Chapter 3

When Sally woke up in the morning, she found that she was covered in sweat. When she looked over at Daniel, she saw him soaked with sweat as well. Maybe we were dreaming the same dream, thought Sally, but why? And then the memory of her dream came flooding back to her. Sally was standing in a crib, looking across the room at a little boy the same age as her, in another crib. And then she heard a woman say, "Don't worry Danny and Sally, Mommy will be back as soon as I can." Oh my god! thought Sally. As she heard a sudden noise, Sally jumped and stifled a scream. Oh silly me, thought Sally, it's only some one shifting positions in their sleep. Whew, I have got to stop thinking about this dream. Suddenly Daniel awoke with a start. "Hey Dan," whispered Sally, "are you alright?"

"Uh, I just had the strangest dream. Ew, I'm covered in sweat, gross!"

"That's how I awoke too!"

"In my dream I was in a crib, at around age two. And a little girl was in a crib on the other side of the room…"

"…And then a lady said, 'don't worry Danny and Sally, mommy will be back as soon as I can.'" Finished off Sally.

"Wow, you had that dream too?" asked Daniel.

"Uh huh. I'm beginning to think that Ben and Chris are actually right about us being long lost twins."

"Me too. It's weird, when we first met I felt a connection, like we knew each other."

"I know, I thought I was just imagining things," replied Sally.

"Hey, I've got an idea to keep our minds off of the dream," said Daniel with a look of mischief in his face.


"See Ben and Chris on the pool table?"

"Uh huh."

"Wait just a sec. I've gotta go get something" Five minutes later Daniel returned with a Polaroid camera, a banana, and a condom.

"Now what are you going to do with those?" asked Sally.

"You'll see," was all Daniel said. Daniel put the condom on the banana to make it look like it was used, took it off and placed it in between Ben and Chris, and then snapped a picture.

"Okay," Daniel whispered loudly, "let's go!"

"Go where?"

"To the kitchen. Pati said that she has some cereal and milk. She said she also has some soy milk for me."

"Are you a vegetarian?"

"Nope, vegan."

"No way!"

"No way what?"

"I'm a vegan too!"



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