
Trying to impress? Now I’ll make a bet.
I’ll want something I can’t get.

No class or style to write it like the pros.
I’m just a try-hard wannabe I spose.

Yeah, they’ve made depression cool;
I’m writing this cause its not you fool.

I learnt at 14 what emotions were;
Dawson’s Creek, pathetic all a blur.

And rock stars sing that fashion sucks
When really they say it for big bucks.

Nothings real, the world is all fake
Non-print media control the hours we’re awake.

But I should thank T.V. I guess;
Cause I wouldn’t be writin’ this all in a mess.

Yeah I get flashbacks, like a headache
‘Bout Daniel’s disease, the irony I hate.

Lulled me into a false sense of security
Enjoy self-pity one more time with maturity

Clichés, poor spelling, ellsimas, insanity
Will become the fate of all humanity.

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