Angel of Death (con't):

        * * * * *
        PART 7:

        The house was tiny compared to Thierry’s mansion, but most things were. Besides, the kids seemed perfectly content with the dwelling and that was all that really mattered. They probably hadn’t lived in a house in months.

        "Hey Mai! Hi Nicky!" a little, honey-haired girl of eight called cheerfully as the two Daybreakers stepped through the door. She bounded the down the hall of the Circle Daybreak orphanage/safe house quick as a shot and threw her arms around Amaya’s waist. Behind her, older children followed at a more suitable pace.

        "Charlize! How’ve you been, honey?"

        The child beamed up at Amaya. "Great!"

        With a laugh, Amaya made her way down the hall, squeezing a shoulder or tuffling the hair of the kids as she went along. Nick had to admit amazement at the transformation of them all. A few months ago, these kids had been novice vampire hunters--orphaned by the Night World--out for Amaya’s blood and she had been all gung ho for eradicating them all. Now they were joking together like old friends.

        Nick and Amaya had been coming to visit the children since the day they had been rounded up by Circle Daybreak and put into the safe house. They hadn’t been delighted at first. Once you learned to distrust Night People, it’s a hard habit to break, even if they were trying to be nice to you. In fact, the kids were quite hostile to Nick and Amaya, but they had reason to be. After all, Amaya was a vampire, their sworn enemy and Nick had hurt them saving her one day. That was how Thierry had learned about the orphans in the first place. But that was all in the past now.

        After a while, Nick stepped outside for a breather, leaving Amaya alone with the children for a while. Kids were great and all, but Gabriel and Selena were enough at home. He just didn’t have the energy these days to keep up with them for long. After his whole little adventure with the D’Alimontes and saving Amaya, he was still healing.

        "Excuse me."

        Nick turned to see a stocky, middle-aged man with receding hairline looking up at him. A light blue pick-up was parked at the curb. "Yes? How can I help you?"

        The man smiled. "Now, you look like a nice white boy. I was wonderin’ if you could gimme directions to Nevada Street?" he drawled in a lazy southern accent.

        "Yeah, sure," Nick was saying when he heard the door open and close behind him. He didn’t think twice about Amaya coming outside until he noticed the man had stiffened.

        "Hey, sunshine," Amaya cooed, wrapping an arm around Nick’s waist and facing the middle-aged man. "Hello, sir."

        Something very close to hatred flared in the man’s eyes. His thin lips puckered in obvious distaste, but he said almost nicely, "You’re so pretty. It’s such a shame you’re a nigger."

        Amaya recoiled as if she had been slapped. Her arm around Nick’s waist tensed, but she stayed silent. She had heard about this kind of colour racism among humans, but since she was a vampire, she had never experienced it herself. The Night World was prejudiced against different species, not colours.

        The man was turning towards Nick with an expression of disgust. "I don’t need no help from you, boy. I don’t associate with Negro lovers," he spat with a contemptuous glare at Amaya’s arm around Nick’s waist, then turned and strode back to his truck. A moment later, he was speeding down the street.

        Amaya could feel Nick shaking with rage. "It’s all right," she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder.

        Ruefully, Nick shook his head. "You know, I go into that house," he indicated the safe house behind them, "and I’m so happy that I’m fighting for the future of those kids. But then you meet people like that guy and you begin to wonder, you know? Is the human race really worth saving? Because sometimes it feels like more people are like that guy than the kids. Am I truly willing to die for that?"

        Amaya shrugged. She understood where Nick was coming from; she felt the same way a lot of the time. But there WERE good people in the world like the kids, who deserved to live their lives in peace. And it was them, those innocents, that Circle Daybreak was fighting for. Amaya told Nick as much as she guided him towards his car.

        "Who gives a damn about bigots from Alabama?" she playfully inquired her soulmate, sliding into the passenger side of the silver Mercedes convertible.

        A small smile played in Nick’s lips as he glanced sideways as Amaya. "I can never stay mad when you’re around."

        "That is SUCH a corny line!" Amaya snorted, punching him softly in the arm.

        Nick laughed and was about to answer when Amaya suddenly stiffened. "What is it?" he asked, sensing her unease.

        "Stop the car."

        "Huh?" Bewildered, Nick scanned their surroundings. The neighbourhood was an old, industrial one. No buildings seemed to be in use. Many of the doors were boarded up and the windows broken. Deja-vu struck Nick with a vengeance. This place could be the exact replica of the area where the D’Alimonte’s had held Amaya. He and Amaya had both almost died then. Nick hoped this time would be different.

        "What is it?" he asked anxiously.

        Amaya put up a hand for silence. Slowly, cautiously, she stepped out of the car and shut the door without a sound. She beckoned for Nick to follow her behind one of the red-brick buildings.

        Nick began to sense the feeling of wrong-ness that Amaya had no doubt felt long ago. Still, he didn’t know what this could mean. "What-" he started, but Amaya slapped a hand upon his mouth. She raised a finger to her lips and indicated for him to worry about the glass underfoot instead.

        Just before they reached the back of the building, a scream of pain erupted from behind it, bringing Nick and Amaya running.

        Hunter Redfern, grotesque in his wheelchair, sat gloating at Colin Desidro, who was pinned to the ground by a silver dagger and a grey boulder. His leg under the stone was crushed, blood pooling quickly beneath it. That was the source of the scream.

        Marcellus D’Alimonte stood slightly to the right and behind Hunter, looking like he had swallowed a ghost. He had the expression of someone desperately trying to hold in his breakfast.

        Four werewolves were gathered around Colin, half-changed, anticipating their next meal.

        Even before he had registered it all, Nick was striding towards the group, outraged and horrified. Unconsciously, he lashed out with his mind, catching the wolves unawares. Three of them toppled where they stood, having no conception of what was going on before they fell.

        The remaining werewolf, Marcellus and Hunter all spun towards Nick, eyes wide. Behind Nick, Amaya had to smile and shake her head. Just like him, to go into the battlefield without a plan. Had he forgotten so soon what had happened the last time? At least this time she wasn’t incapacitated. He was lucky he had back-up.

        Hunter had come to the same conclusion as Amaya. "You never learn, do you?" he asked, collecting himself. Too quickly for the eye to follow, he reached beside his chair and whipped something towards Nick.

        If Amaya had delayed half a second, the silver blade would have struck Nick’s heart. As it was, it barely knicked her shoulder before lodging itself in the dirt.

        Picking themselves off the ground, Nick growled, "What the hell are you doing, Redfern?"

        Hunter laughed coldly. "Why would I tell you? It’s much more entertaining trying to kill you." With that, another weapon came flying at them. This time, it was a wooden stake, aimed at Amaya. At the same moment, the werewolf lunged at Nick.

        The stake was easy enough to dodge. Amaya was by it and in front of Hunter in mere seconds. The wolf wasn’t much more challenging and Nick joined his soulmate soon enough.

        Finally realizing his plight, Hunter yelled at Marcellus as the Daybreakers closed in, "Get them, you fool! Don’t let them come any closer? This is an order? Do you hear me?!"

        "I hear you," Marcellus looked at Nick and Amaya as he said this. He was trying to tell them something with his eyes, one could plainly see, but they were not paying attention. At a loss, he quickly took Hunter’s wheelchair and pushed it away, running into another alley beside the building.

        "What are you DOING?!?!" Hunter could be heard hollering as he was wheeled helplessly down the road. "I said get them! Not run away!!!"

        For a moment, Amaya and Nick just stared after them, bewildered. What had Marcellus done that for? But Nick remembered the way the vampire had acted when he was saving Amaya. Marcellus had been subdued, reluctant to help his sister kill Amaya. He had only stepped in when Nick was going to kill Keiara. And Delano had told him about Marcellus’ relationship with Destiny. Could it be that he was getting soft?

        Colin’s moan brought Nick and Amaya back into reality. They rushed back to him, checking to se how badly he had been hurt.

        The Lamia was unconscious, as were the werewolves around him. One look at Colin and Nick took out his cell phone. "Hi, Thierry? We need a doctor right now..."

        * * * * *
        PART 8:

        "He said Marcellus D’Alimonte did it," Destiny told Chris as they walked down the hall together. ‘He’ was Colin, someone Chris had hoped never to see again. Fat chance of that happening, now that he was badly hurt and recuperating in the same house as her.

        "I’m not surprised," Chris commented. Marcellus had a reputation, after all.

        Destiny shook her head. "Actually, I AM. After the whole thing with Leandra and Dion, I thought Marcellus had changed. He helped us out of the fire and he was so sweet..."

        A frown creased Chris’ brow. "People don’t change that easily," she said quietly, remembering countless friends and family members who had turned out different from what they seemed.

        "Oh, I know that," replied Destiny. "But I just thought he had. I just can’t believe it! I’ll have to ask Colin to elaborate when he’s feeling better. Maybe he was a bit confused. He’s been getting better, but he’s still so tired all the time."

        Personally, Chris doubted Colin would tell a different story when he was well again. Destiny was getting her hopes up. Not that Chris cared excessively for Colin’s well-being, of course. While everyone else in the house had gone to see him at least once, she had kept well away. It was going to stay that way.

        Just then, the doorbell rang. Chris and Destiny stopped and glanced down from the second-floor railing to see who it was. As Nilsson revealed who was behind the door, Chris’ eyes widened in surprise. Beside her, Destiny gasped and her hand flew to her lips. Goddess, it couldn’t be who she thought it was...


        Nervous could not begin to describe how he felt as Kavan knocked on the door of Thierry Descoudres’ mansion. Who would have thought he would be here someday? And to do what he had been assigned...

        Kavan knew full well what the consequences of his actions could be. Hunter had made it sound like a small, harmless service, but Kav knew what this really was. He also knew, on some level, that this was wrong, but he put that from his mind. *Imagine what Hunter will reward you instead,* he told himself as the immaculate double doors began to open.

        "How may I..." a young vampire dressed in a suit and glasses began before he recognized Kavan. The CIA-esque butler choked on his own words, simply staring at the blond witch before him.

        "Uhh...hi. Is Thierry available?" Kavan said, his voice sounding terribly loud and cumbersome to his own ears. This was terribly awkward.

        Wordlessly, the vampire nodded. Shaking his head, he collected himself and offered, "My name is Nilsson. Why don’t you come in?" Then, hastily, he added, "Sir."

        Goddess bless, the situation was curious enough! "Just Kavan, please," he requested, self-consciously stepping into the majestic house.

        "Master Thierry will be with you shortly," Nilsson assured, scampering up the grand staircase with all haste. At the top of the stairs stood two tall raven-haired girls, whom he spoke to for a moment before resuming his hurried pace.

        Somewhat stiffly, the two girls descended the stair, heading straight towards Kavan. Nilsson must have something about keeping him company. The paleness of their skin suggested the girls wouldn’t have talked to Kavan of their own free will. "Hi," the green-eyed girl said, obviously uncomfortable. From her posture and presence, Kavan could tell she was a predatory shapeshifter.

        Taking a deep breath which he hoped was not too visible, Kavan summed up his courage and held out his hand. "Hi!" he said cheerfully. "I’m Kavan Harman."

        The shapeshifter was fazed by this introduction. Unconsciously, she mouthed his name, then replied in a daze, "I’m Chris Ashkia." Her English accent was prominent as she said this and took his hand. Her emerald eyes seemed less than a bit suspicious.

        Chris Ashkia, Kavan had heard that name somewhere, but he could not place it. No matter, that could wait for later. Right now, it would be rude to leave the other girl standing like some third-party observer.

        Turning, Kavan introduced himself as he had done with Chris. However, finally focusing on the girl, he was almost cut short. Her midnight-blue eyes were slightly glazed in shock and her skin was unnervingly pale, but there was no mistaking who she was; Destiny McNite, the person he had been sent to meet.

        * * * * *
        PART 9:

        Delano was not in a good mood, this much was plain to see.

        "Come on, man. What’s wrong?" Nick asked for the umpteenth time to no avail, as usual.

        Finally, in exasperation, the shapeshifter stopped and placed his hands on Delano’s shoulders. "Are you hearing a word I’m saying, Delano? Do you conceive of what I’m asking? Hello in there!"

        A look of pure disgust fleeted across the Lamia’s face. "Just leave me alone, Nick," he sighed, tone tired.

        "Oh, puh-lease, Delano! Lighten up!" So, he was not acting like the most sensitive guy in the world, but he had already tried that approach. "I’m just trying to help you! You can’t keep sulking all day! What’s wrong?"

        At first, Delano hesitated to answer. But it the end, for all his resolve, Nick wore him down.

        "I just have this feeling, you know? Something’s going to happen and I’m not going to like it."

        "And this feeling’s what’s got you down?" Nick questioned, incredulous.

        Delano shrugged. "That and Destiny."

        "Why? What’s up with you and Destiny?"

        "Oh, I just-" he cut himself off as they came into view of the front hall below.

        Both guys blanched, not believing what they saw.

        "Oh, Goddess," Nick breathed.


        He was talking, saying something to her, but Destiny could not focus on his words. Was she imagining this? What this another dream and she would wake up any moment, lying beside Delano?

        No. This was too real. Dreams were somewhat hazy; this was almost painfully clear. This boy standing before her, with hair as golden as honey, straight and fine as silk. Those long, crescent lashes, surprisingly dark, despite his obvious natural blondness. Eyes as clear, glistening teal as the Caribbean Sea and lips as soft-looking as those of a cherub...

        Destiny knew this face, knew it too well. How many times had she dreamed of it in years past? How often had she recalled his touch, his warmth beside her, his kisses as soft as an angel’s wing? And he had looked so much like and angel himself...

        But those were the key words, "he had." Past tense. There was only one person this boy could be, but Devon was dead. She must have whispered it aloud, "Devon," because both Chris and the boy turned to stare at her.

        "I beg your pardon?" the boy--Destiny remembered him saying his name was Kavan, though the significance eluded her right then--asked in a bewildered voice.

        "N-nothing," Destiny stammered, flushing. He must think she was crazy, staring dumbly at him and whispering her dead soulmate’s name.

        "I, I have to be going. It was nice meeting you, Dev-, ah, Kavan." Not waiting for an answer, she turned and fled, colliding with Delano, who was coming down the stairs.

        "Destiny!" he exclaimed, confused and hurt as she completely disregarded him and continued her ascent up the stairs. She had a right to be upset, of course, but it still disturbed him.

        Shaking his head, Delano chased the melancholy thoughts from his mind. He really did not know what to do about Destiny, she had been acting so strange lately, but there were other things to focus on right then. Like this guy in front of his, looking for the world like the exact replica of Devon Corona, a dead man. He actually closely resembled Nick too, since the two brothers had been very similar in appearance in life. That was probably why Chris looked so pale. Since she had never known Devon, she had to be amazed at the likeness between Nick and the boy, although they were not nearly as identical as he and Devon.

        "Kavan Harman," the boy introduced himself to Delano and Nick, behind him. From his tone, it was plain to Delano that Kavan had made this intro much more than once.

        The significance of the boy’s name was not lost on Nick or Delano. As much as he resented Kavan for upsetting Destiny and suspected his motives for arriving at the mansion, Delano forced himself to be civil. "Pleased to meet you," he said amiably, taking Kavan’s hand. He stepped aside for Nick to do the same.

        As Nick came into full view, Kavan frowned. It seemed he was realizing, for the first time, his resemblance to anyone in Circle Daybreak, past or present.

        "Yeah, nice to meet you," Nick tried for a smile, ending up with something more like a wince.

        It was an awkward moment for all present. Chris glanced over at Nick, who looked stricken, and wished she could go give him a hug. But, of course, that would be inappropriate.

        Delano knew he should say something--Kavan was looking awfully uncomfortable--but found himself at a loss for words. He could not focus. Everything rounded back to Destiny.

        Kavan himself was floundering in his mind for something to say. Something had unnerved the Daybreakers, he could see this plainly. The thing was, it didn’t seem to only be his looking like Nick. For Chris, this was applicable, but not the others. He found himself wondering what Hunter had not told him. Had the Lamia landed him in a frying pan? Why had he asked Kavan to get to know Destiny, of all people? Had Hunter known how she would run from Kavan in terror?

        To everyone’s great relief, Thierry arrived then, breaking the silence by clearing his throat. Loudly.

        After introductions, Thierry took Kavan into his office.

        *With any luck,* Delano thought, *that’ll be the last we see of him.*

        * * * * *

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