
Daniel Johns had an eating disorder/anxiety deal a while back, and that's all us fans know. He doesn't go into gory detail when he talks about it, and I think we all WANTED to know the gory details and couldn't. So I made up this (not-so) glamorous story about the boys we all (wish we could get to) know and love, and it's not to be taken too seriously.
No, I don't know anybody from or related to Silverchair in any way. You know the drill. Just don't rip me off and don't send me hate mail.
If you decide you don't like the story, great. Don't continue reading it. Piss off.
If you think it's kinda sorta okay in a way, feel free to e-mail me (Merewether3@aol.com) with any constructive criticism or comments.
Thanks much.

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