Angel of Fire (con't) Remember, I take no credit for the concept of the Night World or its characters! :)

        * * * * *
        PART 25:

        The drive to Johnston’s canyon was overall, uneventful. They took a wrong turn and almost ran out of gas again, but that was all the excitement they got. It was probably all Destiny and Delano could handle at the moment,anyway. Strung as tight as a violin string had never described anyone better.

        Upon arriving at the canyon, Destiny said, "Alright, here’s our halfway point. Another hour to go. And since it’s 5:30, we should get there with half an hour to spare." These were the first words they had spoken to each other in 30 minutes. The silence descended again after Destiny’s remark.

        Suddenly, Delano slammed on the brakes, sending Destiny reeling towards the windshield. "What?" She cried in complaint.

        "I believe we’ve got a problem," he answered grimly, nodding towards the massive coniferous tree that had toppled over completely across the road. "I mean, there’s definitely no way we can move that, even if we wait for Keller’s team."

        Destiny was inclined to agree. "So, do we just leave the car here and walk or what?"

        "You’re the one with the map."

        He had a point. Taking a moment to study the map, Destiny said, "We could go up this road on foot or there’s a trail starting from Johnston’s Canyon that goes straight to Isolation Peak. The road looks a bit safer, but it’s so winding even Keller and Galen as leopards would have a hard time getting there by 7. On the other hand, the trail looks straight as an arrow and should be quicker, even though it’s steeper."

        Delano studied her with a wry grin. "You up for a hike, love?"

        Destiny nodded . "Hiking it is." Only later would she realize how huge a mistake they had made.


        "Totally blocked?" Nissa Johnson asked incredulously, leaning out the driver’s window of the gold Camry. She had just stopped a moment ago, upon seeing Delano going the opposite way from where they should be.

        Delano, leaning out of his own window, gave the vampire a How-many-times-do-I-have-to-say-it? look. "Yes, Nissa," he sighed, "We’re going to the Johnston’s Canyon Trail. It’s just up ahead and should be faster than following the road on foot."

        Nissa was about to argue when a voice from the backseat advised otherwise. "Yes, Boss," she muttered with a sigh of defeat. Turning to Delano, she said, "Okay, we’ll turn around and follow you." She nodded at the black Solara behind her. "You go tell Dion and Galen what’s going on."

        Delano lifted a brow at her rude tone, but silently complied. Precious time could not be wasted by arguing uselessly.

        In 5 minutes, they had all parked at Johnston’s Canyon and were on their way down the trail. As much as she hated to admit it, Destiny had a very bad feeling about this. It was already 5:50 PM and the sun was beginning to set. The light on the densely clustered trees cast eerie shadows on everything in sight. The sound of a fast flowing river were close and near to her right. The trail was set between it and the cliff wall to the left, only wide enough for two people, side by side, maximum.

        "Well, isn’t this a cheerful place?" Dion remarked sardonically, taking in his surroundings.

        "Yeah," Iliana agreed quietly. If she had not been such a sprightly creature, one could have said her voice was heavy.

        Surprised, Dion lifted his eyes towards his soulmate. They had not spoken a word since the music room fiasco, not even when Keller had practically ordered Iliana to stay at the safe house instead of coming with them to help Nick and Leandra. Of course, they had not necessarily spoken to each other, but this was the closest they had come to it in 2 days.

        Hearing rapid breathing behind him, Dion turned to see Winifrith Arlin backed up against the cliff wall, staring down at the swirling river in barely contained horror. It was a long drop down.

        Damn, this was going to be a long hike.

        * * * * *
        PART 26:

        "What time is it?" Destiny asked as she cautiously made her way over a wooden man-made ledge jutting out to the cliff face of the canyon. This was the third one they had come across, each looking more unsteady than the last. The fact that directly below were the rapids that came from some waterfall further upriver didn’t help the situation. "We’ve got 45 minutes until 7," Delano said tightly as he himself started across the wooden shelf. The sun had just set, but it was already almost pitch black in the canyon. The giant trees clocked all light. Even the vampires were starting to have a hard time seeing.

        Her voice quivering slightly, Winnie suggested, "Uh…guys? I think we should get our flash lights out."

        "Yeah, if I can see where it is," Dion commented dryly. But there was the sound of zippers being opened as everyone rummaged through their backpacks for their flashlights. Everyone that is, except Destiny.

        Being halfway across the ledge already, she wasn’t about to head back and digging around in her bag on a wooden precipice was out of the question. "Guys, I’m just going to get to the end first-" her sentence was cut short as her scream echoed through the canyon.

        Instantaneously, 7 beams of light swerved in her direction.

        "Damn!" Keller swore as she saw the hole in the wood where Destiny had gone through.

        Without thought, Delano dashed towards the void, disregarding the shouts of warning from his friends. What he saw below both relieved and frightened him beyond words. "Destiny!" he hollered over the crash of water to the figure barely hanging on to a jutting piece of rock an arms-reach under the wooden ledge.

        "Delano!" The witch desperately groped for the hand he reached out to her. Another second and she would have gotten hold of it, too. As it was, right before Delano could close his hand around hers, her grip on the rocky ledge slipped and with a terrified scream, she plunged into the icy cold river.

        By then, all the Daybreakers had crowded around the hole and cried out in despair as Destiny’s dark head was lost. Immediately, Delano bolted up and pushed past his friends, going back the way they had come on the trail. After all, that was the way the river was flowing.

        Galen went to stop him, then drew back again. Delano’s face was taut and pale with fear, but it was also set with a determination that would make the most detrimental hunter think twice about crossing him. No one could stop him, that much was obvious.

        "Dion, go with him," Keller said softly, not commanding, but not making it a choice either. She had come to the same conclusion about Delano as her soulmate.

        Wordlessly, the vampire/shapeshifter obeyed. Delano was, after all, a friend.

        "We’ll keep going. Try and get him to come back, okay, Dion?" Keller called, though it was completely unnecessary. He already knew.

        Suddenly, a small hand clamped on his shoulder. Looking down, Dion saw violet orbs staring up at him. "I had a premonition," Iliana said, voice quivering. She was about to say something more, then decided against it. Before he had time to react, the little witch had pulled Dion’s head down to her and placed a soft, sad kiss on his lips. "Be careful, Dion," she breathed against his face, almost inaudibly. Presently, she ran to catch up with the others.


        Cold, everything was so cold. Destiny supposed she should be thankful for the numbness though. Even in her state of shock, she realized that the rocks slamming into her should hurt.

        Just seconds ago, she had been warm. What had happened? She was already beginning to forget. All she could recall was someone screaming her name. What had she called him? Delano? But that wasn’t right. It was Devon she wanted, Devon she loved.

        *Devon’s been dead for three years, honey,* a cool voice reminded her in her head. And everything came rushing back to her at once.

        Devon. Devon was gone, but she still had something to live for. Her children, the twins he had given her. Her friends, two of which she still had to save. And, of course, Delano. He might not be a soulmate, but he would be as close as she could get from now on. Before now, she had wanted to give up fighting, but now she had a reason to survive.

        "Delano!" she yelled the next time she kicked to the surface. It was almost funny how sure she was that he was looking for her.

        Destiny hadn’t expected an answer, but right before she went under, she heard an answering shout, "Destiny!" "Help!" she managed to gargle out.

        It took her longer to surface the next time, but Delano was coming. She couldn’t give up now.

        "Where are you?"

        Destiny was sure she saw a flashlight beam coming from behind her. From the light it shed, she spotted a fallen beech tree bridging the raging river. Her muscles screamed as she struggled to keep her head above water. Just below the tree, she flung her hands up and grasped desperately for the wood.

        *Goddess, please let it support my weight,* she prayed as she dangled there and shouted hoarsely, "Here! Delano, I’m here! Hurry!"

        Like a dark haired guardian angel, Delano appeared out of the darkness, flashlight in hand. "Hang in there, Destiny! Hold on!"

        Destiny almost laughed at his words. Oh, she was definitely hanging. Hanging from a thin tree that might break at any moment, half of her body still being pulled downstream by the current. But Delano was here. Everything was going to be all right.

        At least, that was what she thought. That was before she heard the low, animal growl and saw the monster lunge at Delano, tearing at his throat.

        * * * * *
        PART 27:

        For five minutes now, Dion had been at an all-out run (which would have broken records everywhere) and he still hadn’t caught sight of Delano. Damn, where was he? If he went and got his little Lamia ass killed, Destiny would never forgive Dion. Providing, that is, that Destiny was still alive to care. Because, in all honesty, Dion had serious reservations about even finding her body.

        Out of nowhere, the chestnut haired boy heard a feral snarl come from just around a bend. Something, call it intuition, told him he had just found Delano. And Destiny too, if his ears weren’t deceiving him.

        Slowing down, Dion rounded the bend. If there was a fight going on, he wanted to maintain the element of surprise. He had turned off his flashlight long ago. The light of the finally risen moon was enough for him.

        But as Dion beheld the scene, he knew surprise didn’t matter. Delano was lying with his back on the ground, trying to defend himself against a shapeshifter bear with his silver dagger. At least, Dion assumed it was shapeshifter because it was just too much of a coincidence to be otherwise.

        There, there was Destiny, cheering Delano on from the middle of the river. There wasn’t much more she could do and it was plain that she knew it.

        From Dion’s point of view, both Delano and Destiny were losing their battles. His with the bear and hers with the river. The question was, who should be help first?

        The dilemma was decided when one of Destiny’s hands slipped from the beech tree. Delano could hold his own for a few seconds longer.

        Inching his way towards Destiny, Dion remembered Iliana’s words, "I had a careful." He could only guess she had meant this.

        Since Dion was coming from behind, Destiny didn’t se him until he was by the very edge of the river.

        "Destiny!" he called, voice just loud enough to be heard over the river’s roar. "Reach over, I think I can pull you in from here."

        The witch’s other hand almost lost it’s grip when she saw Dion. Wildly, she worked to regain a steady hold on the tree, then began inching over in Dion’s direction. She was within arms reach when both hands slipped completely.

        Instinctively, Dion’s arm darted out to catch her before she fell. Just as his hand closed around her soaking wet sleeve, his right leg plunged into the river. He swore silently as his left hand groped around for something to anchor him to land.

        "Dion, please don’t let go," Destiny’s voice shook as she said the words, her cold hands holding on painfully to his arm.

        Teeth clenched, he answered tightly, "If you fall, I’m going in with you." He had his left arm wrapped around a skinny tree and was trying arduously to pull both Destiny and himself out of the icy water. Painstakingly, inch by inch, they emerged from the river.

        "Ahhh!" Dion let out a cry of horrified surprise as his arm gave out and he started sliding back into the water. He’d been so close!

        But somehow, he didn’t hit the water.

        "Come on, Dion. Don’t make ME go after YOU this time!" Destiny growled into this ear, pulling on his arm.

        Quickly, with her help, the vampire/werewolf scrambled onto shore.

        "Oh, damn it’s cold!" he exclaimed as his adrenaline wore off and the night breeze slammed against his wet jeans.

        Destiny snorted, teeth chattering, "No shit!"

        Dion immediately regretted feeling cold when Destiny was obviously soaked to the bone. But before anything could be done, a scream reminded him there was still the bear to worry about.

        On one accord, Destiny and Dion dashed towards where Delano lay, struggling with the massive grizzly.

        Dion barely registered the blood and growls before he started to change. A wolf could probably fight a bear better than a person, though this was the first time he’d personally tried it.

        As soon as he was able, Dion lunged at the grizzly, jaws clamping down firmly on it’s neck.

        The bear snarled in fury and pain, promptly forgetting about Delano. Destiny took the chance to pull him out of the creature’s way.

        Wildly, the grizzly whipped back and forth, clawing at the back of its neck to get Dion off. The wolf bit down harder, adamantly keeping hold. The coppery taste of blood was a steady flow in his mouth.

        Realizing that his tactics weren’t working, the bear slammed against a giant oak.

        An involuntary whimper of pain slipped from Dion and his jaws slackened slightly in shock. Any doubt that this was not a shapeshifter flew out of his mind. He didn’t think a regular bear was this intelligent.

        As the bear barreled around to face his opponent, Dion saw that he may have a chance. Delano had-miraculously-managed to hurt the shifter a considerable amount. It’s left paw was dangling uselessly, attached only by a few ligaments. Blood was slathered all over it’s body and though most was undoubtedly Delano’s, Dion could see a few deep cuts bleeding profusely.

        Breathing heavily, the grizzly charged at Dion, if not exactly in a straight line.

        There was no way the Dark Angel was going to take this lying down. Catching his breath, he sprang up and clamped down on the shifter’s already injured arm.

        Bellowing in pain, a giant paw swatted at Dion, making him see stars. But instead of the hurt he knew he should be feeling, Dion felt rage. He hadn’t survived his father just to be killed by some foul smelling teddy bear.

        *Die,* Dion willed the grizzly, a kind of dark psychic energy building in his mind. *Die, very slowly.* And as he thought this, he felt his opponent convulse and a scorching smell rose from his body.

        Just before the bear toppled over with an anguished groan, Dion released its arm and stepped away, changing back to his human shape.

        Destiny was staring at him with both horror and intrigue. "You could be stronger than Nick one day," she breathed, with a look at the fallen grizzly.

        Dion disregarded the comment. He didn’t really care, seeing as how his watch said it was 6:35. How could they possibly make it to Isolation Peak on time? "How’s Delano?" he said aloud.

        "I’ve been better," the Lamia answered weakly himself. There was huge cut on his upper arm and shirt was in tatters, but it could have been a lot worse.

        A wave of dizziness hit Dion as he walked over to his friends. He might have been hurt worse than he’d like to admit.

        "You need blood," Destiny insisted to Delano.

        "And where are going to get it? There’s no time to hunt," he demanded, slowly and painfully pulling himself to a sitting position.

        Destiny had already unzipped her coat. Removing it and the sweatshirt underneath, she pulled Delano towards her neck, now revealed by her wet tank top.

        Delano shook his head, trying to move away. "You’re already freezing-"

        "Drink." And she pressed his lips to her neck again.

        Finally, Delano drank, seeing that the witch wasn’t about to be swayed.

        When they were done, Dion turned back to them, his coat in hand. "Here," he said, draping the jacket across Destiny’s trembling shoulders. "We should get moving. Staying here’s not going to help anyone."

        * * * * *
        PART 28:

        "What time is it?" The tension in Galen’s voice was unmistakable.

        "6:53," Nissa answered shortly.

        "Are we close?" Winnie asked shortly, almost inaudible from her place beside Iliana far behind the main group. The witches were having a hard time keeping pace.

        Keller drew in a hissing breath, "I think we’re there."

        There was a collective gasp as the 5 Daybreakers laid eyes on the fortress-like structure before them. Picture a medieval castle, complete with drawbridge, moat and towers stretching towards infinity. Make it wooden and the wall surrounding it circular. Here was the structure on the mountain.

        "So, how exactly do we get IN?" Iliana piped up, still struggling with Winnie to catch up.

        Galen seemed as baffled as his friend. "Uhhh..."

        Before anyone could say more, there was a creaking sound and the drawbridge lowered with a bang. "Welcome to our humble abode," a voice as welcoming as a venomous snake sounded from the darkness.

        Keller tensed at the words, immediately placing the person they came from. She ‘glanced’ backwards with her panther senses at where Winnie and Iliana should be-to tell them to run for it-but they were already gone. Hopefully that had hidden in the cover of the trees, realizing what was happening.

        "Hello, Keiara," Keller replied, voice cold and biting.

        Keiara D’Alimonte slowly sauntered towards the Daybreakers. As she did, figures stepped out from the shadows of the nearby forest, surrounding them.

        Keller swore softly under her breath. Why hadn’t she sensed them there? How could she be so stupid?

        Instinctively, the three agents backed together, readying for the attack.

        Without warning, the first werewolf jumped at Nissa and she effortlessly batted him out of the way. Two more vampires materialized to fill his place. One of the vampires stepped closer and Nissa shoved her staff into his stomach. He lurched back, falling and was lost in the melee. The other vampire, however, was not as careless as her friend. Watching Nissa twirl her staff with amazing clarity, she managed to block every one of her blows.

        Disconcerted as she was, Nissa didn’t give up until suddenly, her opponent shot out a hand and snatched the wooden rod away from her. While Nissa was still staring at her in surprise, the vampire and two werewolves pushed her to the ground, holding her arms behind her back. Of course, she made sure she took quite a few Night People down with her.

        Keller and Galen were left, back to back, as the rest of the group crowded in around them.

        *Inch over towards the trees,* Galen suggested, changing to half and half form, like his soulmate.

        Keller shook her head. *Iliana and Winnie are there. They might find them.* That was all she could say before they were suddenly set upon and Keller focused on swatting the Night People, left and right.

        From the beginning, the Daybreakers had known they wouldn’t win, but at least they managed to bring down a considerable number of Night People before they were comprehended.

        Roughly, the Night People forced Keller, Galen and Nissa to their feet, hauling them towards Keiara.

        "Hmm... You weren’t who I expected, but this works out much better. Only three of you," Keiara commented as they were brought in front of her. Taking Galen’s chin into her hand, she looked into his eyes, "Where’s the Wild Power and the little witch, Prince?"

        Galen didn’t reply, staring into her violet eyes defiantly.

        With a disgusted sound, Keiara threw him back into the arms of the vampire who held him. "Take them to Hunter and my brother," she ordered the Daybreakers’ guards. To the rest of her followers, she authorized, "Search the area. The Wild Power has to be here somewhere."

        With a harsh tug, the vampires dragged Keller, Galen and Nissa into the fortress.


        "Oh, shoot! What do we do now?" Winnie groaned as she heard Keiara’s words and saw her friends being hauled out of her sight.

        Beside her in the tree, Iliana had the same look of discouragement. How in the world were they going to get out of this mess?

        Suddenly, there was crackling sound down below, reminding the witches that they were being sought after.

        After a moment of panic, Iliana calmed her racing heart and hissed into Winnie’s ear. "Remember when Aradia told us how she shielded her and Maggie from the hunt? She taught us the spell. Do you remember it? We need it now."

        Winnie’s face lit up at the Witch Child’s suggestion. "Yeah, okay. Let me think for a sec. Alright, I think I’ve got it," Closing her eyes in concentration, the strawberry blond witch began muttering the spell under her breath. It wouldn’t do for the werewolves to hear her before the spell was complete.

        "Hurry," Iliana urged as a wolf passed uncomfortably close to their tree.

        Winnie stopped mumbling and with a look of satisfaction, said, "There. That should do it. Now, let’s make ourselves comfortable. I think we might be here for a while."

        * * * * *
        PART 29:

        Destiny was shaking so terribly she could hardly walk by the time she, Dion and Delano reached the fortress. "I hope Keller’s team got here on time," Delano remarked dryly. According to his watch, they were half an hour late, which was hardly surprising, considering what they had just been through.

        All of a sudden, a branch cracked behind them, causing them all to whirl around on one accord.

        "Winnie!" Destiny gasped in relief when she saw the little blond figure standing there.

        A sheepish look spread across her face. "Sorry," she apologized while another small, flaxen haired figure appeared behind her.

        "Iliana!" Dion exclaimed and started towards her before he could think. Noticing, when he was by her side, that there were no more people behind her, he asked, "Where’s the others?"

        "In there," Iliana pointed to the castle-like structure behind them. They all turned to look at it while Iliana explained what had happened.

        Delano drew in a hissing breath as she finished. The drawbridge was up now and he didn’t have a clue how they could get in.

        "I think Maggie had the right idea when she snuck into Black Dawn," Destiny said. "Why don’t we just do what she did?"

        Delano shook his head. "Hunter knows exactly how she got in. This castle is enough like Black Dawn that that’s what he expects of us. He probably has some nasty surprises in store."

        "You got a better idea?"

        The Lamia looked at Destiny in vexed resignation. "Can you make it?" he inquired worriedly as he noticed how badly she was shaking.

        "If we hurry." She glanced around to see if everyone agreed with the decision. They seemed to, more or less.

        "Okay, then. Come on," Delano said with a nod. "But we’re checking the whole structure out first," he added shrewdly.

        "Are you sure you’re okay?" Dion asked, concern creasing his brow as he stopped Iliana from following the others.

        She turned with a small smile. "Dion, don’t worry. I’m fine." Then, taking a closer look at her soulmate, she sighed, "I think it’s you we should be worried about." She reached over to touch a long cut on his forearm, running from elbow to wrist.

        Dion flinched at her touch, the cut still hurt badly. "Well, I took your advice. I was as careful as I could manage." Iliana shook her golden head, violet eyes staring up sadly in a way Dion couldn’t understand. "The real danger is later. I want you to know, Dion, that I understand what choice you’ll make."

        At the time, Dion thought she meant the memory she had seen in his mind in the music room. Considering that his father had almost killed him the night before, he didn’t feel half as bad for fighting back now. "Thanks," he whispered, a small smile on his face. "I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I didn’t give you a chance."

        "I understand," Iliana said again, though this was the first time she meant it in relation to Dion’s father. "It was a shock for both of us and I think we should just forget about it. I want to enjoy my time with you while I can."

        This sounded like a farewell to Dion and he had no idea just how right he was, though it was for a different reason than he thought. "Is it because you’re leaving for Vegas after this?"

        Iliana didn’t reply. It was probably best to let him believe what he wanted. He would find out soon enough what she really meant. Presently, she snuggled into his arm, savoring his closeness.

        "Guys!" Winnie hissed, bringing them back to the task at hand. She waved them towards the fortress.

        With a sigh, Dion let go of Iliana’s shoulders, but still held her hand in his. "The mighty Winnie calls," he said with mock solemnity, bringing a small laugh from Iliana and a roll of the eyes from Winnie.

        Standing beside the shivering Destiny beside the moat, Dion looked up at the wooden wall before him. "So...have we a way to get in?" he inquired skeptically with a raised brow. The battlement did not look easy to climb.

        Delano nodded to the chain of the drawbridge hanging just above the moat. "That’s it."

        When Dion laid eyes on the rusted chain, his other brow joined the first. The links were thin and chaffing all over the place. It didn’t look like it could hold a kitten, let alone a teenager.

        "I know what you’re thinking," Delano said, "But it should hold us until we’re up. It held the drawbridge. Besides, look on the bright side. The moat’s clean and there are no alligators or whatever in it. And there doesn’t appear to be a guard up there."

        "Which makes me wonder," Iliana said, ‘if we’re not walking right into a trap."

        Delano shrugged, uncommitted. "There’s really no other choice," he pointed out. When everyone seemed to accept that fact, he said cheerfully, "Come on," and promptly dived in.

        "The guy’s crazy," Destiny muttered through chattering teeth, shaking her head. Hesitantly, she laid Dion’s jacket on the grass and slipped in the water after Delano. "Least it’s not as cold as the river," she commented, trying to be optimistic.

        Dion, Iliana and Winnie followed her into the moat and crowded around the chain that Delano was already beginning to scale. Destiny came next and seeing how badly she was shaking, Dion wondered if she would make it to the top.

        Iliana and Winnie noticed the same thing as Dion. "You go first," Iliana insisted when he tried to get her to climb before him. "You can help Destiny out. I’ll be fine."

        Snapping his head up, he saw her numb fingers lose their hold on the chain and she began to slip down towards him. "Sorry, Dion!" she called down as she landed, sitting on his shoulder.

        For a moment, Dion’s muscles strained with the unaccustomed extra weight but after a while, he got used to it and said reassuringly, "Don’t worry about it." Then, he added, since they were pretty close to the top, "Can Delano pull you up?"

        "Almost," Destiny replied and began painstakingly making her way up again. She didn’t get very far before she started to slide down again. There was no way she could make it without a bit of help.

        With a small laugh, Dion advised, "Just sit on my shoulder. I think I can make it up there with you. It’s not that far."

        After they made it up without any more mishaps, Iliana and Winnie followed.

        "Now, aren’t you glad I didn’t go behind her?" Iliana smiled up at Dion as he helped her over the wooden battlement.

        Dion grinned at her, but didn’t have time to say anything before Delano declared, "We should get going. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m freezing."

        Sighing, Dion shook his head and followed Delano over to a stairway on the inside of the wall. This night was far from over.

        * * * * *

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