
You want to know him the way you know yourself. There's something about him that draws you in, something intriguing. You want to be the only one. It could be his eyes or the way he speaks or how he sings with so much...or maybe the whole piece of his existance he lets you see. You know everyone else loves him too, it's impossible not too. You can't even admit to yourself how much you do love him. How much you want to feel his lips, his body against yours. You want to be the one he picks out of a crowd. You want to know him like no one else, you want to understand the pain he sings about. You want to be that piece of him; if you don't know it's only a piece you don't even have hope. There's always more.

You want to be the one he tells his secrets, the one who feels his secrets before he tells you. You want to make it okay for him, just for a minute, make him not scared anymore. But that's just a piece of him, you know that don't you? Maybe out of his skin he was always okay, he was always just waiting for the right moment, he still is. Maybe he doesn't know it. You want him. You want him to need you as much as you need love.

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