PaRt 3

"No, please don't... no please... anything but that... I'll do anything you want, but please don't do this to me!" Daniel whimpered, his eyes filled with fear, transfixed on the object in Oceania's hand.

"Shut up boy or I'll set the teenies on to you!" cackled Oceania.

Daniel gulped and kept quiet, quickly glancing over to the cage where the rabid teenies were being restrained. The sight repulsed him. They were foaming at the mouth and marriage proposals and declarations of their undying love for Daniel were being hurtled at him at lightning speed.

Before Daniel knew what was happening, Oceania grabbed him by the hair, pulling him screaming to the floor. She dragged him out of the room and up a set of creaky old stairs, laughing all the way. Oceania led Daniel into an extremely dark and fusty old room and threw him onto the floor, with Daniel still moaning in pain. Oceania kneeled down beside Daniel and started to stroke his matted, dirty blonde hair. "This, boy," she said with an evil grin adorning her face and a bottle of 'wildflower' shampoo in her hand, "is going to be WASHED"

"NOOOOOOOO!" Daniel scrambled away from Oceania to escape the wrath of the shampoo, but unfortunately he did not make it. Oceania grabbed him by the neck of his t-shirt and hauled his scrawny ass off to the shower to proceed with the 'torture'.

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