Heaven Sent (con't):

          * * * * *
          PART 13:

          June 16, 1999: 9:52 PM

          "Delano, can I borrow your car?"

          The Lamia looks at me with a look I can only describe as strange and asks suspiciously, "Why?"

          I am in no mood to answer questions. "I just need to."

          He shakes his head, uncomprehending. Just as he is about to reply, Gabriel runs up to him and flings his arms around his leg. The fruit punch in my nephew’s small hand spills all over the place, making it look like Delano wet his pants.

          "Haha!" Gabriel coos gleefully, "I got you! Now you’re It, Delano!" When Delano does not respond, my nephew lifts his raven head and notices the punch stain. "Uh-oh," he says, slowly lifting his head even higher until he can see Delano’s face.

          "Yeah. Uh-oh," mutters Delano, not amused.

          Gabriel’s lips begins to quiver. "I’m sorry."

          Delano sighs. I have never known him to resist Gabriel or Selena. "That’s okay," he says, picking my nephew up. Gently, he wipes a tear off his cheek just as Destiny shows up, Selena in her arms.

          The situation is beginning to get out of hand, so I interrupt. "Delano, I really need your car."

          "Why?" Destiny is the one to ask this time.

          I shake my head, ignoring her. I know this is rude, but I really need to get to Amaya.

          Delano answers for me, "He won’t say." He narrows his eyes at me. "If you’re going anywhere in my car, I want to know where and why."

          "Delano, just give him the keys," Destiny advises softly, with a look at me. I can only imagine what I look like to her right now. A wild panic is quickly filling up inside me, taking over and I know some of it must show in my eyes.

          My best friend glances back at his girlfriend, ready to argue, but when Destiny urges him to take a closer look at me, he shuts his mouth. Resigned, he takes the keys to his BMW out of his pocket. Before he gives them to me, however, he demands, "Tell me where you’re going."

          It occurs to me to lie, but in the end, there really is no point. "42 Tanner St."

          "If you’re not back in 20 minutes, I’m coming after you," he says, quite nonchalant and passes me the keys.

          "An hour," I bargain.

          "Thirty minutes, that’s it," he says, a hardness in his voice that tells me he will not be moved.

          "Alright," I sigh and turn to go.

          Instantly, Selena is at my side. She wraps her little arms around one of my legs, big blue eyes shining up at me and says sadly, "Good-bye, Uncle Nicky."

          Startled, I look back at Destiny and Delano to see what they make of this. Perhaps it is nothing, but when I see the horrified shock on their faces, I know what they truly think.

          Shaken, I turn back to Selena and ruffle her golden hair, trying desperately to act normal. "Seeya later, squirt." The smile on my face is forced as I quickly make my way through the crowd and slip out the door.

          I know exactly where Tanner St. is, so there is no need to waste time on a map. The district where it is located is deep in the slums, a place full of abandoned warehouses and homeless people. The perfect place for anyone who wants an isolated place within the city.

          Halfway to my destination, I suddenly double over in pain. Quickly pulling over, I pull my legs up and try to will it away. Where is this suddenly coming from? Last time I checked, I was perfectly healthy.

          An image of Keiara D’Alimonte wielding a silver knife flashes before my eyes and instantly, everything becomes clear to me. It is Amaya Keiara was talking about. The vampire somehow figured out Amaya is connected to me and she has her right now, in an old warehouse and Keiara is going to kill her. All this goes through my mind in a split second and another second later, I am on the road again.

          Throughout the rest of the drive, I feel bursts of pain wash over me. After they recede, I can still feel little pin-points of agony where the pain originated, some on my arm, my legs, my stomach. The closer I get, the worse it gets, but my determination keeps me going.

          It takes me a total of fifteen minutes to get to the warehouse and I realize that Delano must be coming after me by now. When he says thirty minutes, he means he will be at the destination in that time, not just setting out for it. I am almost sorry I did not ask him to come sooner.

          The warehouse is an old, three-story red brick building. One among many other identical structures. There is no chance of burning this place up like we burnt Keiara’s last hide-out. At least she has learned something.

          Without thought, I burst through a metal door hanging on one hinge. I half expect vampires and werewolves to jump out at me from the shadows, but there is just quiet. For a moment, I wonder if I have the wrong building, but I sense Amaya here and the pain is growing steadily worse.

          My eyes adjust to the darkness and I spot a stairway to my left. Quickly and silently, I steal up it and come onto the second floor of the building. Here, there are machines, where the first floor had nothing. From the equipment, I cannot tell what kind of factory this used to be, but I realize it is a good hiding place for enemies. However, I sense that no one is here and head up towards the last floor.

          A soft glow shines down from the third floor and I can hear muffled voices. From where I am, I cannot hear what they are saying, but when a scream pierces the air, I know I have found Amaya and Keiara.

          When I reach the landing, I do not even bother to hide. There is no doubt in my mind that Keiara knows I am here. Still, I plan to stay silent until she acknowledges me. That, of course, is before I register what is going on around me.

          There are 4 vampires and 3 werewolves in the dimly lit room, along with Keiara and Amaya. One of the vampires is Keiara’s own younger brother, Marcellus and I am sure they notice me as I walk in, but Keiara must have told them to disregard me for now. If they attack me right now, I do not think I would even flinch; I am frozen by the scene between Keiara and Amaya.

          Anger and shock course through my body as I see what she is doing to my soulmate. Amaya is tied to a small bed, wrists to the top and ankles to the bottom while Keiara stands before her, something I cannot see in her hand. Small splinters of wood, the size of toothpicks, are imbedded in Amaya’s ebony skin and tiny pools of blood are collecting around the wounds. Amaya’s face is pasty as she struggles to keep from screaming again, but I can hear her whimpers, even from across the room. An involuntary gasp comes from my own throat as I see this.

          It is now that Keiara finally decides to acknowledge me. Without turning around, she says, "Hello, Angelface. I’ve been waiting for you." She waves a hand over Amaya and adds, "Happy Birthday."

          "Let her go, Keiara," I reply quietly.

          Her cold, hard laughter sends gooseflesh up my arms. "You, Angelface, are in no position to make demands. You’re greatly outnumbered, as you can plainly see. And, I have your dear little soulmate in my hands. Now, wouldn’t it be a pity if you lost both of your great loves to me?"

          I flinch involuntarily at her reference to Leandra. The night I lost her is still un-nervingly fresh in my mind. Everything she says is true and we both know it. Still, I cannot give up. Slowly, I stalk towards Keiara. If I can just kill her before the others get to me, I will die a happy bird.

          "Don’t come any closer, Angelface. You wouldn’t want to see her dead so soon, now would you?" Keiara places the wooden stake in her hands over Amaya’s heart, hard enough to pierce the material of her shirt and draw a small cry from Amaya.

          Abruptly, I stop and look helplessly at Amaya. It can not all be over before I get to do anything, but what can I possibly do now?

          "Out of brilliant plans, are we Angelface? You know, I thought you were smarter than this. I thought for sure you would bring some kind of back-up, but I guess that’s partly little Amaya’s fault, isn’t it?"

          The glazed look in Amaya’s eyes subsides for a second as her name is mentioned. Their deep black depths focus on me with a look of terrible sadness and she mouths the words, "I’m sorry."

          I am not sure what I can do to reply to this. Keiara has not noticed this change in Amaya yet and I will certainly not alert her. Before I have time to dwell on this, however, Keiara orders so quietly I almost do not hear, "Kill him."

          I whirl around to see the vampires and werewolves advance towards me, hunger in their eyes. All of them, that is, except Marcellus. I do not know why he holds back, maybe he is growing a conscience, but even if he will not hurt me, he will not help me, either.

          All I can think is to get to Keiara before they get to me, but as I turn a werewolf lunges at me, jaws open and snapping at my throat. I have a split-second to register this and dodge out of the way before he falls on the spot I used to be. Unfortunately, I find I have placed myself in a circle of vampires while getting away from the wolf.

          Collecting my power in my mind, I throw it out towards the two vampires that I can see. I know they have probably seen a Dark Angel at work from Dion Vitani, the lone Angel who has joined their side, but who is still in some ways, our ally. However, Dion cannot be half as strong as me, not yet and these vampires are obviously not ready for my attack.

          They can counter my attack for only a few seconds before, clawing at their heads and hissing in pain, the two crumble to the floor and are still. Smoke and the smell of burnt flesh rises from their fallen bodies.

          *Nick, behind you,* Amaya warns weakly as someone grabs hold of my shoulders. I have no time to prepare another mental blow before the vampire behind me rips into my throat. I think I cry out, but I cannot be sure since the wave of pain blinds me to everything else. With a great effort, I focus my power and throw it at him, all my pain and desperation making the impact that much stronger. He does not have a chance to cry out before he sinks to the ground.

          There are still the three werewolves left and they do not give me a chance to recover before they lunge at me. Amaya screams as they fall on me all at once, or maybe it is myself who screams. Either way, the wolves are lying over me, snarling and biting, blocking everything but their bodies from my sight. I feel one of them bite into my shoulder, but I am so shocked I do not feel the pain until much later, when another clamps down on my arm and the last rakes his claws over my chest.

          I can see nothing but red and brown, blood and fur as they snarl on top of me. The whole world is pain and nothing else. I try defending myself physically, grappling with the muzzle clamped to my shoulder in vain. This is not working at all. Feebly, I gather all that is left of my power and send it out. I am not sure what I am throwing it at anymore, anything within my vision.

          The blow hits the wolves, but is only sufficient to stun them for a moment. In that moment, I crawl backwards, out of the pile of fur and orient myself with my surroundings again. Marcellus is still where I last saw him, leaning against the far wall, looking on casually. Keiara has inched closer to Amaya and even as I watch, she calmly sticks more splinters into Amaya’s skin, bringing one moan after another.

          Acting as if she has just noticed the melee has stopped, Keiara turns around to face me. "Bravo, Angelface," she mocks me, clapping. "You’ve taken on 6 Night People and won, but how long can you savor that victory? There are still Marcellus and myself left and those wolves are going come to any second now. And with wounds as bad as yours, do you truly think you can take us all on?"

          I do not reply. In truth, I do not hear her. Besides, it is not as if she is saying anything I do not already know. If I have to fight them all again, I will lose, but maybe I will not have to fight them all. The squabble with the wolves has brought me much closer to the bed. If I can just get there fast enough…

          Keiara has no time to register what is happening before I am upon her, trying to wrench the wooden stake from her hand. It is a desperate chance, I know, but it is the only one I have.

          Just as I have worked the stake out of her grasp, out of nowhere, she pulls out a silver knife. I stare at it for half a second, puzzling over where it came from and that is all the time she needs.

          I cannot help a cry of agony as the blade plunges into the my leg. But I am not beaten yet. Taking the stake in my hand, I aim it at Keiara’s heart and bring it towards her.

          If Marcellus came a split-second later, the stake would have hit its mark. As it is, the wood lodges deep into his shoulder as he pushes his sister out of the way.

          For a moment, the three of us all stare at each other in bewilderment. Then, simultaneously, we realize what has come to pass. Marcellus sinks back on the floor, clutching his shoulder in pain while Keiara glares at me in fury. The silver knife in hand, she looks truly demonic as she stands over me, ready to lower it over my heart. Even as my mind is screaming for me to move, I know I will not be able to manage it.

          "Prepare to die, Angelface."

          * * * * *
          PART 14:

          June 16, 1999: 10:30 PM

          "I wouldn’t do that if I were you," a cool, male voice sounds from the doorway.

          Keiara does not listen and starts to bring the knife down anyway.


          I see Marcellus’ body jerk and a scream of pain escapes his throat.

          Keiara immediately stops in mid-motion and whips her head towards her brother. A bloody hole appears in the middle of his thigh, in exactly the same place that Keiara has stabbed me. "Marcellus," she breathes in shock, sinking down to his level. She looks up, death in her eyes at Delano, standing just inside the room, a gun (undoubtedly loaded with wooden bullets) aimed at her head. "What the hell did you do that for?"

          Delano’s eyes are black as tar and absolutely opaque as he ‘shrugs’ nonchalantly with his head. "You didn’t listen." Behind him, Destiny, Braeden and Ash move into view.

          While Delano occupies Keiara’s attention, I slowly crawl towards Amaya. I do not trust myself to stand and I know that everything will be alright now. Delano will take care of Keiara and Marcellus.

          "Why didn’t you shoot me?" Keiara asks in bewilderment. She does not seem to comprehend that Delano still CAN shoot her too.

          Another shrug from the Lamia. "I didn’t want you toppling over on Nick with a silver knife. Besides, maybe it has more of an impact this way."

          I tune out the conversation. It is of no importance to me, though I do faintly wonder where the hell Delano got a gun. "Amaya," I whisper, hauling myself to the edge of the bed with a wince.

          For a second, I fear she is unconscious. Her eyes are closed tightly, her breathing shallow and irregular. Then, she stirs and painfully opens her eyes. She smiles slightly when she sees me. "Nick, you came," she says and I can barely hear her.

          "Hang in there, alright, Amaya?" I urge her and reach over to untie her wrists and ankles. I do not dare try to take the splinters out. My hands are shaking badly and I might hurt her more. "Destiny," I call as loudly as I can manage and even to my ears, the sound is pathetically weak.

          Destiny is beside me before I know it. She takes in the sight of me, blood seeping from my neck and leg, wolf bites on my shoulder and arm and my shirt shredded to bits. Worry in her eyes, she turns to inspect Amaya without saying a word.

          "Could you..." I make a sweeping motion at the splinters and Destiny nods, understanding my meaning.

          Before she does anything, however, she explains, "Nick, I really think we should get you cleaned up-"

          "Amaya first," I insist stubbornly and she finally agrees with a sigh.

          I have to look away as Destiny begins to pull the wood out of Amaya, using the clean parts of the sheets to stop each wound from bleeding excessively. I can feel Amaya’s pain as this is being done and that is enough. Feeling faint, I refocus my attention on Delano and Keiara. Marcellus, lying in his sister’s arms, looks like he is about to pass out. I can empathize with how he is feeling.

          "So, this is it," Keiara is saying quietly, defeated. "You have us, so kill us."

          Delano shakes his head. "You’re coming with us." When he sees me watching, he offers a smile of reassurance that looks more like a grimace. Promptly, he sends Ash over to me. Braeden is kneeling over the wolves. It looks as if he is putting them to sleep.

          "Hey, Nick. We’ve gotta check out those wounds," Ash says, kneeling beside me.

          I wince and flinch away from him as he touches my leg. "Do you have to do that?" I demand irrationally. I mean, it is obvious that something has to be done to stop the bleeding, but I am not thinking clearly.

          Ash gazes at me calculatingly for a moment. "Look, Nick, why don’t you lie on the floor. It’ll be easier and faster for me to get this over with," he suggests at last in a tone of voice usually reserved for delirious children.

          I would object, but I am really not up to speaking. Besides, he makes perfect sense. I do not know what is wrong with me.

          "Nick," Amaya calls softly as I slide off of the bed and I turn towards her. "Thank you," she says sincerely. Already, she is looking much better. The splinters are gone and she has clearly drunk from Destiny.

          I smile faintly. It is all I can manage while I lie down on the hard cement floor. Goddess, I hurt and the cold floor makes the pain all that more noticeable. The spot on the bed where I had been sitting is soaked through with blood.

          "Just relax, alright, Nick?" Ash says. "But try not to fall asleep," he adds hastily. He means to be soothing, but I can see the expression on his face. He is worried, but about what, I do not know. I really do not care anymore. As much as I trust Ash, I do not see what harm a little sleep can do. I am terribly tired, after all.

          "Nick! Nick, don’t!" I hear Ash faintly shout. I think Destiny joins in, but I cannot be sure. They are all so far away.

          *Nick, don’t leave me,* Amaya whispers in my mind. I find such a message absurd. Of course I will not leave her, I am just going to rest for a while. With that thought in mind, I drift off into oblivion, Destiny and Ash still screaming faintly in my ear.

          * * * * *

          June 20, 1999: 11:01 AM

          Delano tells me I have been sleeping for 3 days straight. I find that hard to believe, but one look at the calendar shows me he is perfectly truthful.

          I sigh. Three days of sleep and all I want to do is sleep some more. But I have to stay awake for a bit longer. Delano promised to tell Amaya that I am up.

          I could not believe it when Delano told me I had almost died. In fact, he said my heart stopped for a short while. If it weren’t for the throbbing ache in my leg and the bandages all over the chest, I would have laughed at Delano. As it is, with the wounds as evidence, I am prone to believe him.

          Delano also told me how Thierry’s blood pressure is rising at a regular rate from trying to keep Keiara and Marcellus in line. Mr. Lordy still has no idea what to with them. My guess is that the Night World will probably find some way to get the D’Alimonte’s back. Delano agrees.

          Just as I am about to fall asleep despite Delano’s words, I hear my bedroom door ease open and closed. My eyes flutter open and I see Amaya slowly and shakily making her way towards me with a tentative smile on her face.

          "Hey," she says softly. Her voice trembles a bit, but I think it is more because she is still weak than because she is nervous.

          "How’ve you been?" I ask, hoping Ash and Quinn have not been giving her a hard time.

          I believe she knows exactly what I am thinking. "Everyone’s been really nice," she assures as she eases languidly into my desk chair.

          I nod, satisfied by the answer. "How are you feeling?"

          A small laugh escapes her throat. "Shouldn’t I be asking you that?" she teases tentatively, looking ready for me to blanch when I realize just who I am talking to. When I just look up at her expectantly, she relaxes a bit and answers, "I’m still a bit weak, but healing fast. If you hadn’t come when you did, I don’t know how I would be right now." Pausing uncertainly for a second, she speaks again, "Look, Nick, I am so sorry for everything I’ve done. I mean, I was amazed when you actually came to help me out. I certainly did nothing to deserve it. I’ve been such a bitch to you, yet you still come to bail me out of a mess. A mess that you knew nothing about, might I add? I should have at least warned you or something. But that didn’t stop you and you still came. I couldn’t believe it."

          "Are you quite finished?"

          She frowns at me. This was definitely not the answer she had expected. "Yes."

          "Good." I reach out and take her hand in mine as I say, "Amaya, you still don’t seem to understand. I would do anything for you."

          "You almost died for me."

          "Death is a part of anything," I point out reasonably with an amused grin. "And the reason I would die for you is because I love you. I know you don’t want to believe it, but you’re my soulmate, Amaya. My other half, the person who completes me and I need you. So, what are a few cuts and werewolf bites, as long as you’re here to complete me?"

          I expect to see disbelief and denial in her dark eyes, but I am surprised to see tears instead. "I do believe it, Nick. I always have," she whispers as a crystal tear slides down her cheek. "I just wish I had accepted it sooner."

          "Why didn’t you?"

          She shakes her head. "One week ago-I can hardly believe it’s only been a week-when I first met you, I left and I couldn’t get you out of my head. I mean, you were in my head every waking minute, like an obsession and I had only been with you for maybe 5 minutes. It scared me. I’ve never this way before."

          "But how did Keiara know you had something to do with me?"

          Now, Amaya begins to blush. "I might have told my best friend-now my ex-best friend-about you that afternoon," she admits shyly. "My guess is that she ratted me out to Keiara. And we both know how much Keiara hates you; she doesn’t like me much better. When she heard about it, she probably couldn’t resist. But just to make sure that my friend was telling the truth, she gave you that clue about who she was going to kill and made sure I overheard a conversation she was having about you. I heard her saying she was going to attack the mansion, that parts no lie, and I took the bait. I came to warn you.

          "I didn’t mean a word of what I said to you the next day, by the way," she adds hastily. "Well, at the time, I did," she admits after I give her a Look. "But only in my mind. Can you forgive me?"

          I smile wickedly. "Come closer and I’ll tell you the answer."

          Wearing the kind of look that says you’re suspicious but have no idea of what, Amaya cautiously leans over me.

          I reach a hand up, over her head and pull her even closer, pressing my lips against hers. For a moment, her body jerks, caught off guard. But soon, she relaxes and returns the kiss.

          With a start, I realize this is the first time we have ever kissed. Well, I definitely do not plan for it too be our last.

          Amaya pulls away first, even if it is a bit reluctantly. Somehow, she has switched places from my chair to the bed. She stays close though, gazing searchingly into my sea green eyes. For the life of me, I have no idea what she is looking for, but I hope she finds it.

          Her raven gaze moves from my eyes to my mouth. She traces the outline of my lips with one finger while her other hand pushes a lock of golden hair off of my forehead. "I love you, Nicholas Corona," she whispers into my ear and bends down for another kiss.

          THE END

          * * * * *

          Suggestions? Comments? Send them to: Leandra84@hotmail.com

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