Angel of Hope

          By: Leandra Drache

          DISCLAIMERS: The concept of the Night World and all NW characters belong to Ms. Lisa Jane Smith. I am using them without her permission and not making a penny either, so hopefully I won’t get in trouble. You know, lawsuits can get very ugly these days... :)

          SPOILERS: To be safe, I’ll say all the NW books. This also makes reference to my previous (and first) fan-fic, Angel of Destiny.

          RATING: PG

          SUMMERY: In the previous story, Circle Daybreak learned about 4 teenagers, Dark Angels, that could help or kill the Wild Powers. Now, CD has found the second DA and is trying to keep her away from the Night World.

          AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: I’d like to thank Chris, Oriana, Amaranth, Nova, Kierlan, Alexandra, Keller and Roxen for helping me with this story. Also, thanx goes out to all of the above as well as Dessa (girl, you were awesome!), Kayla, Gem, Morgead, Erina and Laura for their comments. A special thanx goes out to Pandora who really helped me out with her observative comments. Girl, nothing gets past you does it? :) Did I miss anyone? Hope not, but if so, you guys know I luv ya right?

          Any comments can be sent to:


          Prologue to Part 4
          Parts 5-9
          Parts 10-13
          Parts 14-17
          Parts 18-22
          Parts 23-25
          Parts 26-28
          Parts 29-31
          Parts 32-Epilogue

          Fanfic Page
