The Beauty Of Chaos (10-7-03)

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I step into fall's night grasp.
Its frosty tough takes ahold of me
While its beauty blows me away.
As I get ready to start my daily journey,
So does the light of my path,
Stretching its arms in shades of red.

I take a look at what is below me
And I marvel at the beauty of the green sea,
This amazing sea that is sparkling
With its early tears of joy.

As I am prepared for the journey ahead,
I begin to move along my chosen path.

Bordering along my journey's path,
The life, planted firmly by its earthly roots,
Begin to reveal its true new colors,
Displaying the beauty of a natural death.

I begin to feel the presence
Of the light shining straight down
From its high arc path.
As it walks along the road with me,
It shares its warm and bright aura,
Laying gently upon my body.

Not to be forgotten on my journey,
Fall gracefully flows throughout.
Making the life around waving their outstretched hands,
Making waves in the surrounding green sea.

It also comes to see me again,
Blowing a cool refreshing kiss.

Then I open my eyes to shadows starting to grow,
Creeping slowly away from its attachments,
Hoping to be free from its captor
Before its chances are lost for another day.

Finally, I see the end of my road coming close
As the light heads off in the distance.
Its job of shining my path with its brilliance
Has done more than I could ever ask for.
I wish that the light may stay,
But I know my journey can't end that way.

All that is left of the guiding light
Is its diminishing golden footprints in the clouds.
Its glow slowly fading to the dark,
Marking the near end of my experience.

As the light has ended its journey,
It begins again somewhere beyond my sight.

I slow my pace as my path
Nears the final steps of the way.
Yet, I don't want to reach the end,
So I stopped and stared upwards.

Looking through the cold, clear air,
My life flows into me,
Refreshing me with every frozen breath.
My life flows out of me,
The warmth rises upwards as a fog,
Rising towards the beauty of the night sky.

Reflecting what showed my path before,
The full pearl shines with a halo around it.
It glows brighter through this thin air,
Enlightening more than the black darkness around.

The pearl of the night did not stand alone,
Surrounded by the diamonds of the sky.

Sparkling in the midnight light,
Are these jewels I always treasure.
And even when I can't see them,
They are always there for me.

I look around and it is dark.
But in this cold, desolate night,
I stand alone, knowing I'm not alone.
My journey is finally done,
And even though this day has passed,
These memories will always last.

Copyright ©2003 Danny Caballero

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