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Who are we?
We're the FORBIDDEN FRUIT fanfiction AWARDS team, Tiffany and Katie.

How did the FORBIDDEN FRUIT fanfiction AWARDS site come about?
Well, I, Tiffany, an avid fellow fanfiction author, was working on a story that my best net buddy, Katie, and I were writing together, when I started thining about all the outstanding fanfiction floating around out there that deserved recognition. I figured these great fanfics and short stories need to be recognized and rewarded. And I figured an awards site could be a better way for these stories and authors to gain publicity. So, of course, I emailed Katie my idea and she was all for it. The two of us compiled out site ideas, category ideas, etc, and then came up with Katie's own special category for one *lucky* author, right Katie? (lol).

Why the name?
Well, Katie and I were racking our brains trying to think of a name for the awards. We kept purposely throwing out cheesy ideas, I guess to get the juices flowing. We both had some good name ideas, but nothing really seemed to fit...that is...until, being completely stupid, I said "let's do what Eden's Crush did, think of two words that u like, but are sorta opposite." The word 'eden' triggred 'Garden of Eden' in my head, which made me think of the FORBIDDEN FRUIT on the tree in the center of the garden. So being completely twisted like my mind is, I thought 'the Backstreet Boys are THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT to all us fans, who haven't met them or whatever.' So I IMed Katie the idea, and she's like "that's cool, let's use that.' So, now we have the FORBIDDEN FRUIT fanfiction AWARDS. Still confused? Let's just say that the five golden-voiced hotties that make up the Backstreet Boys ARE the "FORBIDDEN FRUIT."

How long will the AWARDS be open for fanfiction and short story submissions?
Nominations will be accepted up until August 04. Voting will run from August 06th to Aug 27th. Winners will be announced on September 17th, 2001. If any more changes occur concerning these dates, the changes will be posted on the site on the main page, and on this page.

Do we accept fanfictions about other celebrities?
No, we do not accept any fanfictions other than ones dealing with the Backstreet Boys at this time, but maybe we will in the future! :)

Who will be scoring the fanfictions and how will they be scored?
Katie and I will personally be reading and scoring the fanfictions and short stories, with the exception of the Reader's Choice category. I will personally average the scores together, and the highest average will determine the winner.
I have been writing fanfiction for quite a while, as well as song, poetry, inspirational pieces, etc. I have 20+ fanfictions and short stories. My forte in school has always been English and writing, beside music. Katie is a phenomenal fanfiction writer and has written amazing stories. Both of us have read fanfiction upon fanfiction upon fanfiction, so we pretty much know a good fanfiction or short story when we read one! :)
The fanfictions and short stories will be scored on a scale from 1.0 to 10.0 (10.0 being the best), in the following categories:
- Spelling and grammar
- Plot
- Characterization
- Creativity
- Overall
- Originality
- Technique
- Skill
- Visualization of story (imagery)
- Voting
There will be a link to vote for your favorite fanfiction in each category, and the story with the highest score will get the maximum amount of points, and so on. These points will be added in and averaged with the rest. All of these categories are equally important in a fanfiction, so they're all scored and have an equal percentage in the averaging.
Any questions? Just contact us and we'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have! :)

*Disclaimer: We do not know the Backstreet Boys or anyone affiliated with them in any way. This is purely two BSB fans' site that is to honor all the BSB fanfiction out there.*