Sorry Guys

Hey, this is Ben again. I know that, after a while, I get to be a little annoying and interrupting because you're trying desperately to just read the story you want to read. But I can't help it anymore!

Kathy is for me, I just know it. She always says, "Ben, please tell me that we'll always be together." And I used to think it was the most stupid, dumb, corny thing a person could say to another, but if she were to go a few days without saying it I'd have a nervous breakdown. It's like I need to hear it. I really, really need to. I think that I want to be with her forever and forever and forever. Daniel tells me that I need to wait, "you're only 20, mate!" But Daniel and Judy don't understand. Not that they don't have a great relationship, of course they do. But it's like a fling. A long-lasting fling for them. I don't think they have any plans of staying together. It's hard to explain the way I feel about Kathy so I guess I shouldn't try.

At least she doesn't have a bun in the oven like Judy. I mean.....oops. Gotta go.

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