Revisiting Paternity
Ch 1

Jason fumed. Some punk abducted his sister, the police were twiddling their thumbs and he could only sit, handcuffed in an examination room, and wait. He hated waiting. “I get a call.” He gruffly reminded every officer who walked by. No phone appeared.

After almost an hour, sixty to ninety miles away from Port Charles for Emily, Taggert entered the interrogation room. “Enjoying your stay, Morgan.” His words taunted Jason.

“I would enjoy it more if it came with a phone call. I am entitled to one.”

”Hold your horses, Anger Boy. All in good time, you need to cool off. It could do you some good.” Taggert smiled slightly. He would do whatever it took to keep Jason Morgan off the street.

“And that could get Emily killed. Obviously solving a kidnapping is too tough for the PCPD. Let me out.” Jason demanded. “I will find her!”

“You know how this works. I can, and will, hold you for 48 hours.” Taggert left without another word.

Jason wanted to throw the chair that Taggert vacated across the room. Sitting there, not doing anything, he felt completely powerless. Not since right after the accident had he had so very little in the way of options. Sonny taught Jason Morgan to get things done. When Jason spoke, people listened, but now, the one time he needed to capitalize on that; it stopped being true.
Carly walked into the penthouse and saw Sonny at his desk. “What are you up to?” She asked cheerfully. Although she saw the all too familiar scowl, she chose to ignore it.

“Work.” He answered without looking up.

“Sonny that is all you ever do, anymore. Lets go out. It will be fun; you remember fun, don’t you? For a full second Sonny’s face remained unchanged. Carly pouted. “Please?”

The corners of Sonny’s mouth turned up, slightly, and his dimples became almost visible. “Get dressed, already.”
Nikolas stood in the parking lot, staring at the space that his Jaguar once occupied. He didn’t care about the car, four tires, a motor and a steering wheel; it could be replaced at any given second. Emily could not.

How had he let this happen? God, he should have gone to the police immediately. Emily wouldn’t hear of it. She refused to go to Sonny. In the year since she learned Sonny was her father, Emily fought tooth and nail to get him to remove the guards he kept watching her. Going to him about Ted, would have caused their return. For the first time ever, Nikolas almost wished Sonny had gone against his daughter’s wishes. No, Emily would have left Port Charles. She would do anything to stay removed from Sonny. She wouldn’t accept his help then; he couldn’t accept it now.

The PCPD would just have to take care of the kidnapping. Sonny Corinthos would not be involved. It was not an option. Regardless of what DNA might say, Sonny Corinthos was not Emily’s family.
Ned walked through the Gatehouse, trying to calm the antsy feeling that had invaded his body. He hated touring, he always had, but having to leave Brooke made it worse. Of course, Brooke never minded staying with V. Still, Ned couldn’t help feeling that he had become unavailable to friends and family.

“Welcome home.” V mumbled as she stepped out of her room to identify the noise she heard in the hall. “We didn’t expect you until tomorrow.”

”I caught an earlier flight.” He explained off hand. “Anything exciting happen while I was away?” Before V could answer Ned answered his ringing phone. “Please don’t call this number so late, I have a little girl sleeping down the hall.” He barked into the phone before the caller could say a word.

Seconds later, Ned’s angry expression was replaced by shock, and fear. “Emily what?” He gulped and listened for the voice on the end of the line to continue.
“You can go more than five miles an hour.” Zander grunted as he jabbed the gun into Emily’s ribs. “Speed up.”

“I told you; I don’t know how to do this.” Emily shook while trying to keep the car from swerving on the road. As much as she wanted to draw the attention of somebody who could help her, the intense fear that Zander might shoot her, kept her focused on the road.

“How old are you?” Zander threw up his hands in defeat, of all the hostages in the world, he picked the most useless one possible.

Without thinking, Emily sneered at Zander. Her inexperience behind the wheel had been a point of contention between her and the Quartermaine’s since her sixteenth birthday, however, now didn’t seem like the time to harp on it. “We had a driver.” She explained curtly.

Zander’s nostrils flared as he rolled his eyes. “A driver? I have kidnapped a blue blood. Let me guess, being kidnapped isn’t nearly as traumatic as breaking a nail?”

Emily slammed on the breaks. “I will not take insults from a drug dealing kidnapper.”

“You think your Daddy will buy you out of this? I am quaking in fear.” Zander attempted a sarcastic tone. Neither his hostage’s family nor the police worried him. Sorell was the person he would have to answer to.

Emily smiled in spite of herself. “My father, Alan, will hire a private investigator, but he isn’t your biggest problem. You deal drugs. For Sorel? Well, there is your problem. See my brother, he works for the opposition… and his boss…” Emily quieted; she had no desire to admit to Sonny. However, she had no doubt that Sonny would move heaven and earth to keep her safe.
“Repeat that.” Sonny demanded. Surely he had heard wrong. He reached over and slammed his fist against the table; it had to be a dream. He spent half his life distancing himself from his daughter to avoid a situation just like this.

“Emily’s been kidnapped. I don’t have a positive id, but I think he deals for Sorel.” Jason explained in the calmest voice possible. He didn’t see how repeating facts could help Emily.

“Sorel?” Did he know? Was the kidnapping an effort to control Sonny? Since attacking Mike hadn’t worked, Sorel was going after his daughter. No, he couldn’t know, but… “Why Emily?”

Jason sighed. “Because she is my sister? Because I came home? I don’t know. Lucky and the others have been involved in some sort of cover up.” Jason explained the details behind Ted’s murder and the teens’ effort to find the murderer. “It could be about that, but…. I could be a liability to organization.” Jason shuddered. He never intended to cause Sonny any danger.

Sonny smirked. “Oh, Sorel isn’t after you.” Of course Jason would feel responsible, Jason didn’t know, but he would have to. “I will be there in ten minutes.” Sonny hung up the phone. How am I going to do this? He wondered silently as Carly came downstairs dressed for an evening out.

”Ready?” Carly’s happy expression soured as she recognized the darkness in Sonny’s. “What happened?” The gods must be against her having a good time; Carly sighed. Every time she convinced Sonny to kick back, his world fell apart.

“Emily…” Sonny could barely get the words out, “Has…. Been… kidnapped…. I have to tell Jason.”

Carly instinctively tried to comfort Sonny. “Carly, don’t. My daughter has been kidnapped, I have to tell her brother that I have lied to him since the day we met, and then I have to find her. I don’t have time for this.” Sonny hung his head before continuing. “I don’t deserve it.”

Carly sighed. He needed her, even if he couldn’t admit it. “I am going with you.”


Before Sonny could finish his objection, Carly was at the door. “No arguments.” The two men she loved the most in the entire world were hurting, and it was going to get worse, much worse. She had to be around to pick up the pieces.

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