Angel of Hope (con't)

          * * * * *
          PART 32:

          LeAnne Wong stubbornly clung to her soulmate, no matter what anyone else said. As far as she was concerned, he was safest in her arms. Besides, she had already decided never to let him out of her sight again.

          In her arms, Braeden lay perfectly still and also perfectly frozen. But he was still breathing, which was a good sign and he was a vampire, which would definitely work in his favor. He had scared her half to death when he’d fainted. For a second, LeAnne had actually believed him to be dead. Of course, that had obviously not been the case. He’d just been tired. After all, was Braeden not in her arms now? Alive and ... almost well?

          Still, LeAnne was almost afraid to believe it. He and Tier had been so close to death and Tier still was. This thought brought a pang of guilt to the Asian girl. Here she was, acting like a mother hen to Braeden who would most likely be fine with a bit of rest while Tier lay on the cold ground with only Braeden’s light jacket to warm him up.

          The guilt finally got the better of her and the Dark Angel went to go check on Tier. Nick, Ash and Rashel were there, trying to warm him. As soon as they saw her approach, they quietly moved away, knowing she would want to be alone.

          One look upon Tier’s now haggard face still made emotion swell up inside of LeAnne, but this was a brotherly love now, not passionate like what she felt for Braeden. She would never want to see him hurt, but there was no way she could stay with Tier anymore. Not after meeting her soulmate. LeAnne finally realized that this was half the reason she’d denied Braeden in the first place. That is, once she was in her right mind again. She had desperately wanted to cling to the past and what she knew. What she had felt for the gorgeous vampire, even after he’d stopped his mind-games, was scary. But now LeAnne knew it was time to move on. Tier was the past now and though she’d always love him, she loved Braeden more.

          As she watched, the tall human boy began to stir. LeAnne suddenly felt like getting up and running back to Braeden because she knew it was now or never to let Tier know of her decision. But the Dark Angel willed herself to be strong and held his hand as the human boy fought his way back to consciousness.

          For the first few seconds, LeAnne was faced with a vacant stare as Tier struggled to place his location.

          "Hello Tier," LeAnne finally whispered when he seemed to be a bit more oriented with his surroundings.

          "LeAnne," breathed Tier as his chocolate brown eyes met hers. A warm smile lit up his weary face.

          LeAnne tried to smile back, but all she could muster was a faint grimace. She felt like she was going to be sick.

          A worried expression immediately darkened Tier’s features. "What’s wrong? Did Braeden do something? What’s going on LeAnne?" Tier finished in a breathless rush. What usually would have seemed only a few words now felt like a whole speech.

          Unable to look into those concerned and caring brown eyes a second longer, LeAnne quickly averted her glance. Noticing this, Tier followed her line of vision, his eyes coming to rest on the still figure of Braeden, who Delano and Quinn were trying to revive. Understanding dawned on him and Tier felt a rush of sadness and loss. But he was surprised at how little intensity the emotions carried. Sure, he loved LeAnne, but sometime over the last few days he’d come to realize she and Braeden belonged together. Subconsciously, he had already accepted that. Of course, all that didn’t mean he didn’t hurt inside, just a little. "You belong with him, LeAnne. We both know that. I understand," Tier voiced his thoughts aloud in a faint whisper, for it was all he could manage at the moment.

          Sharply, LeAnne turned back towards Tier, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Tier, you don’t have to just say that-"

          "I’m not."


          For a long time, the they just sat there, looking at each other, speechless. Everything they had to wanted to say was spent.

          Finally, LeAnne said, "I’m sorry."

          With a sad smile, Tier replied. "Don’t be."

          Just as the Dark Angel was about to answer, Delano appeared awkwardly behind her. "Sorry guys, but, um.. we should get going. Tier, you and Braeden are only going to get colder lying here. By the way, have any of you seen Destiny?"

          After Delano left, being told that neither LeAnne or Tier had seen Destiny, Nick and Ash came over to help Tier up.

          As soon as he was on his feet, being supported by the two Daybreakers, LeAnne stood on her tip-toes and gave him a soft kiss. It was the last they would ever share. "Thank you," she said quietly. Then, she quickly left and headed towards Braeden, no longer afraid of her future.


          Destiny McNite ran through the trees, regardless of the branches pulling at her clothes and scratching her face. She had to get away. That was all she could focus on.

          In the distance, probably from the bedroom of some unruly teenager, the radio blasted out ear-splitting dance tunes. Destiny was amazed the kid’s parents hadn’t put a stop to it. However, abruptly, the fast beat of the present song ended and surprisingly, a slow song followed.

          "When I first saw you I already knew There was something inside of you. Something I thought that I would never find. Angel of Mine.

          I look at you looking at me, Now I know why they say the best things are free..."

          Memories suddenly began flashing through Destiny’s mind as she uselessly tried to block them out.

          Devon, all golden, angelic and proud as Thierry introduced them and Destiny lay her eyes on him for the first heart-stopping moment, knowing he was the ONE...

          She and Devon, happy and relaxed as they rode the roller coaster in Toronto’s CNE...

          Seeing Devon after their car accident and almost breaking down at the prospect that she could have lost him forever...

          The first time she had seen into his mind, their night under the stars, his cute little smile as he woke up after they’d made love...

          And finally, Destiny was holding him in her arms, watching the fire going out of his eyes. Knowing that if she didn’t stake him right then, he would turn into a ghoul but not wanting to let go of him. Not yet. And hearing that final vow, "I’ll be watching over you, love... Remember me when the night birds sing."

          Destiny couldn’t take it anymore. By now, she’d found a small clearing and breaking down into sobs, she sank down onto the cold earth. That was where Devon was now, buried in the ground, dead and frozen.

          Her only love was in the ground while LeAnne still had both her guys, Tier and Braeden. It wasn’t fair. Immediately, guilt and jealousy welled up inside of her and Destiny didn’t try to push it away. It was useless. She admitted it, she was jealous.

          But as her sobs grew softer and Destiny gained more control of herself, that jealousy soon turned to anger, not at LeAnne, but at Devon for putting her in this position in the first place. "Damn you, Devon!" She cried into the trees, "Damn you Devon, how could you leave me? Why?" A fresh flow of harboured tears cascaded down her cheeks as her voice slowly dropped in volume. It did no good to try and curse her soulmate just as it didn’t help to envy LeAnne. They couldn’t control fate, like everyone else. The only thing Destiny could do was take care of herself and finally find the courage to move on.

          But Goddess, it was so hard. "Remember me when the night birds sing, bullshit," the dark haired witch muttered. She hadn’t heard any birds singing since Devon’s death and she’d definitely been listening every night.

          Suddenly, a flutter sounded by Destiny’s left shoulder. Turning her head sharply, she saw a small, oddly-coloured bluish bird land on her shoulder. In the dim moon-light, it almost looked aquamarine, the colour of Devon’s eyes.

          The small bird cocked his head to one side, seeming to study Destiny for a moment in confusion. Then, it was as if a smile had lit up it’s face, which was absurd because birds didn’t smile. But there the bird was, perched on her shoulder with that look of recognition in it’s eyes and suddenly, it broke into a tune.

          Destiny didn’t know how she knew, but she did. This was Devon’s way of telling her he was fine and that everything would be okay. Somehow, even though she didn’t see how things could work out for her, Destiny felt comforted. Tentatively, she reached out and stroked the beautiful tail feathers of the singing bird, just to double-check that it was, indeed, real.

          If birds could snuggle up to a human, this was definitely what the one on Destiny’s shoulder was doing. Then, without warning, it tore from her grasp and flew out of sight. Bewildered and disappointed, Destiny stared after it until she heard a loud crashing among the trees.

          Delano emerged from the woods, clothes tattered and hair mussed, cursing like a professional hockey player.

          Needless to say, despite her bad mood, Destiny was amused to see always calm and collected Delano Saldivar in this state.

          Catching sight of her, a rueful smile tugged on the Lamia’s lips. "Goddess, Destiny! Count on you to find about the most secluded and hard to get to place in the whole forest! All this wood is NOT healthy. I almost got myself killed!"

          "Pity, I would have liked to see that," Destiny shot back with a small smile.

          "Have you been crying?" Delano finally seemed to click into her state.


          "Is it this whole LeAnne and what guy deal?"

          He could always read her mind. "How’d you guess?"

          Delano shrugged non-chalently. "You’ve been fine for all these months and then all of a sudden you break down for apparently no reason and the only time I’ve ever seen you like this is over Devon. I figured you might be a bit jealous. I mean, you’re entitled to that. I know I would be."

          Sadly, Destiny again turned towards the direction the blue bird had flown off in, not knowing what to say.

          "Come on, Destiny," Delano finally said, "We’ve gotta get going. The others are waiting for us. We still have to figure out what to do with the Night Worlders. We can talk about this on the way back if you want. You know I’m always here for you." He was already leading her out of the clearing.

          Destiny didn’t resist.

          Just as they were almost out of sight of the clearing, a high, clear little tune drifted towards them. Swiftly, Destiny turned on her heel and dashed back to where she’d seen the blue bird last.

          High upon the branch of a tree, the bird perched, still happily chortling it’s tune. At the sight of the dark haired witch, it stopped in mid-note and glanced down at her. Then, looking past her for one moment, it appeared to see something and turning back to Destiny, it seemed to wink before flitting off into the distance.

          Pivoting towards where the blue bird had looked, she saw Delano standing there, looking both confused and a little annoyed.

          Chuckling, Destiny walked back towards him and took his arm. With a small shake of her head, she thought, *Devon, what am I going to do with you?*

          * * * * *

          It was 2 days after the whole Braeden and Tier fiasco, a Sunday, when LeAnne Wong decided it was finally time to talk to Tier. She had called him repeatedly over the last few days, his number being the only one she was allowed to dial anyway after being grounded, but according to his parents, he’d always been ‘sleeping’. LeAnne was beginning to worry that he was regretting his decision to let her go or something along those lines. Not that she was so self-centered that she believed the world revolved around her, but it was the only explanation she could think of. After all, a boy just COULDN’T be sleeping that much!

          "Hi! Mrs. Brandon, could I speak with Tier please?" LeAnne asked as a woman picked up the phone on the other end. As LeAnne had suspected, Chantel Brandon’s reply was, "I’m sorry honey, but he’s sleeping. He’s been so tired lately. You know, the doctors said he should be all right, but I’m beginning to wonder if he shouldn’t be in the hospital or something-"

          Hesitantly, LeAnne cut her off. "Mrs., Mrs. Brandon, it’s kind of important, I really need to talk to him. It’ll only be a few minutes, I promise."

          There was a pause on the other line as Mrs. Brandon thought about this. Finally, she replied, "All right, dear. I suppose a couple of minutes won’t hurt. After all, he’s been a vegetable for 2 days now, he should at least do SOMETHING right? One second, okay honey?"

          A moment later, a very groggy sounding Tier answered the phone. "Hello?"

          He sounded so sleepy, maybe his parents hadn’t lied after all. LeAnne immediately felt like a total fool for even entertaining the distrustful thought, but still replied cheerfully, "Hey Tier! It’s LeAnne! How ya feeling?"

          She could practically imagine the wry smile tugging at his lips, "God, how can you sound so HAPPY, this early in the morning?"

          "Tier, it’s 12 noon," LeAnne tried not to laugh at his innocence. She added, "But you still haven’t answered my question, how are you feeling?"

          "12?! Oh. Well, I’m as good as can be expected, I guess. Considering I can’t even tell what time it is. But hey, I’ll live. That’s always a good thing right? But how have you been? How’d your parents react? Did they buy our excuse?"

          On the way back from the river, the Daybreakers had made up a bizarre and far-fetched explanation for Tier and LeAnne for that night’s escapade. The story was, that Tier and LeAnne had met by the river to discuss their relationship and as they were talking, Tier had suddenly slipped on the banks of the river and fallen in. LeAnne had been unable to reach him in time and he was swept down river. Both had thought Tier was done for, however Braeden and Nick had been walking on the trail that night and heard LeAnne screaming for help. To make a long story short, Braeden dived in, saved Tier right before he floated into the dam and everyone lived happily ever after.

          Of course, LeAnne and Tier had not expected their parents to believe such a stupid story, but no one having a better excuse, they had used it.

          As they’d expected, LeAnne’s parents didn’t believe a word, but decided not to question her, for it would get them no where, they knew. Instead, she had been grounded for a month with her only privilege being allowed to call Tier because it was supposed to be her fault he was sick with hypothermia.

          With a laugh, LeAnne answered Tier’s question, "Yup, they believed every word. And that’s why I’m grounded for a month. But you sound fairly healthy. Definitely stronger, I’m glad you’re feeling better."

          "Yeah, I’ve been sleeping for the last 2 days. I’d hope it wasn’t for nothing," Tier said with his own laugh. "But wait, if you’re grounded for a month, how are you going to say good-bye to Braeden. Didn’t he say he had to leave for Las Vegas soon?"

          At the mention of her soulmate’s name, LeAnne’s smile faded. Tier had just voiced the problem she’d been trying to solve for the last 2 days now. Yes, Braeden was leaving. This afternoon actually, with Ash and Quinn and everyone else except Destiny’s team, her children and Lupe, for Circle Daybreak headquarters in Las Vegas. LeAnne told Tier as much.

          "Well, why don’t you just ask Destiny or Delano to influence your parents like they did with the Night Worlders that were with Braeden that night?" Tier suggested.

          "I’ve thought of it," LeAnne admitted, "but I can’t call them. Besides, I’d feel bad pulling a stunt like that on my family. I’ve caused enough trouble these past few days, already."

          "Well, I won’t argue against that," Tier replied with a laugh just as someone called something to him in the background. "Hey, LeAnne?" he said as he focused on their conversation again, "My mom’s decided it’s time to sleep again. Ugh, I swear, she’s threatening to throw me in the hospital if I don’t hang up right now. I’ll talk to you later, okay? I promise."

          "Sure," LeAnne answered, "She’s right, you need your rest. I hope you feel better soon. Oh, and Tier?" she blurted right before hanging up, remembering why she’d insisted on talking to him in the first place, "You don’t regret, your decision, do you?"

          There was a sharp intake of breath on the other line. After a short pause, Tier replied, "Well, I guess a part of me will always love you, you know LeAnne? But, no I don’t regret it. You and Braeden belong with each other. I just hope I’ll be lucky enough to find my soulmate one day. I hope everything works out between you two."

          LeAnne could tell he was totally sincere. "I feel the same way, Tier," she said softly. "Friends forever?"

          "Friends forever," he agreed firmly. "And now I must go or our next call will be from the hospital. Bye!"

          "Bye, Tier."

          After that, LeAnne just sat in her room, contemplating what she could do to see Braeden before he left for Vegas. Despite her happiness over finally talking to Tier, that cheerfulness only got her so far. She hadn’t talked to Braeden or anyone except her family and Tier since 2 nights ago. It was silly and totally uncalled for, she knew, but the Dark Angel was beginning to worry that Braeden had decided he actually didn’t want her anymore. She had, after all, been absolutely rude and cruel to him until he had saved Tier. What did that say about a person?

          An hour later, LeAnne was still stuck in total misery, having almost no hope of seeing Braeden, when the doorbell rang. *Mom’ll get it," she thought lazily before returning to her brooding.

          She was startled as a moment later, a quiet knock sounded on her bedroom door. "Come in," she muttered.

          The door eased open and to LeAnne’s amazement, there stood Destiny and Delano, she with a perfectly arced eyebrow hiked up, midnight blue eyes peering at LeAnne from behind a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses and he standing behind with a knowing smile playing on his lips.

          "Goddess, girl! Stop looking so glum and make yourself look decent!" Destiny exclaimed only half-joking. "We’ve gotta get moving if we want to make it in time for you to say good-bye to that cute little vampire boyfriend of yours. It’s at least an hour drive to the airport from here, don’t cha know?"

          LeAnne was sure she must have fallen asleep when she’d been brooding. This was not possible. "But,, my parents...I mean, uh-"

          Destiny was already digging through LeAnne’s closet, clothes flying all over the place as Delano explained. "Tier called us and explained your little predicament so naturally, we immediately made a detour and came to pick you up. Your parents think you’re taking a nap for the next, like, 5 hours. As for your little sister, well she didn’t really seem to care, so we didn’t bother. Besides, I don’t think she would rat on you, she adores you. But listen girl, Destiny’s right. If you don’t hurry up, we won’t make it to the airport in time."

          LeAnne was still a bit dazed, but the information was sinking in fast and she was growing more hopeful by the second.

          By now, Destiny had put together an outfit for the Dark Angel and the dark-haired witch swiftly shooed Delano out the room, closing the door behind her with a "Hurry up. We’ll be waiting for you outside."

          In record setting time, LeAnne was dressed and flying down the 401, teeth grinding and knuckles going white as she clutched onto the handle of the inside of the car door. Delano was mad, that’s all she had to say. She had never seen anyone drive like such a madman, let alone ride in their car.

          Seeming to sense her friend’s tension, Destiny told Delano to slow down, they’d make it. Turning around, she explained about the Lamia’s driving, " A bad habit he picked up when he and Nick were being chased by this gang on a mountain road. He’s been like this ever since. I think it’s turning into some sort of compulsory thing." She added in a stage whisper, obviously teasing the driver.

          Delano shot Destiny a dark but joking look and LeAnne’s heart leaped into her throat. The Lamia had slowed down, but not so much that she wasn’t still nervous. LeAnne thought he should be focusing all his attention on the road, not making googly-eyes at a potential girlfriend.

          Finally, after what seemed like ages, the nerve-racking ride was over and they had arrived at Pearson International in Toronto.

          The petite Asian girl thankfully stepped onto the asphalt, wishing the BMW had come equipped with a barf bag. Next time Tier decided to do her a favor, she’d have to remind him to choose a sane driver. But she didn’t have time to worry about her motion sickness, for Destiny immediately grabbed her wrist and started pulling her through the throng of people in the airport as Delano went to park the car.

          After going through all the necessary gates and customs and whatever they were called, for LeAnne couldn’t remember, the two girls finally arrived at gate 27-A. The plane was taking off in 10 minutes and everyone else had boarded, but one tall, brown haired boy was standing in front of the gate, glancing at his watch with a slight frown etched between his brows.

          *How did he know?* LeAnne wondered as she caught sight of him.

          "We called ahead," Destiny explained, answering her friend’s unvoiced question. "Hurry, he’s gotta go soon."

          At that moment, Braeden looked up and saw LeAnne. A smile broke through his tense expression and he rushed towards her.

          "I’ll go wait for Delano," Destiny said as she slipped off, but LeAnne hardly noticed, she was heading towards Braeden.

          "I was afraid you wouldn’t make it," Braeden whispered into her hair as he enveloped her in his arms and the sparks between them began.

          LeAnne hugged him back, holding on tight, trying to remember everything about him before he left. "Not for the world, Soterios." Reluctantly, she pulled slightly away from Braeden, but still stayed in his arms. Looking in his startling blue eyes, she asked seriously, "When am I going to see you again?"

          Braeden let out a sigh as he contemplated the hard question. "I really don’t know. I don’t intend it to be too long, but Hunter must be steaming mad right now after hearing the news that I’ve converted to CD. He’s going to be after me, and you too. That’s why Destiny’s team is staying. When they need to be elsewhere, another team will be sent, but you’ll never be alone, that’s for sure. I’ll probably stay in Vegas until the danger’s dropped at bit, then I’ll see when I can come visit. But I promise, I’ll call and write and all that. Will you?"

          "Of course."

          "Good," a slow smile seeped back onto his face.

          "Sir, the plane is going to take off in 5 minutes, if you’re going to board, it must be now," a flight attendant hesitantly informed Braeden. After he had assured her he would be there right away, she stepped away, giving LeAnne and Braeden a bit more privacy for their last few moments together.

          "I love you, Braeden. I’m sorry for what I said before. I didn’t mean-" LeAnne blurted out before Braeden put his lips against hers, halting all apologies for the time being.

          As he pulled away, Braeden whispered, "LeAnne, love, I know. I love you too. I’ll call you as soon as I get to Vegas. Promise." Right before he gave her one last hug and left with the flight attendant, he pressed something into the palm of her hand.

          LeAnne commanded herself not to cry as she watched his retreating back.

          With one last glance back, the vampire blew her a kiss, then was gone.

          After watching the plane take off from the window the waiting room, LeAnne was finally ready to let her tears fall. But she was suprised to find they were gone. There had been nothing to cry about really. Braeden loved her and she was going to have him back soon enough. Tier and her were still friends and her training in self-defence from Destiny started in secret on Monday. Everything was going to turn out okay, LeAnne could feel it.

          It suddenly occured to LeAnne that she hadn’t checked what Braeden had given her. Opening her hand to see what was in her palm, she was amazed at what she saw. No one had ever given her such a nice present.

          It was a locket, a small pewter star with a golden cresent moon turned downwards in the middle. The description sounded boring, but in reality, it was etheral in it’s beauty. The locket must have been an antique, LeAnne had never seen such fine craftsmenship in any department stores lately, and knowing how old Braeden truly was, she wouldn’t be surprised if her theory was true.

          When LeAnne opened the locket, there was a small picture of Braeden inside and a folded note. She was surprised to see the note was so long.

          Dear LeAnne,

          Well, I’m not sure if I should tell you this, but I’ve thought it over and I think you should hear the story from me. I would have showed you all this in my mind, but I never got the chance and maybe the written explanation won’t be as shocking as a visual.

          About 600 hundred years ago, I was going to give this locket to Lenora. You know, the girl who you called one of the whores I’ve used over the years. Actually, she wasn’t a whore, though I understand where you could get that from. I do have a reputation, I guess. Lenora, was in fact, my first love. I’d known her since birth and we were betrothed. That wasn’t a problem to either of us, we loved each other more than anything in the world. The night I was turned into a vampire by Red Fern, was one week before our wedding day. I was so happy as I went out that night with the guys. Even back then, they were obsessed with the whole, ‘Only one week left before you’re chained down to one woman for the rest of your life’ thing. As I’ve already mentioned, I didn’t mind being with Lenora, but I figured a night out with the guys wouldn’t be a bad thing. As it turned out, I was wrong.

          I have no idea how I ended up in a back alley with Red Fern. I’d never met the guy before in my life, but the next thing I knew, he was tearing my throat out. When I woke up about 2 days later, I was still in that alleyway and because it was out of the sun, I was still alive. In a manner of speaking. It didn’t take me long to figure out what I was, the fangs were right there for me to touch and the bloodlust was at it’s high. But I had no idea how powerful the bloodlust was or how deadly those fangs could be. If I did, I would never have run to Lenora’s house.

          When she saw me, she was so relieved and so trusting. She let me in through her bedroom window and was just asking me how I was feeling when I doubled over in pain. I didn’t know why my stomach hurt so bad, it just did. Naturally, she bent down to see what was wrong and that was when I attacked her. I didn’t mean to, I swear, but I had to. I felt like I was dying. Again.

          She’d been so trusting, LeAnne, and I took her life. I’d loved her since we was born, for 17 years, and I had killed her. Do you know what her dying words were, LeAnne? "I trusted you, Braeden. I loved you, but you’re a monster now. You’re not my angel anymore, you’re a monster and I hate you." And then she died.

          So I became what she thought I was. A monster. And I never had a reason to change that until I met you. You’ve given me a reason to BE, LeAnne. You’ve been my angel. My Angel of Hope. I love you.

          Your soulmate, Braeden Soterios

          "I love you too, Braeden," LeAnne whispered as she stared out the window at the clear blue sky, so much like Breaden’s eyes. Her hands closed around the locket and the note.

          Then she turned on her heel and went in search of Destiny and Delano. It was time to go home and stop ‘napping’. Besides, she had to wait for a very important phone call.

          * * * * *

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