One Teardrop (8-15-04)

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Walking through the wind,
The rain beating across his face,
Sliding down his cheeks,
And gathering underneath his feet.
A step grows to a splash,
But his eyes never noticed.

A breeze turns into a gust,
A drizzle elevates to a downpour,
But his mind never noticed.

He kept walking ahead
As his feet were engulfed.
Lightning yelled out its thunder,
But his ears never noticed.

Everything became harder,
The rain, the wind, the storm,
The ability to keep moving,
As his pockets carried the rising water,
But his hands never noticed.

Fatigue brought along the pain,
As did the lightning striking the water,
As did the current, pushing his chest,
But they could never stop him,
They could only hope to slow him,
But his legs never noticed.

Trees fell, structures collapsed.
The world was falling before him.
He was one teardrop away
From drowning in the flood,
But his heart never noticed.

Copyright ©2004 Danny Caballero

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