Angel of Death (con't):

        * * * * *
        PART 16:

        Conri had not wanted to tell Hunter about Dion’s allegiance with Circle Daybreak. He could not say exactly why, but he knew what Hunter would do to Dion and would not wish that on anyone. The members of his team, however, did not see things his way. They could not wait to see Hunter’s face when he was told about Dion. Furthermore, they could not wait to hear Dion’s screams when he was tortured and killed. Provided that he did scream, of course, and knowing Dion, the boys were going to be greatly disappointed. That wasn’t much consolation, though, seeing as how he would still die.

        So that was why Conri was marching beside Marcellus D’Alimonte, surrounded by guards, with Hunter trailing behind him. After the discovery about Dion, Hunter had become extremely cautious towards any other people in contact with Circle Daybreak. Since Conri’s parents were Daybreakers and Marcellus had been acting strangely lately, they were both at the top of Hunter’s list.

        The small congregation stopped outside of a steel door marked with a small 1. From experience, Conri knew people in #1 rooms were condemned, no matter what happened. He also knew that Dion Vitani was presently chained behind the door.

        One of the guards took out a card and swiped it across a panel beside the door. The light above the panel turned green and the guard opened the door. It all reminded Conri of something from a hotel room. It was hard to believe this was a room of death.

        After two guards, Hunter was the first into the room; Marcellus would not be conducting this ‘interrogation’.

        Hunter’s mouth twisted into a grotesque grin when he laid eyes on the bruised and bleeding vampire/werewolf. "How do you feel now, Mr. Vitani?"

        Dion’s tired grey eyes burned with hatred as he glared up at the Lamia, but he was the first to turn away from the staring contest.

        Conri could see Dion’s body shaking with fatigue. He was leaning against the wall, hands bound behind his back. His arm seemed to be broken, but Conri could not be sure, for he somehow hid it well. The wolf’s chestnut hair hung even darker over his forehead, matted with blood. If Dion Vitani would ever be broken, this would be the day.


        "He proposes a trade," Thierry announced grimly when he walked into the Reno safe house. "Dion for Kavan."

        Monaco, who had answered the door, replied as seriously, "I don’t trust it. We’re not hurting Kavan, but Hunter’s definitely hurting Dion." Behind him, Aria, Leila and Oriel, the rest of his team, nodded their agreement.

        "And you’re suggestion that we leave him to that torture?" Thierry asked, voice stony. "If you want to work like that, you’re better off with the Night World."

        The Hispanic vampire shook his head. "No, I didn’t mean that," he explained. "I just meant that we can’t trust him. He might give us Dion back, but you can guarantee it’ll only be his corpse."

        "You think I don’t know that?!" Thierry snapped at him, pushing past the team and pacing the hallway beyond. Suddenly, he glance around, frowned and asked, "Where’s Chris?"

        "With Kavan," Oriel Arlin, Destiny’s cousin, replied.

        Thierry’s face softened. "How’s it going with her? Could I go see her or is she too busy?"

        "She has been tired lately," Monaco admitted. "But I’m sure she’ll have time to see you."

        Thierry nodded slightly, following Monaco down the hall.

        "Oh, hello Lord Thierry," Chris exclaimed, springing up from seat beside a bedroom door. "I didn’t realize you would be here so soon."

        Mr.Lordy frowned, pointing out, "Actually Chris, I’m late. I was supposed to be here this morning."

        Chris blinked, sure she had heard wrong. Where had the time gone? Next thing, they were going to say that she had missed Christmas, or worse, Boxing Day! Goddess bless, this Kavan brat was taking up so much of her time! "It’s not suddenly Christmas, is it?" she asked, just in case.

        Thierry replied with a smile, "No Chris. But it is December 13, you better get in some shopping."

        "Yeah, and when will I get the time?" Chris groaned with a roll of her eyes. She must have been crazy, agreeing to do this. Everyone was paranoid about Kavan, even her. They didn’t dare leave him alone for a minute. She practically had to keep a 24 hour vigil, which really left a blip in her social life, to say the least.

        "So, how’s everything coming along?" Thierry inquired, trying without success to mask his uncertainty.

        Nothing of significance had occurred yet. Of course, Kavan had objected to the house arrest, but he had not protested half as much as suspected. No one was fooled though. He was definitely planning something. Hunter had him so brainwashed that he actually wanted to get back to him. All this, Chris told to Thierry.

        "I see," he said at last. "You know, it’s almost funny how much Destiny and Kavan are alike," he then observed. "She’s under his spell as much as he is under Hunter’s. I don’t know what Hunter’s offered Kavan, but it had to have been something he really wanted. We just have to figure out what he wants more than whatever Hunter’s given him."

        Leila, a penguin shifter with silver streaks in her raven hair, raised a skeptical brow. "How can you be sure we’ll win him over with material bribes. I didn’t think that was your way, Thierry."

        "It’s not," Thierry admitted, "but there’s simply no other way. We’ve got 18 days guys. 18 days to get him on our side and kindness is going to take a lot longer to set in. We need to do something big and drastic to win him over. Subtlety is not going to get us what we want here."

        "So what do you propose?" Aria, a petite red-haired Lamia, asked.

        Thierry looked around the circle of agents around him. Monaco, Chris, Oriel, Leila and Aria all shook their heads in turn, stumped. "I’m not sure either," he confessed at last with a glance at his watch. "But it’s getting late guys. Let’s call it a night and hope we come up with something tomorrow. Chris," he added, "I’ll watch Kavan tonight. It’s not likely that something would happen today if it hasn’t occurred beforehand and you need some rest." He patted her on the shoulder as she shuffled by.

        "Thanks," she smiled up at him tiredly, slipping into her room across the hall. Something told her that she should stay, that Thierry couldn’t possibly handle it if Kavan unleashed his full power, but she was so tired she doubted that she could oppose it either. She wasn’t thinking all that clearly, all she could picture was her nice comfortable bed. Besides, Thierry was right. Was it really likely that something would happen tonight, of all nights? Chris thought no, but she was about to find out just how wrong she could be.

        * * * * *
        PART 17:

        *What did you think of that?* Marcellus cautiously ventured of Conri. He had noted the wolf’s earlier reluctance to rat Dion out and dared to hope he had found an ally.

        Startled, Conri started to turned towards Marcellus before he realized that Hunter was watching his every move.

        Hunching over, he slowed his pace a fraction so he was beside Marcellus and shrugged almost imperceptibly. At times like these, he wished he had a vampire’s telepathy.

        Marcellus frowned, not sure what to make of the answer. *I suppose you support it,* he finally said, deciding it was a safe accusation. There was just enough disgust in his voice to show what he himself thought of the whole "inquiry method".

        In response, Conri pretended to sneeze, shaking his head afterwards as if he were trying to clear it.

        *I see,* Marcellus said, hope welling up inside of him. *You think something should be done about it?*

        This time, Conri smiled broadly; his meaning was clear.

        *You know there’s going to be risks, right?* Marcellus warned, suddenly cautious. *We could end up like Dion instead of saving him.*

        Still, the smile stayed on Conri’s face, providing Marcellus with the only answer he needed.

        *Alright,* he finally said, hardly able to contain his exhilaration. *We’ll talk later tonight.*


        Hunter sat at the long oak table, drumming his hands thoughtfully on the wood. "What did you notice about D’Alimonte and Seanach?" he asked Emrys Diablito, a Lamia guard who had been at Dion’s questioning.

        "Well, sir, they both seemed quite calm, perhaps, even enjoyed the event," Emrys answered after much contemplation.

        For a moment, Hunter was so startled he simply sat in his wheelchair and blinked. Emrys had a known hatred for Conri Seanach, yet here he was, practically complimenting the boy. And Hunter himself had been sure the wolf was soft.

        Maybe he had not hurt Dion enough and that was why Conri had not looked sickened. But Hunter knew that was not true. The Daybreaker had almost been broken today, it had been so close. Truthfully, Hunter had never hoped to get as far with Dion as he had; oh, he had hurt the boy enough, no question. The only other explanation for Marcellus and Conri’s steely faces would be that they truly were loyal and blood-thirsty.

        "Keiara, what do you think?" Hunter asked at last, looking down the length of the table at the flame-haired vampire.

        She shrugged. "Marcellus has become soft, but he’s no fool. He wouldn’t cross you, sir."

        "What about Seanach?"

        "He’s meek. He’ll easily bend to your will and do what you command him to. He’s a dispirited little follower, but he can be vicious. I’m told he fought bravely when Kavan was discovered as a spy."

        Hunter nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I’ve heard that too. But that reminds me. What do you propose we do about Kavan? There is no way we can allow Circle Daybreak to keep him."

        A malicious light shone in Keiara’s violet eyes. "Kill him. Of course, we have to get him back first, but that shouldn’t be hard. We know where he is and he still thinks you’re his saviour or something, the boy’s so gullible. Anyway, after we have him back, we do away with him. After all, he’s too important for Daybreak to get their hands on him again."

        A slow smile worked its way onto Hunter’s face. "I like it," he purred. "Emrys," he turned towards the guard, scribbling down a message, "Deliver this note to Kavan and kill him when you have the chance. Oh, and reduce the guard around Seanach and D’Alimonte’s rooms. They shouldn’t cause too much trouble now."


        Restlessly, Kavan sat up in bed and punched his pillow. He was getting so sick of this! It felt like he had been stuck in this room for years instead of days. He longed to get out of this place, but he didn’t even know where he was. When they had brought him here, he had still been knocked out from Destiny’s punches. Funny how much he missed her now that she hated him. It wasn’t just that he would have had a nice little chat with anyone, even Barney, right then. It was that he truly missed her. He had grown fond of her in the past month, Kavan realized with a start. Why she had put up with him for so long was beyond him. Sure, he looked like her dead soulmate, but she didn’t seem the type to fall head-over-heels for someone just for looks. Perhaps she really had liked him for something inside, though he couldn’t imagine what. He had been cruel and self-centered from day one.

        TAP, TAP, TAP.

        Abruptly, Kavan sat up again, turning towards his bedroom window. What could that be? There was no tree by his window.

        TAP, TAP, TAP.

        It came again and Kavan swung his legs over the bed. Cautiously, he shuffled over to the window, jumping back when he saw the face looking in at him. He barely stopped his scream before he recognized who it was.

        "Emrys," Kavan whispered as he slid the windowpane up with some trouble; the whole thing was barred. "What are you doing here?"

        "I have a message from Hunter," Emrys replied, his small form clinging to the thin drainpipe beside the window as he dug through his pockets for the note. His hand brushed the small derringer holstered in his belt, but that was for later.

        "Here," he said, handing over Hunter’s hastily scrawled note. As Kavan bent his head to read it, Emrys reached for his gun, but changed his mind at the last moment. There had to be people guarding the Wild Power. Who knew how fast they could mobilize? There were less risky times than this to do away with the witch.

        "See you in 15 minutes," Emrys hissed, then jumped down to the grass below. With a small wave of the hand, he turned and was gone.

        * * * * *
        PART 18:

        It was easy to get everything he needed together. After Kavan got dressed, there wasn’t much else to bring.

        His actual escape, on the other hand, was another question altogether. Blowing out the window seemed a bad plan of action; there were two stories below him and he might destroy the drainpipe with his Blue Fire. But there was definitely a guard outside of his door, most likely Chris, and he could not stand up to her if she put her mind to it. Still, maybe if he tricked her somehow...

        Taking a small razor from the adjoined washroom and biting his lip, Kavan opened a small cut in his forearm. Then, he set to making the loudest racket he could, hoping Chris or whoever the guard was, would come in to investigate.

        Finally, he saw the doorknob turn and the door ease open. To his surprise, Thierry Descoudres walked in with a frown. "Kavan, what are you-"

        He was cut off as Kavan dashed towards the door. Before the witch could reach it, however, Thierry was blocking it, a look of annoyed amusement on his face. "Now, Kavan, tell me what you think you’re doing," he ordered in a falsely patient tone.

        As Thierry had been speaking, Kavan had been trying to conjure up the Blue Fire. He did not want to hurt Thierry, not really, but he wasn’t sure if that was possible. He had heard of Jezebel Redfern stopping a train with her Fire. Maybe that’s what he could do, stun Thierry a little, but not really hurt him. Kavan sure hoped his theory was correct as he felt the Blue Fire build up inside of him and pour out in a suddenly burst from the cut in his arm.

        A look of bewildered surprise crossed Thierry’s face as the Fire engulfed him and he flew back against the hall wall.

        Attracted by the commotion, Chris, Monaco, and the others drifted out of their rooms.

        "Thierry, what’s..." Chris drifted off as she laid eyes on Kavan and Thierry’s still form on the ground. Her emerald eyes widened in amazement and horror as she stood frozen for a moment.

        When she recovered from her shock, Kavan could feel her gathering the power in her mind and he bolted for the stairs.

        "Leila, Aria, after him!" Monaco shouted behind Kavan, and the witch could hear their footsteps pounding on the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, Kavan looked around wildly for a way out. He did not see one. Finally, hearing the Daybreakers closing in on him, he ran around the side of the staricase and hid under it. Who would suspect that he would hide so close anyway?

        "Where is he?"

        "Did you see where he went?"

        "What do you mean did I see? He was way in front of me. Do you think I can see around curves?"

        There was a babble of confusion right before Kavan felt a headache seize his mind. Huh? Where had that come from?

        Outside of the pain, he heard a smug, British voice ring out, "I’ve got him, guys."


        *What is taking him so long?* Emrys thought as he tapped his fingers impatiently against the steering wheel. *The stupid kid hasn’t been caught, has he?*

        Suddenly, Emrys saw the light flash on in the safe house down the street. Damn, they must have found him out. Should he go after Kavan? Emrys didn’t want to, but Hunter would hurt him more than the Daybreakers if he failed in this. With a sigh, Emrys scrambled out of the car and sprinted towards the safe house.


        *Uh-oh,* was Kavan’s first reaction when he found Chris Ashkia’s bright green eyes peering down at him. "Uh, hi?" he offered with a shaky smile.

        Chris continued to glare at him as Monaco pulled him to his feet. "Do you know what you’ve done?" she snarled into Kavan’s face.

        "Do you know what you’re doing?" Kavan complained, putting a hand to his head and steadying himself against the wall. "I feel like I’m going to faint!"

        "Be thankful," Chris replied in a low tone, a growl rumbling deep in her throat. "It’s better than you deserve."

        Kavan tried to glare at Chris, but ended up wincing. Goddess bless, his head hurt. "Could you ease off, just a bit?"


        Kavan rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine-" he began before Chris seized him by the shirt collar.

        "Don’t get smart with me, Harman," she warned, and was about to say more when the sound of a breaking door distracted her.

        "What the-" Leila breathed before Emrys burst onto the scene, a gun in hand.

        "Get away from him," Emrys said evenly, leveling the gun at Chris’ head.

        Fearlessly, Chris stared back at him. "You forget you’re ut-numbered," she pointed out.

        Emrys shrugged, replying just as calmly, "Yeah, but if I take you out, Kavan can kill everyone else with the Blue Fire."

        "Including you?"

        For a moment, Emrys looked shaken. He certainly hadn’t considered that. "I’ll stand out of the way," he finally answered.

        Chris raised a skeptical brow, but stayed silent and Emrys pulled back the safety, saying, "I’m warning you."

        Seemingly out of nowhere, Aria jumped out at him, sending them both toppling to the ground.

        Startled, Emrys shot into the air, not caring if he hit someone. Everyone in the room was expendable, excluding him, of course.

        "Ahhh!" he heard a scream ring out. *Guess the stray bullet’s hit someone,* Emrys thought as he flung the small, crimson-haired Lamia off of him. With a speed no eye could follow, he lifted the handgun, aimed and shot at Aria. She flew back, blood splattering over the white wall right before Emrys felt something hit him from behind.

        "You bastard!" Chris screamed, voice more gutteral than usual because she was in half-and-half form.

        Emrys lifted his head from where he had fallen, kneeling. A long, orange and black tail was twitching behind the tall, girl, while her green eyes had taken on an orangy sheen. Two small tufts of fur were sticking up from her head, her ears. Her expression was one of fury as she advanced on Emrys, pointed teeth bared.

        The vampire felt himself shaking inside, but his lifted hand with his gun was steady.

        "I wouldn’t do that if I were you," a soft, Latino voice warned from Emrys’ left and he heard the sound of a safety being clicked off of a gun.

        Emrys didn’t dare turn his head in Monaco’s direction, but kept his gun aimed at Chris. "If you shoot me, I’ll shoot her before I die," he said calmly, but inside, he was panicking. Where the hell was Kavan? He was sure he had taken out the two girls, Aria and Leila, with his shots, not Kavan.

        As if the Wild Power had heard him, Monaco suddenly fell, his gun going off into the ceiling.

        Automatically, Emrys pressed the trigger, but Chris had already began to dodge away, so that the bullet only grazed her shoulder before embedding itself in the wall behind. The vampire then scrambled up off his knees and ignoring the dizziness of his head from Chris’ blow, he ran for Kavan.

        "Come on, boy! Let’s go!" he ordered, dragging Kavan away from Monaco and shooting wildly at the fallen vampire. Emrys didn’t pause to see if he had actually killed Monaco. Even if he wasn’t dead, he was hurt pretty bad, that could be guaranteed.

        Emrys dragged Kavan out into the cool, dawn air. Behind them, the sound of shot being fired could be heard, but Emrys could tell they were too far away to reach them.

        "Hurry up! Get in!" Emrys urged, practically throwing Kavan into the passenger side of the car. The shots might be far away, but who knew how long that was going to last?

        Slipping into the driver’s seat, Emrys speeded away down the road, leaving an outraged Chris standing alone by the road.

        * * * * *
        PART 19:

        Emrys had been acting strangely for the last 10 minutes, shifting around in his seat, looking over at Kavan and seemingly muttering to himself. Kavan wondered if the old vampire had finally gone senile. He might not be as old as Hunter, but Kavan supposed two centuries were enough to mess a guy up. Of course, he would never know.

        "Hey Emrys, are you alright?" Kavan asked, leaning forward so he wasn’t staring purely at the vampire’s profile.

        Emrys jumped a mile high, or as high as his seat belt would allow. His hand went to his side, as if he were trying to hide something. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure."

        Kavan frowned, bewildered. Emrys had been pretty cool and calm back at the safe house. What was going on now? He looked almost mournful. Then, he noticed the vampire take his hand from his side and saw what he had been hiding.

        The gun. Emrys had his hand on the gun. Why would he want to hide that? Kavan knew he had it; he had used it to shoot the Daybreakers. Which reminded him, he certainly hoped he hadn’t hurt Thierry too badly. He hadn’t meant the Daybreak leader any harm; he had just wanted to get away.

        And Monaco, Kavan sure hoped he was still alive. Emrys had shot him at almost point blank range. Actually, of all the Daybreakers, Chris and Oriel were the only ones who had escaped relatively unhurt. Everyone else might be dead, all because Kavan minded being shut up for a few days. Even though Kavan supported the Night World, he was beginning to wonder if it was worth all the bloodshed to get back to Hunter.

        "Well, we’re almost there," Emrys announced suddenly. His voice held a bleak tone that sent a shiver down Kavan’s spine. He would he glad when they finally reached Hunter’s base.

        Hunter’s base/house was a large, modern-looking white structure situated in the middle of the woods. Not many people ever came across the clearing, but just in case, Hunter had had his Midnight witches build an illusion about the building. As they drove through the illusion, Kavan could imagine what a passer-by would see: a black Corolla suddenly disappearing into the middle of nowhere, just like the seemingly misplaced paved road.

        That was what a hiker would see, but to Kavan, the view was completely different. As they drove down the road, the whitewashed building, which looked much like the executive’s mansion in ‘The Preacher’s Wife’, suddenly materialized before him.

        Emrys pulled the car into the parking lot at the side of the building and ushered Kavan out. More and more, the witch noticed that he was reaching towards his gun, as if preparing to shoot something, or someone.

        Really, what was going on? Why did Emrys keep touching the Derringer? As if the skies could give him the answer, Kavan glanced upwards, and noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Keiara D’Alimonte standing by an upstairs window. She seemed to be looking down at Emrys and as she nodded towards the vampire, Kavan whirled around, realizing something was seriously wrong.

        His eyes widened as he saw Emrys lift his right hand, aim the gun and pull the trigger.


        The first time he heard the gunshot, Conri thought someone was shooting at him. He and Marcellus had just managed to get past the guards and sneak Dion out of his cell. It had been a hair-raising venture; Marcellus had psychically knocked out the guards while Conri broke into the room, but keeping 4 powerful vampire guards unconscious for any amount of time was exhausting and they might have woken up already.

        Apparently, Marcellus’ reaction to the gunshot was the same as Conri’s. He had pulled Dion, who was leaning heavily on his shoulder, behind a huge potted fern and pulled out his own gun before realizing the shooting was happening outside. "What’s going on?" Dion rasped painfully and Conri placed a finger against his dry lips.

        "Shhh," he warned. "I’ll go see." Crouching, he shuffled over to the front door and peeked out the window beside it.

        *What do you see?* Marcellus demanded mentally.

        Conri held up a finger for silence and his eyes slited, trying to concentrate on the outside scene. For a moment, he could make out nothing, but as his eyes adjusted to the dim morning light, he saw Emrys holding a gun in the air, scanning the yard with a frown while Kavan seemed to be hiding behind a bush by the door. Suddenly, Emrys glanced up, as if someone was speaking to him from above and Conri saw Kavan stiffen. A slow smile spread upon Emrys’ face and he slowly circled towards where Kavan was hiding.

        "Marcellus," Conri hissed and beckoned with his hand for the made vampire to come near. When he had done so, Conri explained quietly, "Emrys is shooting at Kavan out there. Don’t ask how that happened; I don’t know. But I’ve gotta help Kav. Now, I’m going to run out and distract Emrys. You run for your car with Dion, okay?"

        Seconds passed as Marcellus simply crouched there, blinking dumbly at Conri. Finally he whispered fiercely, "Are you forgetting what an excellent shot Emrys is?"

        "No, what are you getting at?"

        "So you’re saying that you’re just going to run out there and put yourself in Emrys’ path to save a spoiled, stupid, naive little brat who probably still thinks that Hunter’s his saviour? Conri, Goddess bless! I mean, think man, think! It’s suicide!"

        Conri shook his head, frustrated by the argument. Marcellus had a point, but his nerves were shot and even if Kavan weren’t his best friend, this was Dion’s only chance to escape. When Emrys came in, there was no place for them to hide.

        "Look, Marcellus, even if Kav IS a brat, he’s still my best friend. Besides, he’s a Wild Power and we need him in the final battle. And what do you think Emrys is going to do after he kills Kav and walks through the door. He’s going to see us and know what’s going on in a instant. I’m as good as dead either way."

        "Don’t say that. And we can kill Emrys before he registers what’s going on..." Marcellus drifted off, knowing there was no way to convince Conri to his way of thinking. And they DID need Kavan at the Millennium.

        Seeing the defeat in Marcellus’ eyes, Conri whispered, "On the count of three. One, two, three!" With that, he flung open the door and stepped into Emrys’ sight, not a moment too soon.

        Emrys glanced up, confused as to what was going on. As far as he knew, Conri was an ally. But when the werewolf ran to Kavan, helped him up and screamed, "Run!" Emrys knew something was terribly wrong. His suspicions were further confirmed when, at the same time, Marcellus D’Alimonte sprinted out of the mansion with Dion Vitani in his arms.

        Emrys froze for a moment, contemplating which was the greater evil, Kavan or Marcellus. He decided on Kavan and was just lifting his gun when a mass of fur landed on him, knocking him down the for the second time that day. The gun was knocked out of his hand this time and he felt strong jaws closing over his shoulder.

        "Ahhh!" Emrys screamed and gathered his strength, flinging Conri off of him. Swiftly, he rolled towards his gun, but Conri was upon him again before he could reach it.

        Shouting obscenities, Emrys managed to throw Conri off and grab the gun. Rolling over onto his back, he shot blindly into the air, knowing he would hit the wolf at such a close range, no matter what. He knew his bullets had hit home when a painful howl sounded from the werewolf and he fell back, blood gushing out of his side.

        "Conri, over here!" The shout came just as Emrys was preparing to fire another round into the wolf. He glanced up, startled, just in time to see Kavan half help, half pull Conri into Marcellus’ dark blue BMW.

        Collecting his wits, Emrys fired at Kavan and saw a bloody hole appear in the witch’s arm. Kavan, however, did not even notice his wound, he was too intent on getting Conri into the moving car. Somehow, this feat was accomplished and Marcellus began speeding down the driveway.

        "Little brother! Marcellus! Marcellus, what are you doing?" Keiara shouted out the window, a hint of desperation and confusion mixed in her shrill voice. "Marcellus! Come back! Please, Marcellus!!" Strangely, her voice cracked as she screamed his name one last time.

        Emrys forgot about shooting for the time being and just stared up in wonder at the ruby-haired vampire. He would never have guessed that the Ice Queen could feel anything for anyone, even her own brother. Obviously, he had been wrong. While Emrys was preoccupied, Kavan had taken Marcellus’ gun and was leaning out the window of the BMW. "Hey, Emrys!" he hollered, making the vampire look up. "Merry Christmas!" With that, he fired a single wooden bullet into his heart.

        * * * * *

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