Angel of Death (con't):

        * * * * *
        PART 39:

        “Okay, what the hell is happening?” Dion cried as he stared fixedly at his watch.

        Iliana, who was by his side, pointed up at the night sky. “You mean that?” she asked in horror and awe, meaning the moon, which was moving at an alarming rate through the sky.

        Dion glanced up for a split second, then turned back to his watch. The hands on it were whirling around madly, seemingly to no end.

        Suddenly, the hands both stopped on 12 and all the Daybreakers on the Great Wall turned to each other in shock.

        “I thought it was only supposed to be midnight in Australia,” Winnie breathed, but no one had time to answer her.

        At that moment, a shout came from the look-out to the east and it was obviously NOT because of the moon.

        Everyone turned in the guard’s direction, just in time to see her fall from her tower, pierced through the heart by an arrow.

        Now that their cover was blown, the Night People switched to firearms. Guns in hand, they charged up the sides of the mountain the Wall was built on.

        “Come on!” Monaco and Lupe shouted to some of the Daybreakers, leading them up to the newly vacated east tower. Keller’s team led another group, including Iliana and Dion, towards the west tower. Everyone left stayed in the corridor between the two towers, holding them off while Iliana tried to figure out what to do. No one had known what would happen in this Final Battle, so most of the parts of the Wild Powers were to be played by heart. Iliana just hoped she didn’t screw up big time.

        Halfway across the world, Kavan and Delos were having the same thoughts. The time change phenomenon had also happened to them, but was more noticeable because it had still been daytime when everything changed to night. The sun had simply rolled like a runaway golden disc out of the sky and the moon had replaced it like an unprepared understudy. The whole picture was strangely akin to watching flowers bloom on TV.

        Now, as they still trying to comprehend this change, motor boats were tearing through the water towards Kavan’s island and, in the Dark Kingdom, the Night People were streaming down the surrounding mountains towards the castle.

        At Tobermory, Colin and Thea ushered Chris and Kavan up to the highest point of the island.

        Chris’ eyes were wild as she looked down upon the fiery battle raging below them. Screams issued from both Night People and Daybreakers as the former set the trees alight with flames. Apparently, they were suicidal.

        Seeing his soulmate’s distress, Colin held her face between his hands and stared into her frantic eyes. “It’s going to be fine. This’ll all be over soon. It can’t last long.”


        Colin nodded with surety. “Promise.” And it was the truth. Dead or alive, this battle was taking too many lives too quickly to go on for much longer.

        “Thea!” Kavan shouted over the din to his cousin. A cousin he had always envied until now. “How do I know what to do?”

        The blonde witch leaned closer to Kav to be heard. “The Old Powers have awakened,” she explained to him. “The early coming of midnight was their doing. When it is time to use the Blue Fire, you will be told.”

        Similarly in the Dark Kingdom, Destiny was reassuring Delos of the same thing. Although his princely manner was still intact, his anxiety was impossible to mask.

        Leila, James, Poppy and Marcellus were all out front with half the reinforcements, either fighting in the mountains or around the castle. Everything depended on Delos using his Power and he was completely clueless as to how and when to do it. Not a good sign.

        However, while most people in the Dark Kingdom were concentrated on the activity inside the castle, Marcellus’ attention was directed somewhat more outward.

        “Call them off, Keiara,” he pleaded, waving at the scene below him as they stood together, alone on the cliff he had caught up to her on.

        Keiara’s eyes were crazy, desperate, as she shook her head. “Hunter would kill me! He would murder me!”

        Tears of frustration, as well as from the cold bitter wind, filled in Marcellus’ emerald eyes. Without thinking he stepped up to his older sister and took her face in his hands. “No, he won’t, Keiara. Come with me, please. I promise you, I’ll keep you safe.”

        For a moment, it looked like she would relent. Burying her face into her brother’s chest, Keiara’s back heaved with the deep breaths she took to try and stay calm. Her flame-coloured hair whipped into Marcellus’ face, but it was hardly noticed. But, suddenly, she began to shake her head and wrenched out of the circle of his arms.

        “No, no, little brother,” she whispered, the insane gleam back in her violet eyes. “No, you can’t protect me. No one can protect me from him. No, little brother, he would catch me. He would catch me and rape me again and kill me.”

        Marcellus’ eyes widened and he stood, frozen in horror at her words and manic expression. “What do you mean, ‘again’?” he demanded and stepped closer.

        Keiara put her hands up and took a step back as he advanced, taking her perilously close to the edge of the cliff.

        Seeing how close she was to falling, Marcellus stopped. “Please, tell me, Keiara. What’s going on?”

        Without warning, she was suddenly leaning against Marcellus, pulling his face down to meet hers. “You heard me right, little brother. He raped me, Hunter Redfern raped me.” Her quiet voice was filled with fury, venom, shame and hopelessness.

        “I’m going to KILL him!!” Marcellus raged, but his sister wasn’t finished.

        "You were always such a good little brother," Keiara mused. "You liked to mock me, annoy me, but I knew you didn’t mean it." Now, suddenly, tears were falling down her cheeks, one of the only times Marcellus had ever seen her cry. She put her hand behind his neck and kissed him hard, startling a gasp from him.

        When Keiara pulled away, she placed a finger over his lips and, from an inch away from his face, she delivered her last words to him.

        "You were always such a loving brother. You tried to hide it, but I knew. I thank you for that, little brother; I only wish I had given you more. Now, just know that this isn’t you fault. It could never be your fault. I love you...Marcellus." And with that, she pushed violently away from him, sending him reeling back and herself over the edge of the cliff.

        "Keiara! Keiara, no! Keiara!!" Marcellus screamed, scrambling to where she had last been, anguished voice lost in the screams of the battle inside of and below him.

        * * * * *
        PART 40:

        Screams of pain and fear surrounded Jez as she huddled in the middle of the circle of Daybreakers, trying desperately to conjure the Blue Fire. She wasn’t sure what to do with it, but anything had to be better than listening to her friends be slaughtered. Donato, the werewolf who had originally guarded Delos, his body was probably cold by now and both Morgead and Braeden sported ghastly wounds.

        Beside Jez, LeAnne was doing her best to help the wounded and fight at the same time. The circle of fighters around them wasn’t huge, but it sufficed as an infirmary. At least the people didn’t have to a long way to travel.

        After several minutes of concentration--the Blue Fire was getting harder to conjure for some reason, almost as if it was fading along with the powers of the shifters, vampires and witches--Jez felt the Power beginning to build. This, however, was not the quick surge of energy she had experienced before. This was much slower, like pressure constantly and consistently applied to glass until it shattered. The potential for power was amazing and, sensing this, Jez stifled a gasp.

        “LeAnne,” she called, motioning the human over. The petite Asian girl looked exhausted, which she probably was. Her eyes had glazed over in weariness from both caring for the wounded and using her mental Power as a Dark Angel to battle the enemy.

        “Yeah, Jez?” she managed to gasp out, grateful for any excuse to take a break.

        “This’ll all be over soon, one way or another.”

        LeAnne’s hazel eyes widened in understanding. Belatedly, she noticed something strange about the Wild Power. “Jez, I know this is going to sound hokey, but, well, you’re glowing.”

        In China, Dion had made the same observation. By now, everyone had gathered in the west tower--everyone left alive, that was.

        “Iliana, honey, why are you glowing?” he inquired, wrapping his arms around her shivering frame.

        “I have to get up to the top of the tower,” was her unusual answer. With that, she slid out of his arms and ascended the stairs towards the top , where the battle raged.

        In Tobermory, no one was free to notice Kavan’s condition but himself. Having sliced up his wrist, he was staring down at it to insure he wasn’t bleeding excessively when he noticed his skin was slightly blue. Needless to say, he was a little concerned. “Thea. Thea! THEA!!” he cried, frantically searching for her in the circle of fighters surrounding him.

        Out of nowhere, Thea popped up. “What is it?” she asked anxiously before noticing his pallor. “You’re blue,” she commented brilliantly.

        “No shit!” Kav retorted dryly. “The question is, why?”

        “Uh, um...Oriel!” Thea called for her partner in witchcraft.

        Oriel Arlin staggered out of the melee, one hand clutched to his torn side and the other on his gun. “Yeah?” he wheezed, peering at them from behind his blood soaked blond hair.

        Thea and Kav froze for a moment in shock. “Goddess bless, you’re a sight,” Thea commented absently, trying not to focus on his quickly diminishing life-force.

        The wounded witch just gave a her Look and said quite matter-of-factly,” Yeah, I know I look bad. I know I probably won’t survive this night, so if you want my help, make it quick.”

        Kav couldn’t understand how Oriel could be so nonchalant about his own death. “Now, don’t say that, Arlin--“ he began before being shot down by Oriel’s glare.

        Swallowing hard, Thea nodded. “Okay. Alright, we just want to know why Kav looks like a freakin’ alien from Planet X.”


        Oriel cut Kav off by saying quietly but very seriously, “Thea, get away from him.”

        “What, am I suddenly the Bubonic Plague--“

        Again, Oriel cut him off. “No, but the Blue Fire is coming. Who’s to say you wouldn’t blast her to smithereens by accident? I don’t think Eric Ross would be too happy about that.”

        In the Dark Kingdom, few people noticed Delos’ glowing at all. Instead, they were more focused on Marcellus D’Alimonte blowing down in a storm of rage from the mountains.

        Nick, who had just received the unenviable responsibility of finding the bodies of James Rasmussen, Poppy North and Leila Manchots blanketed by a thin layer of snow, glanced up, eyes blurry from cold, fatigue and sorrow, to see Marcellus stalk past him. The made vampire threw down three vampires and broke the neck of another as he continued on his rampage, attention focused on only one goal: to kill Hunter Redfern.

        Finally, after murdering a slew of Night People stupid enough to get in his way, Marcellus spied his prey. “Hunter!” he bellowed, coming to a halt at the entrance to the courtyard, where Hunter and his men were trying to corner Delos and his bodyguards.

        The Redfern whirled around at the sound of the familiar voice and a wicked smile broke out upon his lips. “Yes, Marcellus?”

        Lightening quick, Marcellus drew the sword buckled at his waist. Nick, who had followed Marcellus, had to admit surprise. Why the hell did Marcellus have a sword when a gun would have worked much better? And where had he gotten the damned thing anyway?

        But, Marcellus had his reasoning. He had not fought with a sword for years, but all made vampires clung to something from their past, whether in be the fashions, speech or weapons. And for the Final Battle, Marcellus had felt the need for something familiar. Besides, he had planned to fight Hunter all along and had thought a gun too quick a death for the Redfern. Now, he was glad of his choice. Keiara would be avenged at all costs.

        Hunter drew his own sword--again, Nick wondered where the hell it had popped up from. Had it been included in some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or something?--as Marcellus knew he would, and called his best swordsman forward, also as Marcellus had predicted. After all, Hunter wasn’t stupid. A powerful 800 year old vampire against an old, burnt out one in a wheelchair? Hah! Even though Hunter didn’t necessarily need the chair at all times, his odds were laughable. This way, the Redfern might have a chance.

        “I truly am disappointed in you, Marcellus,” drawled Hunter, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I couldn’t understand why you left and I wanted to understand it. So, I asked your sister. She wouldn’t tell me either. She told me she didn’t know the reason, which was an obvious lie. And I don’t like people lying to me, I had her, punished.” The grin split upon that hideous, fire-scarred face as he said the last word, savoring it and watching Marcellus’ expression with delight.

        Marcellus felt his fury building up, ready to explode, but he kept a neutral face, determined to give Hunter nothing. Let the S.O.B. taunt, rage, whatever. He only cared that Hunter died...painfully.

        Seeing Marcellus’ lack of expression, Hunter’s face darkened. He said one word, “Torquil”--which Marcellus presumed was the swordsman’s name--and the fight began.

        As the 2 vampires circled the courtyard, Night People and Daybreakers alike watched from the sidelines. Marcellus’ sword looked like something straight out of the time of the Crusades, which was probably when and where he had gotten it. Of course, thankfully, the sword was in better condition than most weapons its age. It was a large but sleek looking blade and must have weighed a ton, but Marcellus wielded it with ease. Still despite his apparent confidence, even Nick had to admit that Torquil looked much more intimidating and impressive.

        The towering Norwegian was probably a left-over from the Viking days. He was dressed in normal clothes, jeans and an unzipped Adidas winter coat, but his long, flaxen hair and pale, pale blue eyes somehow set him apart from other people. Add Hunter’s sword and a giant ax in his hands and you could never mistake him for normal. Now, it was the ax that was really daunting to Nick, though he supposed is was appropriate, since Torquil was named after the Norse God, Thor.

        Suddenly, Torquil lunged at Marcellus. The vampire managed to dodge the Viking and strike back, his sword biting through the thick lining of Torquil’s coat. However, out of the corner of his eye, Nick noticed a hint of movement. Off to the sidelines, a Night Person hid in the shadows, taking aim at Marcellus’ back.

        For moment, Nick hesitated, knowing that Marcellus wouldn’t want him to interfere. Then, the delicate otherworldly quality of their surroundings seemed to shatter and a number of things occurred simultaneously.

        A shout of astonishment sounded from Delos just as the Night Person shot at Marcellus and Nick drew and shot at the Night Person. Both Marcellus and the assassin went down and at least one of them wouldn’t be getting up again. Torquil dove down on his opponent for the kill and Nick shot a round into him too, then turned to Delos.

        The Wild Power was glowing, energy crackling about him like electricity. *Nick!* he called mentally when their eyes met. *Hide Maggie! Now! Things are about to get ugly!*

        Without question, Nick pushed through the rioting crowd. He knew Maggie was with Amaya and he could sense Amaya from a mile away.

        Finding them in the midst of a gaggle of Night People, Nick expended most of his remaining energy in knocking out their assailants. If his Power couldn’t keep those he loved safe, it was useless anyway.

        Without explanation, for none was needed, Nick whisked Amaya and Maggie away into one of hundreds of bedrooms on that floor.

        When he went to leave, Amaya stopped him. “Nick, don’t think you’re going without me.”

        Desperately, Nick grasped her shoulders and explained quickly and quietly, lest Maggie hear, “I have to go, Mai, Delos needs me. But if you come, you’ll leave Maggie alone. She’s tough for a human, but that’s not enough, you know that.”

        “But what if you--“

        “What if I what? Die? That’s Fate, Amaya, but no matter what, I’ll love you.” With that, he gave her one last kiss and was gone.

        * * * * *
        PART 41:

        Jez Redfern knelt in the middle of the gathering of Night People and Daybreakers all cowering in unity from her internal glow. Only three people stood by her: LeAnne Wong, Morgead Blackthorn and Braeden Soterios.

        Any sounds of battle had ceased. All that was left was the whistle of the wind, Braeden’s & Morgead’s gasps of pain and the frantic beating of Jez’s own heart. She could feel the Power gathering within her and knew the others felt it too.

        With the building Power, Jez felt a sense of wholeness growing as well. Like a broken circle being rejoined. There was a sensation, sort of like a floodgate being opened and suddenly, she could hear sounds of battle from the Great Wall, Tobermory and the Dark Kingdom.

        Iliana was on her way up the west tower when she felt it. Startled, she recoiled and stepped onto thin air. For a moment, her arms windmilled and she would have fallen if Dion had not been behind her to catch her.

        “Careful, girl,” Dion cautioned her with a concerned smile as he helped her stand again. “What happened?”

        “I can hear the others,” she explained. “The Blue Fire will be coming soon. I have to get up to the tower, quick.”

        “Alright. Just let me get ahead of you first.”

        “Dion, don’t treat me like a child!”

        “Oh, if you were a child, you hit puberty real early,” he said with a teasing smile.

        Iliana’s eyes widened and she made a small, disbelieving sound. “You’re words are said in jest, but I wasn’t kidding.”

        “I know that, but I can take a lot more damage than you, that’s a fact.”

        In her mind, Jez, Kavan and Delos all agreed with Dion’s reasoning.

        Grudgingly, the petite witch agreed and let him slip past her on the stairs. As he was passing her, Dion turned towards Iliana and kissed her gently. “I love you.” With that, he quickly climbed the remaining stairs and plunged into the battle outside.

        Kavan had finally found Chris in the midst of the battle in Tobermory and, along with Oriel and Colin, they backed away from the Night People towards the very peak of the island. They hadn’t been far from it to begin with, but the swarm of Night People made it seem miles away.

        Kav was beginning to doubt they would ever make it when Quinn, Rashel and Ash appeared. The three new arrivals held the enemy back while Kavan’s group ventured on. The Wild Power wondered where Thea was and prayed that she was safe. Or as safe as she could be.

        When they made it to the top, Kavan turned back towards the struggle below. Suddenly, he saw Quinn go down and heard both Ash and Rashel screaming the vampire’s name. However, they were both too far away from Quinn to help as the Night People ravaged him.

        Through Kavan, Delos saw all this and he was filled with sadness. Quinn was gone, that much was obvious. But there were more pressing matters at hand. To his right, he saw Marcellus and Hunter battling it out. Everything was in chaos and no one came to either Hunter or Marcellus’ aid. If Delos had not been so hemmed in, he would have waded over himself; he wanted Hunter dead as much as Marcellus did.

        As Hunter stared down at his former heir, all he felt was hate. Hate that this stupid child had betrayed him, hate that Keiara had loved this damned boy more than himself, hate that this dark-haired vampire was going to be his end.

        “She was quite good in bed,” Hunter hissed into Marcellus’ ear as they struggled. “But then, I’m sure you already know that. Of course, you would never admit it, now would you? No, never admit to incest. But just between us, what would you give her? I’d say she was about an 8.”

        Hate and rage turned Marcellus’ eyes into green fire and gave him strength. He knew what Hunter wanted. He wanted him to lose his temper and kill him quickly. Well, Marcellus would lose his temper alright, but not his goal.

        Marcellus’ right fist shot out at Hunter and he threw the Lamia on his back with only a little difficulty from his useless left arm. He straddled Hunter and was having quite a good time beating the crap out of him when a small explosion of light on his right made them both turn.

        Delos was glowing like an angel. Everyone but Nick stopped fighting and scrambled away from him. The Wild Power’s amber eyes were shut tight and a fine tremor had overtaken his body.

        In Australia, Tobermory and China, much of the same had happened to the other Wild Powers.

        *Goddess, I can’t hold this,* Iliana gasped mentally to Jez, Delos and Kavan.

        The other three all agreed breathlessly. The Power was just too much to contain. It had to be either used right then or somehow maintained. Either felt impossible, but the Old Powers seemed to lean towards the latter choice. They weren’t ready to make their entrance yet.

        “I can’t take this, I can’t maintain it,” Kavan repeated quietly as he sank down to his knees upon the snow.

        One arm thrown over his eyes, Oriel knelt down beside Kavan and placed a hand on his shoulder. The gesture helped ease the pressure a little, but not nearly enough. Oriel knew what Kavan needed, but was hesitant about offering it. Still, this was the world they were playing with...

        “Chris,” Oriel called weakly, for being this close to Kav and the blood loss from his wounds were taking their toll.

        One look at the witch’s face and Chris didn’t need an explanation. Solemnly, she placed a hand on Kavan’s other shoulder and immediately, some of the Power flowed into her. The sudden rush brought a cry from her lips and she fell to her knees. Colin was instantly behind her, cradling her in his lap and lending his own body as a vessel for some of the Power.

        Like Colin, Dion was also cradling Iliana, both of them shaking with the effort it took to contain the Power until it was ready to make its grand entrance.

        “It’s okay. It’ll be alright. This will be over soon,” Dion whispered faintly, rocking her back and forth.

        In the Dark Kingdom, Nick and Delos were not cuddling. Instead, Delos’ forehead was pressed against Nick, his breath coming in short gasps. “Goddess. Goddess, when will this be over?” he pleaded, half-sobbing.

        “Soon, soon,” Nick assured him. He didn’t add that they would probably be dead soon too. Didn’t seem like something Delos would like to hear right then.

        In Australia, Jez and LeAnne were already huddling together, but when Morgead and Braeden tried to come closer, LeAnne motioned them back. “Get away from us! Now!” she shouted urgently, although her voice was strained. “Just go!”

        “No,” Morgead said, an expression of complete stubbornness upon his face. He wouldn’t relent.

        “Jamal! Tier!” Jez shouted. “Get them out of here!”

        Amazingly, the two men strode out of the crowd and tried to do just that.

        “No!” Morgead cried and flung himself down, hugging Jez tight. “I will not leave you, do you hear me, Jezebel? I will never let you go.”

        “Please, Morgead,” she pleaded but knew he was here to stay.

        Although they were unable to reach Morgead, Tier and Jamal managed to grasp Braeden by the waist. The made vampire was more hurt than Morgead and so could not move as quickly. Slowly and none too quietly, Tier and Jamal dragged Braeden away.

        “No! No! Fuck it, Tier, Jamal, just let me go!” Braeden screamed.

        “This is for your own good!” Jamal countered as they continued dragging him back.

        “To hell with it!” he replied. He would have said more, but LeAnne looked up and met his eyes.

        *If not for yourself, do it for me, Braeden,* she begged through their soulmate link. *It would kill me to know that you died because of me. Please Braeden, stay out of this.*

        Staring at the sad hopelessness in here eyes, Braeden’s protests quieted. *But I love you,* he argued weakly.

        *I love you too, and that’s why you’ll do this.*

        Before Braeden could say anything, LeAnne, Jez and Morgead were engulfed in a blinding blue flame. He could hear a high, shrill scream and thought it came from Jez.

        Ash, Rashel, Keller, Galen, Monaco, Lupe, Delano and Destiny also heard screams from the Wild Powers and themselves as the former were engulfed by their own Blue Fire.

        Destiny and Delano had just reached Marcellus and Hunter when Delos and Nick were enveloped in the Fire. They had just enough time to drag Marcellus out of its way before the Fire flew outwards. There was a sound like thunder and the 4 chorusing screams from the Wild Powers before the Fire touched the Night People and Daybreakers and everything was dark.

        * * * * *

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