Angel of Destiny (con't)

          * * * * *
          PART 19:

          "So, now that we’re on our own, what do you think we should do?" Destiny asked as she dunked a fry in a container of ketchup. The team had stopped at a McDonald’s and Nick, Devon and Destiny were digging into their food like starved wolves while Delano’s dark eyes looked on with a scowl of distaste.

          Devon’s aqua eyes turned thoughtful. "Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not exactly looking forward to fighting Black Dawn. Even with 3 members gone, they still outnumber us in size and power. I say we just drive around aimlessly for a couple of weeks and try to loose them."

          Nick bit his lip and peering at his brother from behind a lock of golden hair, said, "Uh, Devon, that’s a good idea except, where will we stay? And we’re going to need money for everything."

          An ‘Are you dumb?’ expression crossed Devon’s handsome features. "We’ll stay at Daybreak safe houses. There’s a whole chain of them on the coast all the way up to Vancouver. As for money, well, how much do we have on us?"

          "Nick and I have all our money with us," Delano answered. "I’d say that adds up to about $500."

          Destiny raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows. "That’s it? Then how did you end up getting a BMW and all that?"

          Delano smiled wickedly. "We haven’t always been good little boys. Have you ever heard of stealing?"


          "I’m not sure $500 is enough. We’re going to have to stay in hotels on some nights and that means renting at least 2 rooms." Devon nodded and said quite calmly, "Looks like Destiny and I will have to get some money out of our accounts."

          Three pairs of eyes, one black, one midnight blue and one sea green, all widened and their owners began to protest.

          "No, oh no..."

          "Are you crazy? I..."

          "They can trace us dummy! You’ve really..."

          Devon put up his hand, demanding everyone to shut up. "If we get as much money as we can this one time, and don’t retrieve any more, I don’t see the harm. Besides, we’re wandering around aimlessly. We have no real destination except vaguely following the coast. We can change course at any moment as long as we don’t get lost. Which reminds me, we should stop at the AAA for maps."

          Everyone was now relatively calm. What Devon said made sense.

          "So how much do you two think you can come up with?" Nick inquired.

          Destiny thought for a moment. "At most, $700."

          "About $300 for me," Devon said and at the astonished looks on Nick and Delano’s faces he explained about Destiny’s sum. "She’s a rich little girl and she’s not planning on going to college for a while."

          Destiny punched him in the arm and glared at Devon with her cool midnight blue eyes.

          "I take it that’s a touchy subject, so I won’t go there," Nick said. "Anyway, $1500 sounds like more than enough. Delano and I will get the maps and you two can get the money, all right?" He looked around at everyone at the table.

          They nodded and made plans to meet back at McDonald’s in 45 minutes. Then they went their separate ways.


          The first attack happened three days later.

          It had been so long since the Daybreak team had seen Black Dawn, they decided there would be no harm in taking a mountain road. Over the past few days, not only had they fled from the LA area, they had also sight-seed and even made a trip to Hearst Castle.

          Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, which should have been a sign in itself, but the team was feeling cocky and confident. What were the chances of Black Dawn catching up with them now? they asked. None of them would ever make that mistake again.

          "Is that van following us?" Devon asked from the passenger seat of the convertible. He pointed out a black van to Destiny.

          Destiny looked in the rearview mirror and furrowed her brow. "It has been behind us for a while, hasn’t it? But then again, this is a mountain road. There aren’t that many exits," she pointed out.


          Devon glanced sharply behind him.

          "Or maybe not," Destiny said grimly. "One of our tires just blew and I know it wasn’t an accident." She started honking at the BMW that was in front of them. *Please let them understand!* She prayed.

          It seemed Nick and Delano got the message. They speeded up, going as fast as possible, but slowed down as they quickly realized the car behind them couldn’t go any faster.

          The panic in Delano’s voice was barely confined.

          Devon mimicked, ‘They shot our tire,’ to the other car.

          Delano didn’t need to be told who ‘they’ were. Instead he said,

          At that moment, another shot sounded and this time it went through the fabric of the convertible’s hood. At the same moment, Devon realized there was a cell phone in both cars.

          "Get down!" Destiny cried even as Devon was doing just that.

          "I’m going to call them!" Devon said, dialing Nick’s cell phone number.

          The first thing Devon heard was, "Did they just shoot at you? Are you two okay?"

          "Yes and yes," was the blond witch’s reply, "But-" he was cut off by Destiny’s screams. The van was running into them, over and over. With a flat tire, it wouldn’t be very soon before they fell off the road and into the ocean below.

          "Devon!" Destiny screamed as another shot was heard-and seen-just over his head.

          "I’m okay. I’m all right," He gasped. "Wait, wait, Destiny, what are you doing!"

          she answered telepathically, before driving over the edge of the road and into a cluster of trees. she added before she and Devon both blacked out.

          * * * * *
          PART 20:

          "Devon! Devon!" Nick hollered into the phone as he watched the convertible behind him plunge off the road. *Goddess! Come on, answer!* He willed, but nothing could be heard on the other end.

          There was no more time to worry about Devon or Destiny. There had been no explosion so Nick still had hope they were alive, but right now he and Delano had to concentrate on staying conscious themselves. Now that the convertible was no longer between them, the BMW was an open target for Black Dawn.


          A lioness landed on the cars hood. Vaguely, Nick was amazed that Leandra could jump so far, but all he did was scream along with Delano.

          Delano speculated as he did some crazy driving, trying to throw the lioness off the car.

          Nick would have laughed if he wasn’t so tense. "How perceptive of you," he answered aloud just as another thump was heard from behind them.

          Swerving around in his seat, Nick saw that Lunae had landed on the trunk. Sudden realization dawned on him. "I think they want us alive."

          Delano’s eyes widened. He knew what that meant. His driving became even more insane as he desperately tried to get both the vampire and lioness off the car.

          Nick, meanwhile, was digging around, looking for a weapon. The only thing he came up with was a Nerf gun. He wondered who Leandra had stolen the car from. What normal person who owned a BMW would keep a Nerf gun in their car? Oh well, it was better than nothing.

          "Nick, beside you!" Delano cried out, pointing to Nick’s window.

          "Ah!" He yelped in surprise. Lunae was reaching in through the window, trying to get Nick out of the car. *Time to test this thing,* He thought and aimed the gun as best he could.

          It hit the vampire on the cheek and for a second she recoiled, loosening her grip on Nick’s collar.

          Seeing his chance, Delano swerved the front, passenger side of the car towards the mountain. Lunae, hanging from that side, smashed her head on the rock and fell from the BMW, unconscious. A crunch could be heard underneath the car as they drove past the Lamia’s body and Nick did not want to envision what it was.

          Leandra took one look at what had happened to Lunae and leaped back towards the black van. She may have had strength, but there was no way she could get into the car without killing Delano or Nick and hurting herself. It was clear she was only on the hood in the first place for intimidation.

          "We need to find some populated place," Delano said tensely, quietly. Driving 70 miles an hour on a winding mountain road took concentration. "They wouldn’t dare attack us with humans present."

          Up ahead, Nick spotted the exit to the freeway. "There," he pointed, "just a few more minutes and we’re outta here!"

          Black Dawn had seen the exit too. Delano could see Taran in the passenger seat of the van, take out a handgun and aim for their tire. "Well, they seem to like tires now, don’t they?" Delano said to Nick in an everyday manner. Inside though, he felt his anxiety building. Black Dawn may not be very creative, but they sure knew what was effective. And that was all that mattered, really. If Taran could blow off two tires-which was definitely possible ‘cause vampires just didn’t miss their targets-they'd be helpless. Nick and Delano would be unable to outrun or outfly the whole team and they’d get Devon and Destiny too, providing they were still alive.

          Nick wasn’t fooled at all by the dark haired Lamia’s non-chalent tone and he echoed his thoughts. "I don’t think creativity is what they’re going for, Delano. Can you drive any faster? Or maybe swerve around a bit?"

          "Speed won’t help," the vampire said. "It won’t throw Taran off one bit. Looks like drunken driving, it is." Delano focused on Taran and moved to the right as he fired his first shot. The bullet missed his target and the Italian could almost hear the other vampire curse.

          This went on until both vehicles had almost reached the freeway. Right before the entrance/exit, The left tire of the BMW went flat from one of Taran’s bullets. Both the shifter and the vampire muttered something profane, but they knew this couldn’t really effect them. They were safe among humans now and the van was already falling back.

          "I never thought I’d say this but," Nick said as they pulled into a rest station, "I LOVE humans!"

          Delano just laughed. He felt like some dam had collapsed inside of him and had let the insanity of the situation pour in. Well, it wasn’t exactly insanity, but his problem seemed so trivial now that the action was over. Then the Italian remembered Destiny and his laugh fell short. "Nick...." he whispered.

          The same thing was going through Nick’s mind. Thinking fast, he said, "Yeah, okay, I’m going to shift and get back to the convertible. You stay here and try to get us another car. You’re good at that." What he really meant was that Delano was good at seducing women to get what he wanted. But, of course, Nick would never say that in his face.

          The macaw shifter got out of the battered BMW and headed for a grove of trees nearby. Taking one last look behind him, Nick could see that Delano had already picked his victim. Smiling grimly, he began to shape-shift in the shelter of the small forest, if you could even call it that. Soon, he was a blue macaw, flying above the trees, trying not to be spotted by humans while at the same time tracing the way back to his brother.

          Finally, Nick saw the wreck below him and dropped down to the earth, almost feeling disappointed that he couldn’t stay in the air longer. But there simply wasn’t time. He made sure no one was in sight, then started to change back into human form.

          Anxiously, the shifter made his way to the wreckage. The convertible was tilted to the right at an almost 90 degree angle. At first glance, it just looked like a mangled piece of metal. But Nick knew better, inside was his only family left in the world and Delano’s love interest.

          Nick hesitantly peeked into the window, afraid of what he might find. Because of the tilt, Destiny was comfortably snuggled against Devon’s shoulder, looking peacefully asleep. His arm was wrapped protectively around her, like they were two lovers who had simply dozed off. That is, except for the blood. There was so much blood. Yet surprisingly, there didn’t seem to be a cut anywhere on the female witch.

          Nick didn’t know about Devon though, he was almost invisible, hidden behind Destiny and the twisted metal of the car.

          Trying to see the situation a bit better, the shifter moved a little closer. Suddenly, he recoiled, like someone had slapped him. "Goddess..." he breathed.

          * * * * *
          PART 21:

          Devon woke up with three worried faces before him and a splitting headache.

          He groaned and closed his eyes again as his head flopped back down on the pillow.

          "How you feeling?" Nick asked, his quiet voice filled with anxiety.

          "Yeah, you’ve been out for hours now," Destiny’s silky voice was laced with worry.

          Devon drew in a breath to speak. A sharp pain filled his right side. Grimacing in pain, he touched the bandage that was around his midsection. A puzzled expression was directed towards his small audience.

          Delano said non-chalently, "You’ve just got a couple of broken ribs. Destiny’s healed you quite a bit, so those bones should be fine in a day or two." He was the only one who acted like Devon was about as interesting as a fly. And just as annoying too.

          Memory hit Devon like a tidal wave. He turned his gaze in Destiny’s direction, since moving his body was obviously going to hurt. A lot. "Are YOU okay?"

          The smile Destiny gave him was a bit shaky. "Of course. If I weren’t, would I do anything for you?"

          Devon laughed softly, but that hurt too. "What happened to Black Dawn? Where are we?"

          "Black Dawn? We’re not sure," Nick replied, "But they’re not after us at the moment. We escaped into a very conveniently placed rest area full of humans, then went back for you. As for where we are, a Daybreak safe house, of course. Oh, and we got a new car."

          "ANOTHER BMW," Destiny said in a tone that made Devon hurt himself laughing, once again. "At least it’s not black this time. It’s white."

          "Hey," Delano said defensively, "It was either that or station wagon. And I would not look good in a station wagon."

          Devon smiled at the picture he was getting. The smile however, faded with Delano’s next words.

          "Well, now that the excitement is over, I think we should do something. I say we go out. I heard there’s supposed to be a Night World club in this city. You want to go, Destiny?" The Lamia made it sound almost like a challenge. It was clear the offer was only for the witch and not open to Nick.

          Destiny shifted her dark blue eyes indecisively between Devon and Delano. It was almost like looking at night and day. Good and evil. An angel and the devil. But that, of course, wasn’t true. Devon had his bad streak and Delano could be a sweetie. *That isn’t even the issue,* the dark-haired witch reminded herself. It wasn’t nearly that philosophical. Basically, she just had to choose to go with Delano or stay with Devon who would probably sleep half the evening away anyway. Besides, the Lamia HAD saved her life in the church fire, she owed him one.

          "Sure, I’ll go with you, Delano." She had made her decision.

          Destiny didn’t miss the look of annoyance that was on her best friend’s face. She could tell Devon was just a bit pissed off at being substituted by Delano. *Maybe he cares after all,* Destiny began to think, but quickly erased the thought. It wasn’t possible. She wouldn’t let herself believe it just to be hurt again.

          Delano didn’t miss a thing either. As the pair walked out the door, he turned and gave Devon a triumphant look. He said and left Devon seething, unable to do a thing.


          "I can’t believe she just went with him!" Devon cried in frustration, then winced in pain.

          Nick smiled and shook his head. "You have got it BAD, Dev. If you like her so much, why don’t you just tell her? You’ve known her longer than any of us. You two almost died together, for heaven’s sake! And you can’t tell Destiny you love her?"

          "Love?" Devon looked up sharply. "Who said anything about love? I just can’t believe those two would go out without even realizing the possibility that a member of Black Dawn could be at the club. It is Night World after all." The words ‘go out’ were said with much more force than needed.

          A knowing look shone in Nick’s sea-green eyes, but all he said was, "Okay, then why didn’t you say something about that instead of sitting there looking like a beached whale?"

          Devon just gave him a withering look which only made Nick laugh. Then he yawned, ruining the effect and making his little brother laugh harder.

          After he was finally done with his mockery, Nick said, "I’m sorry, really. Anyway, you’re tired. I’ll get you something to drink, then why don’t you go back to sleep?" He walked out of the bedroom before Devon could say anything in reply.

          When the shifter got back to the room , Devon was already asleep. Nick smiled, he looked so innocent, it was hard to imagine that he was the older one.

          Nick went to go check the bandage on his big brother’s head and arm. Those were the places where he had been hurt the worst. It had taken Nick, Destiny and Delano the better part of an hour to get the cuts to stop bleeding and make it stay that way.

          Devon had been wedged between Destiny and the mangled metal that made up the car door, which had also given him some horrible cuts to his side.. He had been so close to death, none of them had really believed he’d wake up again. Even Delano had been worried. But Devon was a fighter and he’d made it through.

          The shifter was about to check the bandages around his brother’s ribs, but thought better of it. It would probably wake him up and then Nick would have to listen to him whine about Destiny all over again.

          Nick sighed. He really couldn’t understand why Devon didn’t just say what was in his heart. Instead, he just sat there quietly watching while Delano slowly made Destiny his.

          *If I were in the same situation,* Nick thought, *I would fight Delano for what I want.* Then he thought again. *Maybe that’s why I never seem to get the girls.*

          He put the revelation out of his mind. It didn’t really matter. Nick didn’t care at the moment. What mattered was what Devon would do when Destiny and Delano came back tonight, having had a great time out together.

          * * * * *
          PART 22:

          The laughter that drifted up from the first floor told Nick, Destiny and Delano were back. And that they’d had a good time. Which meant they’d probably go out again.

          *Uh-oh.* The blond shifter thought. *Devon isn’t going to be weak forever. In fact, in two days, he’ll probably be almost as good as new. Which means it’s going to be like someone mixed an acid and a base together. Ooooh, this is going get nasty.*

          The pair were coming up the stairs. *Actually, they look like a couple now,* Nick observed as they came into view.

          Destiny stopped at the first bedroom on the right. It was Nick’s. "Hi Nick!" She exclaimed brightly, then her face clouded over a bit. "How’s Devon? Is he okay?"

          Nick looked passively at the dark haired witch, trying not to glare. "Oh yeah, Dev’s fine. He slept through most of the night anyway. You can go check on him if you want, but try not to wake him up."

          "Yeah. I think I’ll do that."

          "Destiny," Delano started, obviously not wanting her to see her friend. Probably so she wouldn’t decide she liked Devon more than him. "I don’t think-"

          A sweet but deadly smile appeared on Destiny’s lips. "Oh, it doesn’t matter what you think Delano. I can’t say I really care. I’m going to go see Devon and that’s it. And you’re not invited to come with me."

          Nick changed his mind. Those two were definitely NOT a couple. He smiled.

          Delano looked like he was ready to stomp his foot and go into a tantrum like a two-year old. Instead, he just nodded and said curtly, "Good night." With that he turned and headed for his room, silent anger coiled around him.

          Destiny looked at Nick and smiled. "Thanks for taking care of Devon while we were gone. I really should have stayed but..." She trailed off and bit her lip.

          "You make it sound like a chore," Nick’s head was tilted slightly to one side, like Destiny was something that puzzled him, but he didn’t know why. "Devon’s my brother. I don’t mind."

          Shrugging, the beautiful witch replied, "Well, thanks anyway." When she was almost at Devon’s door, she turned around and said very quietly, "Good night, Nick."

          Nick looked up in unmasked surprise. "Oh, um... yeah. Good night, Destiny."

          Destiny’s lips lifted at his obvious shock. *I guess I don’t hate him so much after all,* she decided. Then, she opened Devon’s door and walked in.

          The blond witch stirred as soon as Destiny closed the door. Her heart started to beat faster and her breathing more labored. It happened every time she saw him when he was asleep, which added up to a surprisingly large sum, even if they did live together.

          Perverted as it may sound, Destiny sometimes watched Devon sleep when she couldn’t get to dreamland herself or didn’t want to. Just seeing him was relaxing after she got over the initial shock. Even with a bandage on his forehead, he looked so much like an angel in his sleep, all shining and golden.

          A lock of hair had fallen across Devon’s eyes as he slept and Destiny reached over to push it out of the way.

          As soon as she had touched him however, two huge aqua orbs opened and filled Destiny’s vision. They had the expression of a confused child lost in a mall, but at the same time, the intensity and alertness that was always in them.

          Destiny found herself paralyzed by them and when she felt she was falling into those pools, Devon blinked, breaking the spell.

          "Hello Destiny," he said politely.

          It hurt her to hear him talk to her like that. Devon was her best friend, yet he was speaking to her like he couldn’t stand her and was only saying anything at all out of courtesy. "Hello Devon," she managed to croak out just as stiffly.

          His face remained completely neutral, unreadable. "So, how was your evening?"

          "It was fine, thank you for asking." The polite tones were holding.

          Devon nodded and smiled just like a gentleman. The act wounded Destiny more than words could say. "I’m glad you had a good time."

          She couldn’t stand it anymore. "Devon, can’t we just talk like friends? Just because I went out for one night with Delano doesn’t mean we have to act like total strangers to one another. I just wanted to see how you were doing. See if you’re all right."

          Devon’s eyes were as cold as glaciers yet an underlying pain was barely visible. "I’m fine, Destiny. And now that you’ve done your good deed for the day, you should go get your beauty sleep."

          "That’s it, Devon Corona!" Destiny had had enough. "I came because I care about you. You’re my best friend Devon and I couldn’t stand it if there was something wrong or bothering you. When I thought you were dead, I cried my heart out and almost killed myself trying to heal you! And this is the thanks I get? Well, fine. I see you don’t appreciate me. Who needs you anyway?" And she stormed out of the room slamming the door so hard, the clock above it fell and shattered.

          Behind Destiny, still in his room, Devon’s heart shattered along with the clock face. He closed his eyes to hold back the tears, but one forced it’s way through. And after that, the rest just couldn’t be held at bay.

          * * * * *

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