Chapter 7

When Daniel, Sally, and Watson got to the adoption agency, the woman recognized Daniel and Sally immediately. "Daniel and Sally, right?" asked the woman.

"Yes, that's us," replied Sally and Daniel at the same time.

"And who is this man?" asked the woman, pointing to Watson.

"Oh, he's my manager," replied Daniel. "I'm in a band called silverchair, and his name is John Watson. He kind of like a second father to me."

"Oh, alright"

"So," started Sally. "What did you find out about our parents?"

"You are in fact biological brother and sister."

"Oh my goodness, are you sure?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, I am very sure. Would you like to see some information on your biological mother and father?"

"Yes. Please," said Sally and Daniel.

What Daniel and Sally saw in the folder changed their lives forever. Their parents turned out to be of Royal blood. Their parents were still together, and Daniel and Sally had 3 other sisters and 2 other brothers. The reason why Daniel and Sally were given away was that the parents weren't married at the time that Daniel and Sally were born, and therefore, the parents would have been cast out of the Royal Family forever.

Daniel and Sally's parents were named Sarah and Samuel Green. Sally's adoptive parents decided to let Sally keep her biological last name. Whereas Daniel's adoptive parents gave Daniel their last name. They didn't want Daniel to find out he was adopted. However, Sally's parents told Sally that she was adopted when she was old enough to understand the circumstances.

Sally had always wondered who her birth parents were, since she was told that she was adopted. Now that she finally did, she felt sad. Sad because what if they didn't want her and Daniel, or they forgot about them, and had never given them a second thought?

Daniel also had some thoughts of his own. He felt glad that he found out that he was adopted, because he always felt so alone in his family. He knew he was different, but he didn't know how. Now he did. Daniel also worried that his real parents had forgotten about him, and had never given him a second thought.

"Sally, Daniel, I have another file that just came up on the computer. It looks like your birth parents have been looking for you too. They left the number where you could call them. They flew here from England, when they found out that you had been looking for them also," the desk clerk handed Daniel a piece of paper. "Here's the number where they are staying. You can call them whenever you want. I'll let you two keep the files, since you have now found your parents, and they have found you. I wish you two lovely people the best of luck with your parents, and in the future."

"Thank you Ma'am," replied Sally.

"Yes, thank you very much," added Daniel.

"You two are very welcome. Take care," said the clerk. With that, Sally, Daniel and Watson left.

"So," started Watson. "What are you two going to do next?"

"Well," replied Sally. "I think when we get back to my house, I'll call our parents. Hmm, our parents. That has a nice ring to it."

"Yeah, it does," interjected Daniel.

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