
(Kerrang - Katie Nicholls)

Do you have a pet name for your boyfriend?
No, not really. just 'sweetie'. I wouldn't call him 'Pumpkin' or anything.

When you were at school, did you have a crush on a teacher?
No. All my teachers are really old and gross. But I know people who have. There's one teacher at my school, he was very young and everyone fancied him, but I could never go for that.

What was your first shag like?
That's confidential!

Has a good friend ever made a pass at you?
All the time. My friends and I, we're all very open so we're always making sexual comments at each other.

Have you ever been caught having sex in public?
No! no, no. I've never had sex in public.

Did you ever dream of being a porn star?
Sure. I wouldn't say it's somthing I'm planning to do. But being watched and having guys jerking off to you - I think that's really funny. It's a fun industry but people who buy porn take it far too seriously.

Have you ever brought a sex toy?
I've brought handcuffs, whips and I've brought dolls, too. We used to incorporate them into our shows a long time ago. I used to call a guy up and handcuff him to the microphone stand and whip him. It was mutual enjoyment.

How would yo describe yourself on a blind date form?
Tall, dark and handsome.

Who's gagging for a shagging?
Daniel Johns from Silverchair. He is the most graceful and enchanting human being I have ever seen in my life.

What's the worst chat-up line you've ever heard?
I've heard some pretty bad ones, 'is that a mirror in your pants cos I can see myself in them!'. That's pretty cheesy.

Do you ever get sexy on the phone when you call home?
Actually no. I call my best friend and I'm like (adopts husky tones) 'I can't wait to see you. We're gonna make such passionate love', but, no, I'm not much of a phone-sex operator. I can do the voice but...

What's your most embarrasing moment?
I don't know if this has anything to do with sex, but I've pissed my pants in public. Two years ago I was walking home from school and there's this intersection near my house and I have to cross it. I was pushing the button but the light wouldn't change. I had to go soo bad, I didn't even care I just did it in front of all those people in cars.

Who would you least like to see naked?
Joey Ramone

What's the best rumour you've ever heard?
I've heard that I was dead. I've heard that me and Talena (Bass) are lesbian lovers. I've heard that we're all lesbians but we're sluts as well - I don't understand how that works. I've also heard that I was pregnant.

Do you ever watch porn?
I have. It costs a lot in hotels. I don't wanna spend $100 on porn. But I watch the five minute preview.

What's the rudest joke you know?
I heard some good ones recently, but I can never remember them. Our sound man told us one about a nun and a bus... Oh, and I heard some good sheep ones when we were up in Scotland.

If you were marooned on a desert island who would be your fantasy mate?
Daniel Johns. Silverchair are my favourite band and he's a beautiful creature.

What song would you donate to a porn soundtrack?
'Get Off (You Can Eat A Dick)' or 'Do You Think Im A Whore?', the titles are somewhat appropriate.

What's the seiext thing anyone's ever said to you?
'Show me your tits'. Blokes say it before I go on to play. It's not very sexy. It's rude and discriminatory. It seems to be because they don't know what to expect. Usually when the guys shout 'Show your tits', I just scream 'Suck my dick' really, really loud and it seems to shut them up.

Have you ever walked in on anyone having sex?
Yes I have. In my house - on my couch. A couple of my friends. It was at a party, and it was embarrasing for all of us but I was distressed because you know, urgh, it was on my couch.

    From the UK Magazine Kerrang
