Chris's Slumber Party Madness

"Red's more you colour, Ben." Daniel said as they were choosing what pajamas to wear to Chris's big sleep over.

"Yeah. You should wear the yellow ones with the sheep." Ben said grinning.

"Yeah, okay. I know how you like me in those." He winked, and pulled them down from the closet. He turned to Ben and frowned.

"What's wrong, Danny?" he said, very concerned.

"Well, I hope Chris won't make us watch scary movies again."

Ben put his arm around Dan's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Daniel's face lit up. "Thanks, Benny. You know how those big anacondas give me the willies."

Ben grinned and mumbled "Yeah…Anacondas…Willies…"

"What did you say, Ben?" Daniel said, confused.

"Oh, nothing you should worry your little head about." Ben smiled. "Come on let's go!"

"Okay." Daniel said, putting the pj's into his bag.

When they got to Chris's house, all the lights were off. "I'm scared Ben." Daniel said.

"It's okay, babe." Ben comforted. "He might just be doing something…in the dark."

"Oh, yeah. Okay you knock."

"Alright. Just stay close." Daniel nodded, and Ben knocked on the door. The door opened automatically, but no one was behind it.

"Ben?" Daniel whimpered, clutching Ben's strong arm.

"Chris?" Ben yelled. "Are ya here, mate? It's Ben and Daniel!" There was no answer.

"Let's go in." Ben whispered.


"No Buts-" Ben grinned realizing what he just said, but this was no time to think about Daniel, it was time to think about Chris. He could be dead! "We're going in, Daniel, and that's it!" Ben walked into the house, there was no one around at all. "He's got to be in here somewhere!" Ben whispered. Daniel gulped.

They walked into the living room, all they could see was a note on the television. "W-What's that?" Daniel whispered.

"I dunno." Ben said, walking to get the note. "I think it says……be..beh..damn! I can't read!"

"Let me try. Look…behind…you!" They turned around to see a half naked Chris wearing a pair of red boxers with llama on them.

"Ahhh!" Ben and Daniel screamed at the same time.

"What?" Chris said. "It was just a joke. I got you guys!" he laughed.

"Aw, Chris, you suck!" Ben chuckled, heartedly.

"Yeah, Chris, you're such a silly billy!" Daniel smiled. "So what are we gonna do tonight?" He said, getting out his giant teddy bear, all set for the slumber party.

"Well," Chris said, sitting next to them on the couch. "I was planning on watching 'Return of the Anaconda Part 4'!" He grinned.

"What?" Daniel shrieked.

"Wake up, Danny!" Ben said, shaking him, ever so softly. "You were having a nightmare."

"Oh." Daniel said. He rubbed his eyes, and laid back into the bed. "Sorry. It was just that anaconda again." He mumbled closing his eyes and snuggling against his bed-buddy. "Its just so big!"

"Thanks, Danny." Ben grinned with satisfaction.


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