Angel of Death (cont'):

        * * * * *
        PART 4:

        "Hey guys! Listen to this!"

        Nicholas Corona slid into the rec. room, clutching a dark green duotang in his hand. Adopting a pompous air, he cleared his throat and began to read from the papers in the duotang, " ‘But Fairy Godmother, I can’t go to the ball dressed up as a beer keg!’ Olga cried.

        " ‘Oh, you’ll be fine dear,’ her Fairy Godmother assured. ‘Men love beer, they can never resist! You’ll be a hit! Besides, the barrel enhances your figure. The prince will be all over you!’

        " ‘So, with these words in mind, Olga stepped into her wooden carriage--which used to be a pumpkin--with the words ‘Molson Breweries’ painted on the side. If being a beer keg impressed Hans, then she would-"

        A petite Asian girl ran hurtled into the room right then and tackled Nick from behind. He was so surprised that he actually fell and the girl wrestled the duotang out of his hands, crying, "Nicholas Corona, you are SO dead! No, you are beyond dead! You are a cow pie!" She put her hands on her hips as she stood, glaring down at him angrily.

        Nick rolled onto his back, caught sight of the girl glowering down at him and a loud guffaw escaped his lips. "A cow pie, is it, LeAnne? Well, it’s better than dressing up as beer keg to impress Hans."

        Chris smiled in amusement from her seat on the couch, where she had watched the whole exchange. She had met LeAnne, a human and fellow Dark Angel, earlier this morning and Chris found the girl to her liking. "Okay, what’s this all about? Olga? Fairy Godmother? Beer keg?"

        LeAnne rolled her hazel eyes but answered sheepishly. "It’s a story I wrote in Grade 8. Our teacher gave us a topic and we had to make up a Fairy Tale that related to the topic. I got Oktoberfest, this German festival that’s held each year near where I live. There’s a lot of music and beer drinking and sausage eating. Anyway, Nick just happened to find it on my bookshelf and he took it." She cast a mockingly evil glance at the boy on the floor.

        "Wait, don’t you live in Cambridge, Ontario, LeAnne?" Monaco Lopez, the green-eyed, Hispanic Old Soul sitting beside Chris, asked with a smile.

        She shrugged. "I’m running out of shelf space at home."

        "Oh, I know what that feels like," Chris said with a laugh. She had a particular fetish for LJ Smith novels that had driven her roommate crazy, since they only had one small bookshelf in the apartment. Well, Melanie wouldn’t have to worry about Chris cramming up the shelf with ‘useless literary junk fit only for a 10 year old’ anymore.

        "So, how’s your first day been?" Nick inquired, seeming genuinely interested when he picked himself up off the floor. Obviously, his burst of immaturity had passed.

        Chris felt her heart hammer as she met his gaze from across the room. How did he do it--unknowingly cast such a spell on her? It was almost like he was the predator and she the frozen prey, except this kind of frozen was good. It felt warm and giddy and she had to suppress the urge to giggle, though she had never giggled in her life. "Everyone’s been really nice," she managed to croak around the frog in her throat. This much was true. Earlier that morning, besides LeAnne and Monaco, she had been introduced to the rest of Monaco’s team, Oriel Arlin, Leila Manchots and Aria Hillborn; Braeden Soterios, LeAnne’s soulmate; and most of the household staff whom the Daybreakers called "CIA r’ Us". And of course, she had been formally introduced to Amaya Kaledon and Lord Thierry Descoudres. Amaya had put her slightly off-guard, since the vampire was Nick’s soulmate, but if Chris had met her under different circumstances, she was sure they could have been friends. As for Thierry, well, he had been all she had ever imagined. He was a like Nick, actually, just without such a carefree air. There was a wisdom in Thierry’s dark eyes that betrayed his age and made Chris immediately respect him.

        Speaking of Thierry, just as Nick was about to reply to Chris' comment, the Lord of Circle Daybreak strode through the doorway of the rec. room. "Ah! It’s good to see that so many of you are here," he said with a smile.

        "Hey, Thierry!" Nick said in greeting. "Stepping down from your pedestal to mingle with the commoners, I see."

        Tolerantly, the vampire kept his smile. "Actually, I just stopped by to say that I have an announcement to make. Can you guys be here this afternoon, at 2?"

        Chris, LeAnne and Monaco nodded while Nick shrugged. "Will do," he chirped, then added, "I’ll go let Destiny and Delano know."

        "Thanks," Thierry said as Nick slipped around him and up the grand staircase. Turning back to the others, he said, "See you at two!" and left the way he had come.


        "Should I ask her?" Delano whispered to Nick as the shifter finished relaying his message from Thierry.

        "Huh? Ask who what?"

        The Italian Lamia sighed, gazing down the hall. He didn’t answer Nick’s query and, not being a patient person, Nick tapped the side of his friend’s head and demanded, "Did you hear a word I said?!"

        Seemingly out of nowhere, Delano replied with a question, "Should I ask Destiny to marry me?"

        Nick’s eyes widened at the sudden announcement. "WHAT?! Uh...where did this come from?"

        Delano looked sideways at his best friend, a _Wasn’t it obvious_ expression on his face. "What? Did you think my relationship with Destiny was some quick fling? You, of all people, Nick, should have seen this coming," he reprimanded.

        Remembering an earlier conversation with Destiny, Nick realized he had known this was inevitable. Still, that didn’t make the situation less awkward. "Well, I guess you could ask her. I mean, you guys have been going out for 6 months and for years before that, it was touch and go. Yeah, I guess now’s as good a time as any," he said, trying to stay non-committal. This wasn’t really his call. He knew Delano had already made his decision. The Lamia just wanted some moral support before he popped the question.

        "What do you think she’ll say?"

        "What else?"

        "Devon’s still on her mind," Delano pointed out, a bit unsure now.

        "Yeah, well, that’s NEVER going to change, Delano," Nick retorted. "It’s just like I’ll never forget Leandra but I can still love Amaya. He’s a part of her, but now you’re a part of her too. You know she wouldn’t be having sex with you if she was still hung over my brother.

        Delano cast another slightly disapproving, sideways glance at Nick. As far as he was concerned, certain aspects of his personal life should stay private. "I know that," he snapped. "It’s just that maybe Devon’s going to get in the way of her answer." He decided against specifying HOW Devon could get in the way. Destiny’s dreams were her own.

        "Devon is always going to be a factor, Delano. I thought you had accepted that. If you haven’t, you better learn quick. ‘Cause there’s no way Destiny will marry you if you can’t take Devon’s memory."

        "You think I don’t KNOW that?" Delano sighed with a roll of his eyes. "Goddess, you’re no help!"

        Nick smiled acceptingly. "So, when are you going to ask her?"

        "And why should I let YOU know?"

        "Because I’m your best friend and I wouldn’t miss it for the world." Of course, a smile accompanied this remark.

        A dark, skeptical brow raised as Delano turned to face his friend. "Then I’ll be sure not to tell you. Anyway, I should be going. See you later, Nick."

        "So, we’re going to find her right now, are we?"

        Delano didn’t even bother to come up with an answer for that. It would just give Nick cause to come back with another snide comment.

        "Well, alright," Nick said, finally letting the subject drop. "Remember! 2 o’clock! Thierry’s meeting in the rec. room! You gotta be there!"

        A wave of the hand was all the acknowledgment Nick got before Delano rounded a bend and disappeared down the hall.

        * * * * *
        PART 5:

        Colin Desidro stood awkwardly in the doorway, hiding slightly behind Thierry’s tall frame. Colin himself wasn’t that much shorter, but it gave him a false sense of security and anonymity. Sure, he had been to Daybreak meetings before, but he had never been the center of attention. Being a slightly shy individual, he wasn’t sure he liked it now.

        Before him, Thierry was reciting a prophecy to the gathered Daybreakers:

        "The King to his land must now return, The hearth must journey to the greatest of walls. Below all the others the eyes stand watch, In the waters of Huron will darkness fall."

        The prophecy was the whole reason Colin was standing before his fellow Daybreakers at the moment. It was he who had found it in an old locket while digging through the archives, looking for more lore on the Wild Powers. This had all happened a month ago, but Thierry had insisted on verifying the parchment’s authenticity before making a public announcement. Now that the prophecy had been confirmed, here Colin was and he wanted to die.

        Gently, Thierry took his arm and moved him so that they stood side-by-side. "Here’s the man who found the prophecy, Colin Desidro."

        There was smattering of applause and cheers that brought a blush to Colin’s cheeks. When the applause had died down, a sable-haired shapeshifter sitting beside Nicholas Corona called out, "But what does the prophecy mean?"

        Colin had thought he knew everyone in Circle Daybreak even if they didn’t know him, but he had never seen this girl before. She was beautiful, soft black hair streaming down her shoulders, jade green eyes shining with curiosity. Her face was slightly triangular and a commanding air surrounded her. Colin didn’t need to be told that she shifted into a powerful predator.

        "Well?" she demanded, becoming impatient.

        Desperately, Colin looked towards Thierry to answer. He himself hated speaking in public, but Mr. Lordy was obviously not going to help. Opening his mouth to stutter a reply, Colin surprised himself by saying quite coherently, "I don’t believe we’ve met."

        As soon as the words were out, he felt like slapping his hand over his big mouth, but the damage had been done. The girl lifted a brow in amusement. "And that matters to you? You can’t answer my question first?"

        In any other situation, Colin would be frozen, but something about this girl made him articulate. It was obvious she was not the type to go for shy little bookworms and he would like nothing more than to be with her right then. "I would prefer to know your name first, yes."

        "Chris Ashkia," the girl answered as she got up and came towards him.

        Colin felt a slow smile warm his lips as he took her offered hand, "Nice to meet you."

        Chris still looked slightly amused as his hand encompassed hers, but that expression soon changed.

        *What the--* Colin thought as a white light flashed before his eyes. Chris’ hand stiffened in his grasp at the same instant and he could HEAR her thinking.

        *What is this?! Some sick joke? Goddess bless, this is like the descriptions of all those near-death experiences. White light, floating, someone else’s feelings-- Wait, huh?*

        Overwhelmed, Colin dropped Chris’ hand like it was a dead rat. They stood facing each other a moment, eyes wide and filled with bewildered fear while the rest of Circle Daybreak watched.

        Chris recovered first, pasting a shaky smile on her face, saying, "Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you too. Um...I’m not feeling so good all of a sudden. Excuse me," she mumbled the last words as she pushed past Thierry into the hall.

        This left Colin standing in the middle of the rec. room with a bunch of vampires, witches and werewolves staring up at him. "Uh, huh, er..."

        "So, what DOES the prophecy mean?" Destiny McNite finally prodded gently.

        Casting a glance behind him, Colin could see nothing of Chris and he sighed. Sure, make a fool of a guy, then just leave him hanging. "Well, um, we think it’s about where the Wild Powers should in the Millennium..." he began hesitantly.


        Chris pressed her forehead against the cool, tiled wall of the bathroom and willed herself to breathe. Damn, what had gone on back there? Who was that guy, Colin Desidro, to just come barging in and confuse her like this? What had he done to her?!

        *Soulmates. You’re soulmates,* her mind whispered, taunted, as Chris frantically tried to shut it up. No, Colin wasn’t her soulmate. He couldn’t be! She had never met the guy before in her life and besides, she wanted Nick! *Goddess, do you hear me? I want Nick! Not that nugatory bookworm in the rec. room!*

        Outside, Chris could hear the meeting beginning to disperse. Laughter and voices drifted to her from the hallway and someone tried the doorknob of the washroom, finding it locked. Chris stayed quietly in the bathroom, sulking and not caring in the least about the people outside. Colin had probably answered her question about the prophesy and Thierry had most likely announced the identity of the fourth Wild Power like he had intended, but Chris no longer wanted to know that information. She just wanted Colin to disappear forever and for him to take Amaya Kaledon with him.

        Finally, when Chris was sure that everyone had deserted the hallway, she slipped out of the washroom. She had decided not to let Colin get to her. He was insignificant--as long as she didn’t see him again.


        "You think there’s something going on between Colin and Chris?" Destiny whispered as she and Delano slipped into the twins’ bedroom.

        Delano shrugged. "It certainly seemed that way."

        "My bet is that they’re soulmates. I mean, did you see their faces?" Destiny hissed, voice animated as she knelt down to check on the napping Gabriel.

        "Who didn’t?" Delano remarked, smiling. Quickly though, he sobered, remembering what he wanted to ask Destiny.

        He opened his mouth to speak, but Destiny cut him off, saying, "And Thierry’s news about the last Wild Power was interesting. I wonder who this Kavan Harman is and how he can still be with the Night World. Is he really bad or just naive?"

        Slightly irked, Delano replied somewhat sullenly, "I don’t know. Let’s just say he’s naive, give him the benefit of the doubt. But Destiny--" He was cut off by a cry from Selena, who had just woken from her nap. Her twin was immediately roused and he echoed her cries.

        Apologetically, Destiny looked up at her boyfriend. "Sorry, Delano, but whatever you want to say is going to have to wait. Can you take care of Selena right now?"

        With a sigh, Delano bent down and lifted Selena in his arms. The way things were going, he and Destiny would be boyfriend and girlfriend forever.

        * * * * *
        PART 6:

        Gloomily, Colin trudged along the deserted road, lost in his thoughts. All he could think about was Chris, how her eyes had glimmered with shock and denial as she pulled away from him. She didn’t want him, that much was obvious. The only problem was, even though he had known her for mere moments, HE wanted HER. He couldn’t get her out of his head and it hurt.

        Colin barely noticed the dark, menacing energy until it was almost upon him. Immediately alert, he had time to register the boarded windows and abandoned lots. He just realized there was no help to be found here before the dark shapes descended upon him, all teeth, claws and blinding hatred.

        A fist met his jaw, sending Colin reeling, but not before he punched his assualter. Suddenly, a stabbing pain like a knife thrust shot up his spine, causing Colin to collapse on the sidewalk, seeing stars.

        "Don’t hurt him," a stern voice ordered. "Just immobilize him for now."

        Through the fog, Colin could discern a black clad figure towering above his body. Wildly, he thought for a moment this was Death, come for him. Then, the figure spoke again and Colin wished he truly had been the Grim Reaper.

        "Bring him behind the buildings," Marcellus D’Alimonte ordered, voice cold and hard as steel.

        Without warning, rough hands took Colin under the arms and dragged him backward through a dark alley littered with broken beer bottles. The thick, jagged glass sliced through his khakis and he held back a whimper of pain.

        "Drop him," Marcellus commanded as soon as they emerged into the sunlight.

        The hands promptly let go of Colin. He landed hard on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Rusty tasting blood was spilling into his mouth and he spit it out before thinking.

        "I’m sure you know why you’re here."

        Surprised, Colin brought a hand up to shield the sun as he gazed up at Marcellus. "Actually, no," he admitted in a burst of courage.

        Marcellus hiked up a raven brow, not amused. Before he could reply, however, another voice grated from behind him, "We expect your full cooperation, boy. We’ll exchange such obedience with a painless death. But if you decide to be difficult, boy, we can make it terrible. Rest assured, we’ll get what we want. It’s just up to you how we go at it."

        Colin froze as the icy voice rolled towards him. He refused to believe the identity of the person until Marcellus stepped aside and Hunter Redfern materialized, burnt and disfigured, sitting like a king in his wheelchair.

        His urge to gag was strong, but Colin managed to repress it. Goddess, so Hunter really had been burned...

        Taking his silence as agreement, Marcellus began, "Now, I’m only going to say this once. What is the prophecy you found about the Wild Powers?"

        So that was what this was all about! There was, of course, not way Colin would give them this information. "I really don’t know what you’re talking about," he lied.

        "Don’t play with me, Desidro. Do you have any idea what we could do to you?" He took a menacing step forward. "Now answer me!"

        Colin was now in a sitting position with Marcellus leaning over him. There was not way he could hide his trembling--of course he knew what they could and would do--but his voice was steady as he replied, "How can I tell you something I don’t know?"

        For a moment, doubt flashed in Marcellus’ emerald eyes. Colin got the impression he didn’t really want to do this before Marcellus’ face hardened and the vampire commanded, "Guys, hold him down. We’ll get the information we need." Two burly werewolves pushed Colin back onto the dirt and held down his arms while two more wolves did the same with his legs.

        "One last chance to just tell us, Desidro."

        Wordlessly, Colin shook his head. He didn’t trust his voice anymore.

        Now Marcellus looked truly sick. No one but Colin seemed to notice though. Marcellus’ back was to Hunter and the wolves were filled with a heady anticipation that scared Colin to the bone.

        Reaching into his jacket, Marcellus pulled out two wooden stakes and Colin finally realized what he had in mind. He clenched his teeth to keep from making a sound.


        Everyone turned to stare at Hunter.

        "Use these." He tossed two daggers towards Marcellus. They were formidable weapons; each about 8 inches long with one side plaited silver and the other wood. "They won’t kill him so quickly."

        If he could, Colin didn’t know whether he would kiss Hunter or kill him. But the funny thing was, Hunter didn’t seem to care about Colin at all. He was studying Marcellus intently instead, seemingly looking for a slip of character. Hunter was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, which puzzled Colin. Marcellus was supposed to be the most trusted of Hunter’s men.

        With his eyes, the 800 year old vampire pleaded with Colin one last time to tell him the prophecy.

        Colin pretended he didn’t notice.

        *You made me do this,* Marcellus insisted as the wolves holding Colin’s hands put them together and above his head.

        *I didn’t make you do anything,* Colin replied, also mentally, right before Marcellus let the dagger plunge into his captive’s palm.

        Colin’s eyes widened in surprise and pain. He barely remembered to choke back his scream as the blade sank through his hands and into the dirt underneath them.

        A slow smile spread across Marcellus’ features, but it was all for show. He was sick inside. "What do you say now?"

        "I still don’t know what you’re talking about," Colin managed to wheeze, opening his coffee-coloured eyes.

        Lightening quick, the second dagger was at Colin’s throat. "Do you want it in your neck next?"

        Colin had always preferred to coil up in some secluded corner with a book; he was no hero. But now the situation called for bravery and he intended to pass this test at all costs. Especially after the way Chris had looked at him...

        "It would be better than the alternative," he retorted defiantly.

        Before Colin could blink, the skin from his collarbone to his heart was sliced open and gushing blood.

        "Tell me."


        This time, the dagger in his hands was pushed to the hilt into his flesh.


        "Never," Colin managed to gasp painfully.

        More cuts were opened in his skin, but he still refused to comply. Finally, at Marcellus’ command, the werewolves broke Colin’s fingers, one by one.

        Kneeling beside, his prisoner, Marcellus smiled darkly. "We have all day, Desidro. Now, what is the prophecy?"

        Stubbornly, Colin shook his head, not really hearing Marcellus anyway. Goddess, could anything hurt more? Apparently yes, as Hunter was about to illustrate.

        "I’m getting bored with this."

        Everyone turned to stare at the Lamia leader.

        "Everett, Carlos," Hunter commanded nonchalantly, "bring that boulder over here." He indicated a large, grey rock easily the size of a German Shepherd.

        When the two wolves had done so, Hunter directed them to place it above Colin’s leg and turned his attention towards him. "Now, boy, what is the prophecy? Or must we crush your bones first?"

        *Don’t answer,* Colin willed himself. *Don’t give in now. Not now.*

        Finally, Hunter grew impatient. With a gesture of his hand, the boulder fell to the ground. Colin couldn’t help his scream as the world burst into chaos.

        * * * * *

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