Angel of Hope (con't)

          * * * * *
          PART 23:

          Nicholas Corona was out of control. After the last two days he’d had, it was no surprise. He had been strung as tight as the string on Robin Hood’s bow and every tight cord had to snap.

          Vaguely, Nick heard Keller screaming for him to stop and trying to pry his arm away, without getting herself zapped but his psychic energy. The others were pleading the same. But Nick didn’t really hear them. All he knew was that he wanted Leandra back and this big lug of a vampire had stood in his way.

          The burly, blonde vampire convulsed as a dark energy forced it’s way into his body. It wasn’t unlike a dragon’s dark powers, just less extreme and entirely invisible. A passer-by would just see a young, golden haired boy, furiously strangling a man twice his size to death.

          The dark haired vampire, named Brad tried to run away, but Delano and Quinn tackled him to the ground. Keeping him pinned however, was a different matter and Rashel finally had to threaten him with a nasty looking stake.

          Finally, Nick seemed to realize what he was doing. Disgust twisted his features and he dropped the now dead vampire onto the floor. "Goddess," he moaned, then put his head in his hands.

          Destiny, Keller and Tier went to comfort him while Delano, Quinn and Rashel interrogated Brad.

          "Where’s Ash and Leandra?" Rashel asked through gritted teeth. Oh, how she would love to plunge that stake through his body this instant.

          Brad just glared past her, silent.

          Rashel delivered a sharp kick to his ribs and asked again, "Where is Ash Redfern and Leandra Leon?"

          This time, Brad smartened up and gasped, "They’re in the van."

          "Take us to them."

          "All right, fine," Brad muttered grudgingly.

          Cautiously, Delano and Quinn released their hold on the large vampire.

          As soon as he was free, Brad delivered a swift kick towards his two captors, catching them by surprise. The two flew into the wall, unconscious. With unexpected speed and agility, Brad then spun around and raced for the exit, not caring who he had to go through.

          Rashel muttering obscenities under her breath, bolting after the dark haired vampire, Keller, Nick and Tier hot on her heels. Destiny stayed behind to make sure Delano and Quinn were all right.

          Though the chase through the mall took only seconds, it was one that Nick would never forget. In their hurry to reach the exit before the other side, Brad and the Daybreakers didn’t pay attention to who they knocked over or who saw them change. Nick remembered seeing Rashel push past a frail old lady without noticing, almost sending her flying across the food court. Keller changed into half and half form to add to her speed and in the process managed to bring 4 people into a dead faint. Parents were screaming along with their children and running in all directions.

          Despite all their efforts, Brad ended up at the van first. But only by seconds. Even before he had time to start the car, Keller was pulling him out of the driver’s seat and tackling him to the ground. Rashel was right behind the panther shifter and ran over to her to help control the writhing vampire she was holding. Tier was third, taking the keys from Rashel’s outstretched arm and dashed towards the back of the van.

          Nick himself ran to where Tier was standing, trying to unlock the door. He knew he should be with Rashel and Keller who were trying to subdue Brad, but he just had to make sure that Leandra was all right.

          That was their downfall.

          It seemed an eternity before the human boy flung the car doors open. Hardly looking to see what he was doing, Nick jumped into the back of the van and flung his arms around Leandra.

          "Goddess, I’ve been so worried. Are you okay? Are you all right?" Nick gasped.

          Leandra managed a small smile. "Yeah, Nicky. I’m fine, really," she whispered hoarsely.

          By this time, Tier had also entered the van and was busy untying Ash. Remembering his wits, Nick was halfway done undoing the rope binding Leandra’s wrists when the van shot forward with a lurch.

          "What?!?!?" Tier cried out as his head smashed against the side of the van. The doors swung open behind them and Nick would have tumbled out if Ash hadn’t grabbed onto his shirt in time.

          "Shit," Nick muttered, "He must of overpowered Rashel and Keller." Glancing out the open doors, he saw Keller and Rashel making a mad dash for the van. Nick had to find some way to slow brad down, or Rashel and Keller would never reach them and all 4 of them would be prisoners.

          Thinking quickly, the blond boy noticed a huge wrench flying madly around the back of the van. Just in time, before it fell out the back and smashed a parked car’s windshield. Goddess, the vampire was doing 50 m/h in a parking lot! What were people coming to these days? With a mighty heave, Nick slammed the wrench into where he guessed the vamp’s head should be. Almost instantly, the van came to a stop and everyone in the back of it fell into a pile right behind it.

          Poor Leandra, with her ankles still tied, ended up hitting her head hard on the ground and blacking out immediately.

          Unfortunately, Nick’s blow had not fazed the dark haired vampire much and he came running to the back of the van. As soon as he was able to analyze the situation, he started to toss the Daybreakers into the van again, like fish. He had Leandra in and Tier was in his arms when Keller, in panther shape, barreled towards him in a tackle. This made Brad fling the human boy in his arms into the side of the van, where he, like Leandra, fell into darkness.

          Rashel was coming on fast behind Keller, but not fast enough.

          Vaguely, Ash remembered thinking, as he tried to pick himself up out of the pile-up, *This vamp must be on steroids or something. It’s abnormal to be that strong.* This, was right before Keller’s body, still in panther form, was thrown into his, knocking the wind out of him and making him fall back down onto the ground.

          Nick too, was just getting to his feet when Rashel barreled into Brad. The macaw-shifter thought it miraculous the dark-haired vampire was still in business, but quickly forgot that when Rashel called out to him.

          "Nick! Get those two out! Now! Come on!" The dark-haired beauty cried out while driving a kick towards Brad that sent him reeling into a parked car.

          As quickly as he could, the blond-haired shifter staggered to his feet and raced to the back doors of the van. Gently, he lifted Leandra from where she lay in a heap on the floor. Behind him, Nick heard a cry of pain and frustration.

          Rashel was writhing in agony on the ground and trying to stab Brad with her stake at the same time. Nick couldn’t tell what the hell was wrong with her, but he knew it must be pretty bad to make the vampire slayer delay her attack and scream out in pain instead.

          Frantically, Nick glanced around in search of help. But Ash and Keller were still in a twisted pile on the asphalt. The vampire seemed to be unconscious and Keller had somehow hurt her leg. Leandra and Tier were both out cold.

          So, when Brad darted towards the back of the van and slammed it closed, all Nick could do was bolt out of the way with Leandra in his arms. There was no time to put the lioness-shifter down, then chase after the vampire. Besides, he was much too big to fight physically and Nick was mentally drained from his attack of the previous thug.

          All Nick could do was stand in the parking lot as the spectators got bolder and came closer, while the burly vampire drove away, with Tier as his prisoner.

          * * * * *
          PART 24:

          7:47 p.m.

          Quietly, LeAnne tried to sneak into her house unnoticed. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quiet enough.

          Mr. Wong zoomed into the front hall as soon as the front door was closed, "LeAnne Christina Wong! Where have you been!" He hollered.

          The petite hazel-eyed girl flinched and shrank back like a wounded puppy. "I’m sorry, daddy. I promise, I’ll never do it again."

          "Well, young lady, don’t think-" Mr. Wong was in mid-shout before he realized his daughter’s tone was not angry. Really, it was more wistful more than anything else. A frown creased his age-worn features as he tried to imagine what could possibly be wrong.

          "I’ll just go to my room now, okay?" LeAnne mumbled as she sullenly walked past her father and up the stairs.

          Mr. Wong decided not to pursue her. He’d learned from experience that this kind of situation was dealt better by his wife.

          "LeAnne’s home," he commented as he non-chalently strode into the living room where Mrs. Wong was curled up on the couch, reading a novel.

          Mrs. Wong looked up without a smile, "Really? I couldn’t tell with all the yelling that was going on," her voice dripped with sarcasm.

          "Susan…" Mr. Wong started, a fiery glare behind his ebony-coloured eyes.

          "No, William," Mrs. Wong explained patiently, "I didn’t mean it that way. I just think that maybe you’re being a little hard on LeAnne. She is 17, after all. She’s bound to be attracted to gorgeous guys."

          William glanced sharply at his wife in surprise. "What did you say? He’s what?!?!?!"

          An amused laugh sounded from Mrs. Wong. "I never said that Braeden was gorgeous, though the statement would ring true. I just mean that her hormones are in over-drive at the moment."

          In reply, Mr. Wong just snorted.

          With another chuckle, Mrs. Wong offered, "I’ll go talk to her, all right?" And with that, she headed for the stairs.

          * * * * *
          PART 25:

          "Who ever thought the sun would come crashing down My life in flames my tears complete the pain...

          My book of life incomplete without you here Alone I sit and reminisce Sometimes I miss your touch your kiss your smile And meanwhile you know I never cry 'Cos deep down inside you know our love will never ever die...

          I'd give my life to only see you breathe again Hand in hand as we walk on the white sands... I miss you much, I wish you'd come back to me

          You see I'd wait a lifetime 'cos you're my destiny

          Everything's gonna be all right Everything's gonna be okay-"

          In one swift motion, Destiny McNite reached over and clicked off the radio. Quickly, she also wiped the tears from her eyes. Everything was NOT going to be all right. She had lost her soulmate forever and this assignment was turning into a total disaster! *But still,* she scolded herself, *Don’t you break down now, girl! Be strong, don’t get all weepy when a little love song comes on the radio!*

          So, today’s operation had been botched. That didn’t give her the right to sit here on a Friday night, sobbing her eyes out and wallowing in the perfect past.

          "Actually, I should have seen it coming," the dark haired beauty muttered to herself. The last two days had been, at the very least, bad. Worrying about Ash and Leandra, not to mention the whole Braeden and LeAnne fiasco had worn her out and put her on edge. And now that the Daybreakers had failed to capture The Pharaoh and his cronies, Destiny had to concern herself with Braeden’s threat against her children. The note had said, after all, that if they didn’t get Nick, they would come after Gabriel and Selena. Well, the Night World had certainly not gained control of the Dark Angel and Destiny knew The Pharaoh only said what he meant. So, it was useless to pray that he couldn’t show up any minute now and massacre her children. All she could do was try and defend them with herself. Maybe she could buy enough time that Lupe could get away with them, but even that might be too much to hope for.

          As if Gabriel knew his mother was thinking of him, a wail came from the room he shared with his sister.

          A small, rueful smile tugged on Destiny’s lips. Well, it seemed time for a diaper change. At least Lupe wasn’t here to complain about being the only one who ever did anything responsible for the children.

          Destiny had to admit, she had been neglecting what was her sole responsibility the last few days. But not anymore. Nothing would keep her away from her children. Not the Night World, not the Dark Angels and certainly not Braeden Soterios.


          "Alone I sit and reminisce Sometimes I miss your touch your kiss your smile And meanwhile you know I never cry 'Cos deep down inside you know our love will never ever die

          Everything's gonna be all right Everything's gonna be okay-"

          LeAnne Wong sighed miserably as she reached over and flicked off the radio. Yeah right everything was going to be okay. Whatever. And the sky was green.

          The never crying and love never dying part was totally bogus too. Braeden had probably already forgotten about her.

          God, what had went on between her and Braeden? Half the time, her head had been so clouded, she couldn’t think straight. She couldn’t remember what she said or what she’d done. All that stained her memory was a vague sense of completeness, even when she knew what she did had to have been wrong. Being with Braeden did that to LeAnne. It was as if she’d finally found what made her complete, what she had been made to find. And now that she had dismissed him, LeAnne felt like she’d never be whole again. But that was impossible. How could she have ever cared for such an evil person? He couldn’t be her other half, her...

          LeAnne didn’t even want to think it. When she’d first heard the term used by - who was it again? Probably Destiny - she had thought it was just a belief. That it wasn’t real. But now what could she say? Braeden had to be it, what other explanation was there?

          At that moment, a light knock sounded on her door. Automatically, the short, dark-haired girl replied with her back towards the door, "Come in."

          "Hi honey," Mrs. Wong said quietly as she closed the door behind her.

          Silence followed.

          With a heavy sigh, Mrs. Wong lowered herself onto her daughter’s bed. "Look, honey, I know something’s wrong. Do you want to talk about it?"

          Beside her mother, LeAnne - who was sitting at her desk - didn’t stir.

          Mrs. Wong, however, refused to be discouraged. "Does this have something to do with that new boyfriend of yours? Braeden, was that his name?"

          At the mention of the Pharaoh’s name, LeAnne’s head jerked up. "Mom, if you’re here to scold me about seeing him, don’t bother. I’m scolding myself. Don’t worry, I’m never seeing him again."

          A knowing smile, the kind that all kids hate to see on their parents, brightened Mrs. Wong’s features. "I could have guessed as much. But I’m not here to scold, dear, so don’t fret. I just wanted to let you know that I understand. I hope you’ve learned something from this, though. I don’t want to see you go through this again." With that, she calmly headed towards the door.

          "Oh yeah," she added right before closing the door behind her, "you’re no longer grounded. Like I said, I trust you’ve learned your lesson. Good-night."

          The little Asian beauty just stared at the door, long after her mother was gone. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or furious. She wasn’t a child anymore, but at least she was forgiven.

          And her mother was right. LeAnne had learned her lesson. Braeden wasn’t worth all the pain. He was evil and probably didn’t give a damn about her. LeAnne saw that all now, and she knew what she had to do. Considering that she was no longer grounded, she wouldn’t have to feel so guilty about it either.

          Quietly taking her winter coat from her closet, LeAnne opened her bedroom window wide. Then cautiously, so that her parents and sister wouldn’t hear, she stepped onto the roof, closed the window and shimmied down the drainpipe. She would have to walk all the way to his house if she didn’t want her parents to know of her absence, but it wasn’t that far. Besides, it was only 7:30 and this was for a good cause.

          * * * * *

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