Last Dance

good evening my dear... this is our last night
this is our last dance... the last one
the last dance with you requires some kind of magic
and as it may sound tragic
i do wanna dance with you
take my hand, lead me with the song
pretend there's nobody around or among us
this is our last song, last dance... it won't last long
so i'll miss you... i miss you already
but let these five minutes be eternal
let's make these five minutes of our last dance unforgettable
dance with me as we've never danced together
hold me against your breath
take my hand carefully and be attentious
so you won't step on my feet...
lead me... i'll be in your hands for five minutes
i'll be totally yours while this song lasts
i'll be yours as i've never been before...
this was our last dance, my love
the night is over as the music stopped
i must tell you good-bye...
i don't think we'll ever dance again...
at least my last dance was with you
it was really magic
was it worthy, my love? our last dance?

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