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  Divan night
Welcome! To the Divan Night Home Page :

Great Falls Shrine Club

 Divan Night

by Randall Roof
   All I can say about the Divan Night
we had Wednesday, September 6th, is
that it was super.
   A big thank you goes out to Noble
Doug Mayes, P.P. Oasis Temple and
Noble Jack Harvell for being our guest
speakers that night.  As always they
were great.
   To Nobles Squirrel Broome, Roger
Greer, Russell Millwood, Kevin
Blackmon, Ronnie Wood, H.C. Wright,
Harry Shepherd, Bobby Bankhead, Bill
Caldwell, Joey Eudy and Charlie Taylor,
thanks guys for all your help.
   A special thanks goes to Noble Russell
Millwood for the fine job he has been
doing cutting the grass at the Club for
us.  It sure looks good.
   We had the Divans from Sudan
Temple, New Bern, N.C., Oasis Temple,
Charlotte, N.C., Omar Temple, Mt.
Pleasant, S. C., Jamil Temple,
Columbia, S. C. and our own from
Mauldin, S. C.
   We gave each Temple $1,000 for the
Shrine Hospital.  We gave Hejaz Temple
$5,500 on the Paper sale and $1,000 to
the Temple.
   The first poker run we had was very
successful since we only had four weeks
to plan on it.  We had a total of 70 bikes
to enter and everyone had a good time
and we made $363.  Thanks goes out to
Nobles Joey Eudy, Ronnie Wood,
Russell Millwood, Roger Greer, H. C.
Wright, Harry Shepherd, Charlie
Taylor, Bill Caldwell and Bobby
Bankhead for all their help on this
   I was talking with Joey the other day
and the Fall Crappie Tournament will
be Saturday, November 25th.  For more
information you can call Joey at (803)
482-6375 or write the Club at P. O. Box
367, Great Falls, S. C.  29055.
   I would like to welcome a new Noble,
John Estes, from Great Falls to Hejaz
   Shriner of the month was Noble Harry
Shepherd.  Harry goes over to the Club
just about every day and helps with the
lounge.  He also helps H. C. with some
of his work.  Thanks so much Harry for
your support.
   Middle age is when you don't care
where you go, just so you're home by 9
p.m.  God bless all of you and keep
helping the kids.