Angel of Fire

        "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." Antoine de Saint-Exupery - Le Petit Prince

        By: Leandra Drache

        DISCLAIMERS: All characters that are familiar to you from the Night World series belong to Ms. Lisa Jane Smith. Also, the concept of the Night World, along with the soulmate principal and Wild Powers are also property of Ms. Smith. I am in no way making money off of this story, perhaps boosting my ego just a bit, but not making money or trying to plagiarize any of her works.

        SPOILERS: Probably all the Night World books in some way. Also, my past 2 fan-fics: Angel of Destiny and Angel of Hope. You can read this story if you have not read the previous two, but this third installment may be a bit confusing.

        RATING: PG

        SUMMARY: This story takes place about 9 months before the Millennium. Previously, both Circle Daybreak and the Night World found a prophecy about 4 teenagers that are the Wild Power’s equals. These 4 Dark Angels, as everyone calls them, can either help the Wild Powers in the Millennium battle or kill them with a flick of their mind. This is the story about the third Dark Angel, Iliana Harman’s equal.

        AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: The original characters in this story and the previous two, like Destiny or Braeden belong to me. I would greatly appreciate it if they were not used without my permission. Also, please do not make copies or pass my stories on without asking me first. In real life, this has actually happened to me, believe it or not; needless to say I was not thrilled when my characters showed up on someone else’s work without giving me credit. You can email me at:

        My thanx goes out to Gem, Chris, Pandora and Corrine Jordan for checking this over. Also, thanx to Dessa, Judith, Silver, Alisa Rasmussen, Pea Pot, Belfana, Soleia, Oriana, DT, Bracken, Erina Lopez, Periwinkle, Sakura, and Daenerys Targaryen.


        Prologue to Part 3
        Parts 4-7
        Parts 8-10
        Parts 11-14
        Parts 15-17
        Parts 18-20
        Parts 25-29
        Parts 30-34
        Parts 35 to Epilogue

        Fanfic Page