Heaven Sent (con't): Remember, I am borrowing L.J. Smith's characters without her permission, but I'm not making any money either. I'm simply writing this because I love writing. :)

          * * * * *
          PART 9:

          June 14, 1999: 5:19 AM

          I have been awake and dressed for an hour now. No matter how much I tried, sleep would not come after Amaya left. I am surprised I have not worn a hole in the carpet already with my pacing; my wondering who to believe.

          Logically, I have as much reason to trust Amaya as I do Keiara. But if intuition is telling me right, Amaya could very well be my soulmate and that should account for something, should it not?

          Why did Amaya really come to me last night? Was it truly to help me or did Keiara send her to mess me up? If it was the latter, she had certainly done a good job.

          Well, let’s just think about this for a second. There has to be a way to listen to both of them at the same time. Both warnings or threats or whatever you wanted to call them mention someone I care about getting hurt. Keiara had said I would see that person last night after the phone call. Who had I seen?

          Thierry, for one, though I have no idea how Keiara would get to him. The man is surrounded by security everywhere he goes. There are plenty of less heavily guarded people Keiara could kill and it would hurt me just as much.

          Destiny. Well, here was someone that Keiara can get to a bit more easily. And she certainly has a score to settle with the witch. Keiara’s soulmate had been killed in a fire that Destiny had been involved in, not to mention that she had broken Marcellus D’Alimonte’s heart. Destiny is a definite possibility.

          Gabriel and Selena. I do not know how far Keiara is willing to go for vengeance, but this would be the worst blow to me. And if she manages to get her hands on the twins, she could hurt Destiny as much as me.

          Who else? Well, there was the hamster, Slappy Tobias Doris, but I would not be very heartbroken over the rodent. If Keiara went after HIM...well, then she has a smaller brain than I ever imagined.

          There is someone I have overlooked, someone I have not named. Who is it?

          Amaya. But Keiara could not know that she has anything to do with me, could she? No, the idea is absurd! I have only know Amaya for less than a day and spoken to her a maximum of 20 minutes.

          Well, that is everyone I had seen last night. Now, to consider Amaya’s warning. If the mansion is really going to be besieged on my birthday, Thierry would have to know this, that is beyond doubt. Looks like I am going to have to tell him everything, anyway.

          Restlessly, I wait for 9:00 to come. There is nothing I would like better than to just burst through his door right now, but I did that once to Delano and Destiny was there. I do not care to relive such an experience again. It was quite humiliating and traumatizing the first time.

          On the stroke of nine, I dart out of the room and into Thierry’s suite of rooms, acknowledging the greeting of friends with a smile as I pass.

          Outside his bedroom, I knock and wait impatiently for the door to open.

          "Shh," Thierry whispers, placing a finger to his lips as he slips out of the room, closing the door behind him. But not before I catch a glimpse of Hannah Snow resting comfortably, a golden creature in the middle of the blue-sheeted bed. I also do not miss the black sleeping bed on the floor and with a glance at Thierry’s rumpled appearance, I have to smile.

          "You two are so cute," I can not resist commenting.

          Mr. Lordy rolls his eyes at this. "That’s what everyone says. Anyway, what’s so important that you couldn’t wait until I was fully awake?"

          Any hint of a smile is immediately erased from my face. Might as well get this over with, I think, and relate the whole story, keeping only to the fundamentals when Amaya comes to play. Still, at the end, I swear that Thierry can see right through me, at how I really feel about her. Thankfully, he keeps silent about anything he knows.

          "Well," he says after I am finished. That is all I heard from him for a while as he goes over the information in his head. Finally, he decides, "Since we don’t know if what Amaya said is for real and if it is, telling would probably get her in big trouble with the Night World, we need a reason to gather a whole bunch of Daybreakers together. Keiara gives us the perfect solution, whether she knows it or not."

          "What would that be?"

          Thierry grins at me. "We’ll just have to have a birthday party for our little Angel. That way, we can rally Circle Daybreak together and not get Amaya in trouble. As for Destiny and the twins, they should be safe enough within the party. Delano’s coming back this afternoon, he can help Destiny keep an eye on the twins. Hopefully, everything will turn out all right."

          I can not say that I like the idea of having a birthday party only days after I have become verbal again, but Thierry’s plan makes sense. "So, do you tell them, or do I?" I ask.

          I must have let some of my unease slip. "I’ll tell them," Thierry assures me with a smile. "Why don’t you go get some more sleep, Nick. You look like you need it."

          "Oh, ha ha," I say dryly. "You don’t look like you slept too well in your camping gear either."

          Thierry smiles good-naturedly at my reference to his sleeping bag. "Good-bye, Nick," he says and closes the door to his suite behind me.

          "Humph," I pout, pretending to be indignant and failing quite miserably.

          Despite my good mood though, I find that sleep still will not come. Amaya still plagues my mind and I begin to wonder if there’s something wrong with me. I mean, I have never been this hung up on a girl, not even Leandra.

          I need some fresh air, I think, sitting up abruptly. Where this thought has suddenly sprung from, I do not know, but it does not matter.

          "Hey, Nick! Where you goin’?" Ash Redfern, a tall, blond Lamia with ever-changing eyes stops me on the stairs.

          I shrug. I can not very well tell him something I myself do not know. "Out," I answer shortly.

          He raises a skeptical brow. "All right then. See you later."

          "See ya," I call, already halfway out the door.

          Without realizing where I am going, I suddenly find myself in the small suburban area where I first met Amaya yesterday. I have no idea why I have brought myself back here, perhaps in hopes that I will see her again? After all, this is as good a place as any to start searching. The question that determines where or not I will actually succeed though, is, does she want to be found?

          There are considerably more people here today than yesterday. For the most part, I tower above the crowd (it is unbelievable how short some people can be, even in this day and age) and I use that to my advantage, looking for the dark head I wish to find.

          Suddenly, I see a dark figure through the crowd. The height and build is right, but since she is not coming my way, I cannot get a look at the face to make sure.

          As quickly and gently as I can manage, I push through the throng of people, trying to reach this girl. "Amaya," I call as I get closer.

          The girl keeps going, oblivious to my voice.

          "Amaya," I say again and this time, she turns.

          "Yes? Were you talking to me?" the stranger asks politely, a pitying look behind her eyes. She must think I am crazy; a gorgeous boy calling for someone who is not there.

          Disappointment fills me as I reply, "Sorry. I thought you were someone else." As I return the way I had come, I look back one more time and realize there is no way that girl could have been Amaya. She has none of the predatory grace of a vampire, none of that powerful air.

          Turning around with a sigh, I suddenly see a flash of ebony in my peripheral vision. Studying the figure more closely, I see the predatory grace, the aura of power.

          This time, there is no doubt in my mind as I plunge through the crowd. My path takes me by the girl I had thought was Amaya and she reaches out to stop me, perhaps concerned about my mental health. I guess most normal people do not go barging down the sidewalk with a vehement look of determination and desperation in their eyes, but I hardly acknowledge her, shaking her hand off my arm without a thought.

          Amaya doesn’t seem to notice me until I place a hand on her shoulder. Then, in one quick motion, she suddenly grabs my wrist in an iron grip and twirls around, ready to throw me over her shoulder at a moment’s notice.

          The fierce gleam in her eyes dies down a bit when she sees that it is me. Fluidly, she let’s go of my wrist as if it is some parasitic slug. "Oh, it’s you. What do you want?" she demands harshly in a low, dangerous tone.

          I run a hand through my hair. What DO I want? I peer around for someplace we can talk in private and notice the alley we had just left the day before. That will do.

          "I wouldn’t touch me if I were you, Corona," she says, voice colder than ice, wrenching her arm out of my hand as soon as we are in the alleyway. Her eyes are black and totally opaque, none of her emotions shine through. "What the hell do you want from me?"

          "Amaya, about last night…" I trail off, trying to focus on what I want to express. It is hard, with her so close.

          When she sees that I am not about to continue, she takes this chance to speak, "Last night should never have happened. It was a fluke. I wouldn’t even have considered warning you if I didn’t hate Keiara so much, so don’t think I actually did it for you."

          "Are you sure about that?" I ask skeptically.

          Her cold laugh echoes through the alley. "I know what you think about me, Corona. I know what kinds of little fantasies you have in your head and I suggest you erase them immediately because they’re never going to come true."

          I am blushing violently at her words, I know, but there is nothing I can say as she barges on quietly, frostily.

          "I don’t know where you get your ideas, Corona. I certainly did nothing to help them along. Because unlike in all your little reveries, I really don’t give a damn about you."

          That brings my voice back. "I don’t believe you," I say quietly, trying to keep my voice steady.

          I can tell she thinks I am mad to even dare contradict her words. Her eyes are so filled with fiery hatred that I am almost inclined to take her seriously as she says, "Believe it, Corona. You’re a damned Daybreaker and I will have nothing to do with the likes of you. You are worse than the vermin I hunt, you might as well be scum." Her voice is deadly, filled with a low and dangerous calm. I can feel the pent up aggression, the barely contained power she is holding back, but I will not back down now. I have decided that I have to warn her about what Keiara said, no matter how unlikely it is that Amaya is the one that Keiara wants to hurt. Amaya HAD admitted she hated the vampire.

          "Look, Amaya, about Keiara and last night-"

          Her eyes are flashing angrily now, though the rest of her is still encompassed by that deadly calm. "How many times do I have to tell you, Corona? Last night was a mistake; one that I will regret for the rest of my life. I hate you, I loath you, I never want to see you again. I never even want to hear your name spoken in my presence." The whole time, her voice stays low, which disturbs me all the more.

          Involuntarily, I flinch at her words. They seem so sincere, but yesterday is still fresh in my mind. There is no way she can truly mean that, not in her deepest heart.

          Some of my thoughts must show on my face because Amaya takes one look at me and says, "I said it once before, Corona. Believe it. I don’t want you, I could never want you. The next time I see you, I promise you, it will end in death."

          There is no time for me to react before she turns on her heal and is gone. Just like last night.

          I sigh dejectedly. How can she have such a profound effect on me? If this is how it feels to have a soulmate, I am not sure how elated I am about it.

          * * * * *
          PART 10:

          June 14, 1999: 3:41 PM

          Impatiently, I flip through a magazine as I wait for Delano’s plane to arrive. I suppose I have wished this on myself, this tedious waiting.

          I admit, I was the one that offered to pick Delano up at the airport for Nilsson when I got back from my little encounter with Amaya. Hah! And I had thought it would take my mind off of Amaya, having something to do. But now, Delano’s plane has been delayed and I have all the time in the world to sit and just think. And think is the one thing I do not want to do. Still, I find my mind drifting to Amaya. I have long ago admitted that she has become an obsession. I wake up thinking of her and I had definitely fallen asleep last night with her on my mind.

          Had she really meant what she had said? Would she indeed kill me? And would I stop her or just let her stab me or shoot me or whatever way she planned to end my life?

          The small laugh that escapes my lips is bitter and the man beside me glances over. I see him shift away from me slightly. I do not blame him. I would love to escape from myself right now, too.

          Well, Leandra, looks like taking your advice hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I send the thought silently to her as I stare out the airport window, up at the sky. Maybe, just maybe, she can hear me wherever she is. Yeah, right. I sometimes wonder if she was real at all.

          "Hey, Nick! You playing chauffeur for the day?"

          So startled that I actually jump, I glance up to see a pair of chocolate brown eyes looking back with a gleam of amusement.

          "Jumpy, are we? Well, that’s fine. I heard from Destiny that you’re feeling better, though you haven’t done anything to prove her words, I see."

          I can not believe Delano can feel so talkative at a time like this! But then again, he does not think anything is amiss. All the problems are in MY head, not his.

          "Let’s go," I grumble, swiftly getting up from my chair. Delano might want to chat, but I certainly didn’t.

          Delano takes hold of my arm as I brush past him. "What’s wrong, Nick? What’s going on? What suddenly inspired you to start talking again?"

          We must be an interesting sight. A handsome, dark haired Italian wearing an Armani suit staring searchingly at a blond boy in a black ribbed shirt and khakis while the boy glares back.

          "Don’t start interrogating me, Delano. I’m really not in the mood," I shake off his hand angrily. What makes him think he can just jump off some plane after spending a month in Italy and cross-examine me? He is almost as bad as Dr. Mitchell!

          A strange look passes across Delano’s face that I cannot read. But he leaves me alone and follows me silently to the limo, for which I am grateful.

          As much as I would like Delano to sit in the back, he refuses and rides in the passenger seat, beside me. I sigh in frustration. He is going to try and talk to me again, that is inevitable. He can be so cantankerous at times.

          For the first half of the ride, he leaves me in peace, allowing me to mull over everything in my mind. I almost wish that he would speak then, because I have to think about is Amaya. Of course, as soon as he begins to speak, I wish me would leave me alone. I am never satisfied, as Leandra used to so lovingly say.

          "Look, Nick, I can tell you don’t want to talk. But, come on, at least tell me why you decided to become verbal again? And don’t say you just felt like it, ‘cause we both know that’s bullshit. Give me some credit, I’m your best friend."

          I have to smile at this. This is the Delano I know. Nice enough in his own way, but straight-forward as an arrow. I have not realized how much I have missed his ‘delightful’ personality until now. Even when I was thoroughly depressed, he had treated me the same way as he always did. No pity could ever be seen in his eyes, and he had dragged me here and there until I wanted to wring his neck. "There’s no way I’ll get you off my back otherwise, is there?" I ask with a shake of my head.

          "Nope." He sounds quite happy saying this.

          I have not told anyone my reason, but if there is one person I can trust, it is Delano. Taking a deep breath, I start. "I had this dream two night’s ago. Leandra came to me. She made me promise to move on, to talk, to care about people again. And, of course, you know I would agree to anything she said." The last few words end as a whisper.

          Beside me, I can hear Delano slowly letting his breath out. "Why?" he asks, puzzled.

          "She said I had to be prepared for my soulmate, that I would find her."

          "And have you found her yet?"

          I pause uncertainly. I can barely hear myself when I answer, "Maybe."

          I can feel Delano’s bewilderment, but I there is no way I will volunteer more information unless he asks. He knows this too and finally finds his voice. "What do you mean?"

          "I think I might have found her, but I’m not sure." I do not intend to say more and Delano sees that.

          "All right," Delano nods in understanding. I suppose he knows something about not being able to get a girl. Destiny resisted him for two years before she gave in. "Oh, hey," he says suddenly, remembering something long forgotten. "You’re birthday’s in 2 days right? I got you something. Do you want it now or later?"

          "You should probably save it for my birthday party."

          I have to laugh at the look that flashes across his face. A kind of shocked astonishment meets ‘Have you completely lost your mind’ thing. "It’s a long story," I explain and relate the events of the previous night and this morning. It is virtually impossible to keep Amaya out of it, so I try to keep to the fundamentals, like I did with Thierry. And like Thierry, as soon as I mention that she came to me in the middle of the night, Delano senses she must be more than the mere acquaintance I make her out to be.

          Unlike Thierry, however, Delano is not as gifted at being discreet. "This Amaya is the girl that might be your soulmate, I am not mistaken?" I am not sure I like the way he says ‘might’.

          I do not answer. I know my face says it all.

          "If she’s willing to seduce you in the middle of the night, I’d say she’s more than an acquaintance, that’s for sure."

          "She didn’t seduce me-"

          "Hey! Watch the road!" Delano cries as I swerve to the right to avoid colliding with a green pick-up truck.

          "Okay, I’m sorry. She didn’t intend to seduce you, but why do I get the feeling you were turned on anyway?"

          I am blushing profusely now. Why does he have to know me so well?

          I can see Delano smile as he says, "I would say she sounds like a soulmate. I mean, you don’t usually turn into a mass of screaming hormones just because some pretty girl walks into the room. That’s Ash’s job, might I add?" he mentions with a playful grin and continues, "So, if you’ve found your soulmate, why so glum? I certainly hope it’s not because of Leandra. She wouldn’t want that."

          I begin to say it is partly because of Leandra and realize that that is not true. Whatever scruples I had with her, I have resolved with my tears that night she came to me. Now, I realize the tears signified something: that I have finally accepted she is gone, not coming back. I will always miss her, but I see that I have already begun to move on.

          I shake my head ruefully. "No, it’s not Leandra. I’ve taken her advice and moved on. The problem is Amaya herself. She hates me-"

          "Now, even if she isn’t your soulmate, I wouldn’t go that far."

          "-and she swore the next time she sees me, she’ll kill me," I finish and now, I truly believe she will do it. She is so deep in her denial, she will only realize her mistake after I am dead in her arms. Which is not exactly the ideal setup for me.

          Delano’s dark brows crease. "Kill you? Are you sure? Where did this notion come from?"

          "I don’t really want to talk about it, Delano. Let’s just say, she’s a Night World vampire and will definitely do it."

          "All right," he says, still puzzled, but he knows when to shut up."

          Soon, we reach Thierry’s mansion and as we step through the front door, Gabriel and Selena are waiting in ambush once again. Luckily, this time, they are more focused on Delano and I am able to slip away.

          Half-way up the stairs, I look back to see Delano spinning Destiny around in his arms. I sigh. What can’t I have HIS life?

          * * * * *
          PART 11:

          June 16, 1999: 4:45 PM

          "Hey, Nick! How’s it going? Happy Birthday!" Mary-Lynette Carter smiles up at me as I welcome her, Mark Carter and Ash’s sisters into the mansion.

          Actually, I am a bit surprised to see M’Lin and her brother here. I did not think Thierry invited them to the party. Not that we do not like them, of course. It is just that if the house is attacked tonight, they would be liabilities.

          "Surprise for Ash," Kestrel Redfern whispers into my ear, yellow eyes glowing knowingly. "Don’t worry, Thierry knows about it. Oh, and happy birthday. What are you, 18, now?"

          "By the way, where is our big brother?" Jade asks innocently, pushing her long, flaxen hair out of her eyes to glance about while holding Mark’s hand.

          "Right here, little sister," Ash says, appearing out of nowhere to give Jade a hug. The guy has changed a lot in 3 years.

          From where he is standing, Ash cannot see Mary-Lynette behind me. At her insistence-she keeps poking at me back-I move out of the way and now Ash can see her quite clearly.

          The Lamia’s eyes-which are blue at the moment-grow wide as the full moon when he catches sight of her. "Mare…" he manages to choke out in astonishment before sweeping her into his arms.

          It has been like this all day. Friends and soulmates reunited as people arrive for my birthday party tonight. First, it had been Rashel Jordan, Quinn’s soulmate, who had been on assignment in Boston; then, Philip North, Poppy’s brother and as far as I am concerned, another liability; Maggie Neely and LeAnne Wong had come in together (I cannot conceive how this came about) and Delos and Braeden had been ecstatic. Now, it was M’Lin and the Redfern sisters and I have to admit, I am getting just slightly depressed. I have no family or soulmate who is going to come waltzing in. Everyone is either dead or wants to kill me.

          "Feeling sorry for yourself, Nick?" Delano comments in my ear and I jump in surprise.

          "How’d you guess?" I mutter.

          Delano laughs good-naturedly. "I know you, Nick. Besides, I guess you have reason to be a bit upset right now, but everything is going to turn out all right. We’ll figure out how to get Amaya."

          I raise a skeptical brow. All day yesterday, Delano had been going over ways to find Amaya and what to do when we did. I appreciate his efforts, but I do not think I will be taking his advice anytime soon.

          "I don’t know why Nilsson can’t answer the door," I grumble when I realize Ash and the others have left.

          "Because it’s your party tonight and they should at least see you sometime today," Delano points out logically. I hate that about him. He always makes sense. Well, unless he is speaking gibberish to Destiny or the twins. Which he has been doing since getting home.

          Thinking about the party tonight unnerves me. I have not seen or heard from Keiara or Amaya since 2 days ago. What will happen? I do not have a clue what to expect, but I have a bad feeling about this. Considering that I was born a witch, that is not good.

          "How many people are here already?" I ask to change the subject.

          "Well, I’m not sure about the exact numbers, but I do know that only Keller’s team needs to get here, and then we’re all present."

          It is right then that the doorbell rings. As soon as I open the door, a little blond shape flings herself into my arms. "Happy birthday, Nicky! We’ve missed you!" Iliana Harman, the Witch Child, chirps.

          I cannot help but smile. "I’ve missed you too, Iliana. Come on in, guys. I think everyone’s in the living room." Delano and I follow Keller’s team as they make their way down the hall. Everyone, in fact, is not in the living room. There are too many people to fit and some are spilling into the halls and the adjoining dining room.

          Being a Wild Power and relatively short, there is a spot saved for Iliana and the team near Thierry. There is also a place saved for me and I begin making my way towards it when Delano stops me.

          "Looks like you’ll be getting quite a few presents tonight, Nicky," he grins deviously, surveying the crowd.

          Smiling ruefully, I shake my head and go to take my seat.

          * * * * * * * * * *
          PART 12:

          June 16, 1999: 9:30 PM

          Breathing deeply, I lean back against the sink and close my eyes. Air, how precious it is. I have definitely not been getting enough of it in the past 2 hours. To think, I have to lock myself in the bathroom to have a moment alone. I am being reminded with a vengeance why I despise parties.

          "Hey, Nick! You alright?" Braeden knocks on the bathroom door.

          I can not even be left alone when I am in the washroom! What is the world coming to?

          "Yeah, I’m alright," I call back, willing him to go away. Just in case he feels tempted to say anything else, I turn on the tap. The sound of running water drowns out any reply.

          I splash water over my face to try and collect myself. A terrible headache is starting to develop. Without warning, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and for no reason that I can tell, I think of Amaya. For the most part, she has been out of my mind. Primarily because I have had no time to think of her, but now I have the time and I am thinking.

          I am thankful when another knock sounds on the door and brings me back to the present.

          "Braeden-" I begin, flinging open the door and stop to see Thierry standing, tall and serious, in the doorway. "What is it?" I ask, the wave of foreboding I have held back all night breaking over my walls.

          "Phone call for you," Thierry replies gravely. "She won’t say who she is, but my best bet is that it’s your Amaya. She sounds pretty desperate."

          I do not bother to reply. I am already bounding down the hall for the stairs. If Amaya needs my help, I will be glad to give it.

          "Hello?" I blurt out into the phone as soon as I reach Thierry’s study.

          I can hear fast, shallow breaths on the other side, like a marathon runner who has just finished their race. "Nick?" someone whimpers weakly.

          "Amaya!" I gasp. I have never heard her like this. Her voice is terrified, panicked. "What’s wrong? Are you alright?"

          "Oh, Goddess, thank you," she is praying on the other end. To me, she pleads, "Nick, please don’t hang up-"

          I blanch. "What? Don’t be ridiculous! I wouldn’t do that! Now, Amaya, what’s going on? How can I help?"

          She takes in a sobbing breath. "It’ll take too long to explain. Nick, look, I’m really sorry for saying I don’t care, for threatening you, everything."

          She sounds half hysterical and I cannot imagine anything that could do this to her. A cold, dark fear encloses my heart as I ask, "Amaya, don’t apologize. Just tell me, where are you?" Since she is obviously not going to explain what is wrong, I will have to go see for myself and the call display is telling me she is calling from a pay phone.

          "42 Tanner St.," she says and suddenly, I hear her crying. "Nick, please. I need you. But you can’t bring anyone with you or-" she cuts off her own words with a scream.

          "Amaya! Amaya!" I shout into the phone. Goddess, what is going on?

          I can still hear her yelling in the background, though it is becoming fainter. "Nick! No! Nick, please! No, let me go! Nick!!!"

          "Amaya!" I cry out one more time, before someone hangs up the phone and I am left with only the dial tone.

          * * * * *

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