot, you really helped me out." Daniel was sincerely grateful, and with a bear hug from the loud fan he was on his way. This crazy teenie had made his day...and he never thought he would say that. This day was turning out to be okay. He looked at the time on a business sign and it read 11:23. "Lunch," he said, realizing why his stomach hurt. He kept walking.


Chris and Ben drove in the car with the radio blaring. "SWEET HOME ALABAMA!" Ben closed his eyes and shook his head in enthusiasm. "Sweet Home!"

Chris laughed as he changed the stations. "You a bug-a-boo, a bug-a-boo..."
"It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you-"
"You're gonna wait 'til, Fat Boy, wait until tomorrooooowwwwwww..."

Ben bounced in his seat and clapped his hands. "Chris, listen! Wowie, man."

Chris just laughed. He hated hearing them on the radio. It made him get that weird feeling when your face turns red and you get the chills from being embarrassed for someone...when he heard their music, he felt embarrassed for himself.

Ben sang along with Daniel. "You say that money isn't everything..." Chris peered out the front window and pressed slowly on the brakes. "What the hell?" he asked curiously as they looked ahead to see two figures attacking each other on the beach. It looked like the taller figure was beating furiously on the shorter person, a girl. "Shit."

Chris pulled over and the two concerned Australians jumped out of the car and ran over to the scene to see something they'd never wanted to see in their entire lives.


"No fucking way! Really, you played with the Offspring?" Judy was in her glory.

"I swear. It rocked, we opened for them on a summer tour and we just kept in touch. Dexter's awesome," Daniel raved. He remembered how it used to be when they'd party after shows with rock stars. That was the life.

"Daniel, if I suggest something do you promise not to laugh at me?"

"Of course. I could never laugh at you."

"Let's go to the beach and watch the sunset."


What Ben and Chris saw almost made them piss in their cargos. Ben's jaw dropped so low he thought it would scrape the sand and Chris laughed uncontrollably. Daniel lay in his boxers on top of a shirtless chick, kissing her passionately and rubbing her all over. The two lovebirds didn't even realize they had an audience until Chris let his outburst get ahead of him. He started gagging from laughing so hard and Daniel opened one eye and slowly looked to his side. This made him jump. Judy grabbed Daniel's arm and stared at Ben and Chris. Ben was still in shock.

Daniel just licked his lips. "What the fuck you guys," he stated, clearly embarrassed.

Ben started clapping. "Go Johnsy!!!"

Daniel shook his head and stood up. Pushing the two accidental peeping Toms he told them, "Get lost, assholes," and watched them scamper off in humiliation.

Judy shook her head. "Sorry Daniel, I didn't mean to get ahead of myself," she apologized.

"No, silly," he reassured her. "I was liking your forwardness." He grinned and leaned forward, kissing her again.

He gently pushed her back onto the warm sand and then rolled over. She climbed on top of him and continued kissing him as she carefully removed his shorts. Daniel grinned despite the hard kissing and cautiously unhooked her tank top bra.

She moaned when he kissed her neck and laughed when he touched her stomach. "Don't play with my fat," she scolded him.

"It's not fat, it's fluffy-ness!"

Judy laughed. "You can have my fluffy-ness, you skinny bastard," she retorted.

"Oh," Daniel said wearily, "that's enough from you, young lady." He kissed her and rolled over again so he was above her. She ran her hands up and down his long back and clenched them on his shoulders as he entered her. It was going to be a nice evening.


Ben hopped into the driver's seat this time as Chris climbed into the passenger side. "Dude, can you believe that?!"

Chris just sighed. "I wish I could go home to Renee." 

Ben looked sympathetically at his mate. "Chris," he said quietly. "If you're really feeling know...frustrated about sex, I can help you take your mind off of it. This car has a HUGE backseat, and in about 15 minutes I can really-"

"Dude, shut up!"

They both burst into fits of hysteria and Ben started the engine. "Johnsy's getting a piece tonight."

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