CH. 5

When Sally got home, she quickly cleaned up her room. And then she got the beds ready. After all that was finished, Daniel, Chris, Ben, Watto, and Sam had arrived. "Hey guys!" said Sally.

"Hey Sally," replied Watson, "thank you for letting us stay at your house. That was very nice of you."

"No problem. It was nothing."

"Yes, it was something," said Sam. "We've never had this much hospitality with a fan."

"Well, I wasn't a fan when I met Dan, Chris and Ben. I met them at a party that my friend Pati had. But now that I've heard the music I really like it. I just starting liking rock music. I used to like pop, but then I met Pati and Rachel, and they got me into it."

"Well, I'm really glad that I met you Sally." said Daniel. "Otherwise I think I would have been lost to why I'm not anything like my family. But thanks to finding you, I know I won't be lost anymore."

"Thanks, Daniel. I hope this week goes by fast, so we can find out the truth."

"Me too," replied Daniel.


Ch. 6

Finally, after what seem like a year, the week passed. Sally woke up and thought "This is the day I find out who my real parents are. I hope they are willing to see me." At the same time Daniel was thinking the same thing.

Sally decided that she should go and knock on Daniel's door to see if he was up yet. "Daniel?" whispered Sally. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I just woke up" replied Daniel sleepily. "Why?"

"I just wanted to talk. You know."

"Oh, okay. Come on in."


"So, what do you want to talk about?" asked Daniel.

"Um, what time do you want to go to the adoption agency?"

"How about after breakfast?"

"Okay. Sounds good. I'll go make some breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

"How about some rice cream and Soya milk? Do you know how to make it?"

"No, actually I don't."

"Well, if you wait a second for me to get dressed I'll tell you."

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen," replied Sally.

After five minutes Daniel was in the kitchen. "Okay, do you have a grain grinder?" asked Daniel.

"Yeah, actually I do."

"Okay, what you do is: Grind some brown rice to a corn-meal consistency, and then you throw it into a hot, dry skillet. Stir it around until it's browned, then pour the hot, dry rice into another pot, and add boiling water. It acts like Mt. St. Helen's for a few seconds, then settles down to a slow boil. It's already cooked. Just stir it a little bit, and it thickens to a porridge-like consistency in about two minutes."

"So, where'd you find out about this 'rice-cream'?" asked Sally.

"Oh, from really good vegan cook book that I bought recently. I've been making it every day for breakfast since I got the cook book, and I'm hooked on it. It's so good." replied Daniel .

After ten minutes the rice-cream was done. Sally tasted it cautiously. "Mmmm, you're right. This is very good," said Sally.

"I knew you would like it," replied Daniel.

"Is there another name for it?"

"Yeah. It's crème-of-rice."

"Oh, okay."

Just when Daniel and Sally had finished their breakfast, Ben, Chris, Sam, and Watson filed into the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast this morning?" boomed Ben.

"Same thing you have been eating all week Benny Boy," replied Sally.

"Mmmm. I'm coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs." replied Ben. Everyone in the room started laughing. Ben turned a bright shade of red.

"Ooh, is Benny Boy embarrassed?" chuckled Daniel.

"Ah, shaddup!" replied Ben.

"Benny Boy is blushing! Benny Boy is blushing!" contributed Chris.

"Okay boys, leave 'im alone," said Watson.

"Awww, but we were having so much fun!" squealed Daniel.

Sam just stayed quiet as he was hardly awake. "It looks like Sam is ready to fall back asleep." whispered Sally to Daniel. "Hey Sam, you look tired. Why don't you go back to bed?"

"Uh, well actually I'm not feeling too good. Do you have any cough medicine or anything?"

"Yeah, I do. It's in the cupboard above the fridge." replied Sally.

"Thanks Sally."


"So," started Watson. "This is the day that you find out who your real parents are, eh?"

"Yeah, we're leaving in a few minutes." replied Sally.

"Well, uh, do you mind if I come along? Just incase you two need some help with finding out who they are."

"Thanks Watson. That's really sweet of you."

"Yeah, well, I just want to make sure you two are taken care of."

Daniel smiled, "That's our Watto."

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