Angel of Destiny (con't)

          * * * * *
          PART 23:

          The days from then on, went by slowly. Destiny had called Monaco’s team several times, just so they wouldn’t decide that something was the matter and come looking for them. Of course, she never told them the truth of their situation.

          Devon’s physical wounds healed and everyone put the accident behind them. Yet, he and Destiny hardly looked at one another, let alone spoke. The tension didn’t go unnoticed and Nick began to worry.

          Destiny and Delano had gotten closer after that night. The Lamia had seen his chance and made Destiny his. And it seemed the only female in their group had figured, if Devon didn’t want her, she might as well be with Delano, heart and soul.

          Which, of course, wasn’t true. Nick’s brother still loved Destiny, almost unbearably. He’d stopped denying it to himself, but that just made it harder to take.

          Meanwhile, Black Dawn was closing in on them all. The team could feel it.

          After a week, Destiny’s team stopped moving altogether. There was no point. Black Dawn knew where they were at all times. It was only a matter of time before they decided to strike. Now, the Daybreakers realized, a fight was inevitable. Death was inescapable.

          It came when no one expected it. The battle of their lives.

          The evening before, Nick and Delano had gone out to Goddess knew where, leaving Destiny and Devon behind. Since the blond witch was no longer considered a threat to him, Delano left his girlfriend alone with him all the time now. Yet this night, was destined to be different...

          Destiny was in her bedroom when she heard it. The sweet, soft beginnings of Pachelbel’s Canon in D, drifted into her room, wrapping her in it’s heartbreaking spell.

          Frowning in confusion and curiosity, she rose from her desk and almost fearfully crept towards the sounds of the piano. Down the stairs and across the hall, Destiny stopped just in front of the family room.

          Tentatively and soundlessly, she stepped forward. What Destiny saw made her eyes widen...


          Devon Corona pressed the last note of the Canon and the rest was silence. At least that’s what he expected. Instead, there was applause.


          He spun around on the piano bench, nearly falling over. His mouth hung open, his eyebrow raised.

          The applause had come from Destiny. Devon was surprised, but there was really no reason to be. He’d known she was in the safe house, just hadn’t assumed she’d care about what he did.

          "I never knew you played the piano so well," Destiny breathed, awestruck. "In fact, I didn’t know you played at all."

          Devon’s jaw snapped shut and his eyes cast downwards. He could feel the colour on his cheeks already. "Um...well, one of my foster parents was a piano teacher. Pachelbel’s Canon was the hardest piece I had time to learn before Chris and I went to another family," he muttered.

          "It was beautiful," Destiny whispered moving to sit beside Devon on the bench. It was hard to tell if she meant the music or the boy beside her.

          "Destiny-" Devon started.

          She smiled. "You’re forgiven." Then with a sudden impulse, she reached over and brushed her lips against his.

          As soon as they touched, it felt like the world had been struck by lightening, melting everything in the outside world.

          Devon pulled back, instinctively suspicious of what he didn’t know. His soulmate however, wouldn’t allow him to get away, even though she stopped kissing him.

          *I knew it! I knew it!* Destiny cried telepathically through their link, very ecstatic while Devon was still drowning in the swirl of colour and information pouring into him.

          *Know what? What’s going on, Destiny?* Devon’s voice was filled with bewilderment, fear...and longing.

          Destiny smiled, at least mentally. *You know! We’re soulmates, dummy! We’re meant to be together, like this. Maybe all my wishing paid off after all. It’s you and me, Devon. Always you and me, forever.>*

          *Yes.* Was all Devon said. Destiny was all that mattered. She was there with him, mentally, physically and emotionally. Both of them had leaned forward and were in each others arms. Devon could see into Destiny’s mind, like she could his. He saw she’d loved him the moment she’d laid eyes on him, had claimed him as hers and was determined to have him. *Well, she’s got me now.*

          *That’s right!* Destiny chimed in. *Oh, Goddess, I love you!* She added tenderly.

          Devon could feel how much his soulmate meant those words. He was, after all, in the kaleidoscope of colour and light that was her mind. Just as he was going to reply, Destiny said with a quiet determination and protectiveness, *Who did it?*

          He knew she was asking who killed his parents and brother. *I don’t know. I’ll probably never find them, so let’s just forget about it.*

          *No!* Destiny cried stubbornly, *They caused you so much pain. I mean all those times ... all those foster homes ... and, and ...* She trailed off, too upset for words, but Devon could feel what she meant. She had seen all the dark corners of his mind, all his pain, and realized that he wasn’t as innocent as he looked. Which made her love him even more. He supposed it was just something about women and how many of them had a lot more compassion than most guys.

          *Destiny, there’s nothing we can do,>*Devon said, though words seemed so useless in this state.

          It was obvious his soulmate had seen his resignation and knew what he said was true. She sighed mentally. *Fine.* But she still wanted to take away the hurt that had made a home for itself in Devon’s mind.

          *I wouldn’t do that, love,* remarked Devon and pulled away. "There’s something I want to show you." He said aloud now that their link was not as strong. His eyes glittered like jewels as he led Destiny outside into the back yard.

          Once satisfied that this was where he wanted to be, Devon promptly plopped down on the grass. A moment later, his soulmate hesitantly followed his lead. "Devon, what-"

          "Shh." He whispered, putting an arm around Destiny and pulling her close. "Just listen."

          The blue eyed witch frowned, but did as Devon said. Destiny felt as if she were meeting the night for the first time.

          The house was dark behind them, enabling Destiny to see the stars blazing above. So many times she had gazed at those constellations, yet they had never seemed to have such a beautiful and mysterious air before. She could feel the soft breeze as it warmed the night and whispered through the trees. It carried the scent of millions of things, all mixed together to form one light aroma. Best of all were the sounds, the occasional rustle of underbrush that meant an animal was passing by. The song of night birds rang lightly and melodiously through the air.

          Night birds?

          *Yep. That’s what I wanted you to hear,* Devon’s voice was filled with contentment.

          Sometime while Destiny was busy being awestruck by her new discovery, her soulmate had let go of her and laid down on the grass. Using his stomach as a pillow, Destiny did the same. "Thank you," she whispered, quiet joy coursing through her.

          Destiny could practically hear Devon’s lips turn upwards into a smile. "Anything for you, love."

          A blanket of peace seemed to fall over the pair as they lay on the grass, listening to the night birds’ song and gazing at the stars above.

          After a while, Destiny turned and looked up into Devon’s preternaturally coloured eyes, which right then were windows looking right into his soul. Clarity and innocence shone in them, a strange combination to see. Goddess, she wanted him. She wanted him so bad it hurt to breathe. So she did the only thing she could...

          * * * * *
          PART 24:

          Destiny lay beside Devon and watched his heavenly face as he slept, like she’d done so many times before. She still couldn’t believe what had just happened. She smiled to herself. *Wait, no, two songs.*

          When she had kissed Devon and realized they were soulmates, she had screamed for joy. And after that, Destiny was in his mind, a place all of angles that could not be breached, but also full of colourful pools, located in the most unexpected places. It was a place full of pain and sorrow, but also of happiness and hope. It held Devon’s dreams and it captured the essence of him.

          The one puzzling thing about it all was why they had never felt this before. Sure, there had been the tingles and a bit of the haze. But Destiny had never been in Devon’s mind or vice versa until a few hours ago. She supposed it was because the mood hadn’t ever been right or something, but it was really just a mystery.

          When Destiny thought about it, the mind linkage thing wasn’t the only weird thing that had gone on. While in his mind, she had seen glimpses of events that couldn’t have happened during Devon’s lifetime. It didn’t make sense.

          Just as she was about to analyze the thought in great detail, Destiny heard a door open and close below her. Footsteps sounded up the stairs.

          Her eyes widened. *Oh Goddess, Nick and Delano!* Destiny had totally forgotten the rest of the world while in the safe little haven she and her soulmate had created.

          Devon’s eyelids fluttered open at the sounds. "Huh? What, what’s going on?" Then he caught sight of Destiny and colour crept into his cheeks. "Oh."

          Destiny had to bite her lip to keep from giggling at Devon’s sudden realization. He looked so shocked, it was comical. *What’s so embarrassing about seeing me without any clothes?* she asked reaching for his hand.

          "Um... well, uh..."

          She shook her head and smiled. "Look, just forget about that. We can talk later. Right now, hide. Nick and Delano are back and they’re going to ask questions if they see you in my room."

          Devon didn’t need to be told twice. Quickly getting dressed, he slid under the bed.

          At the same moment, Delano knocked on Destiny’s door. When she didn’t answer, he opened it and peered inside to see Destiny pretending she’d just been awakened.

          "Delano, get out of here! Goddess, don’t you know the meaning of privacy?! Men, ugh!"

          The Italian vampire was obviously startled to see his girlfriend was awake. Also, his preternatural vision must have picked up the fact that under her blanket, Destiny wasn’t dressed, which flustered him more. ", well, I, I’m really sorry, Destiny. I just wanted to, er...I’ll, I’ll just go now. Okay?"

          Destiny nodded curtly. "Uh-huh. Well, don’t just stand around. Shoo!" She gestured with her hand.

          With an embarrassed look on his face, Delano walked out the door.

          As soon as it was shut, Devon poked his head out from under the bed. "Oooo, it’s suffocating down here. I’ve gotta get CD’s cleaning crew to dust under the beds. I almost sneezed." And at that instant, he did.

          Destiny giggled softly and shook her head. "Get over here and I’ll get the dust out of your hair."

          A second later, Destiny added, "I’m sorry, Devon. I totally forgot about Delano. I can’t believe I actually liked him for a while. All he likes about me is my looks."

          Devon stopped trying to wiggle out from under the bed. With the lower half of his body still hidden, he looked up at Destiny with a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding, sort of expression in his child-like eyes. His head tilted to one side, he said in bewilderment. "Is that really what you think? Delano only likes you ‘cause you’re beautiful? Destiny, first of all, that vampire is in LOVE with you. If I didn’t want you for myself, I’d tell you to be with him. And it’s not the pretty face he’s in love with, even though it’s a great feature. Delano and I both love you for what you are inside. Because it shines through in your eyes, your whole face. THAT’S what we’re in love with."

          "Oh," was all Destiny could seem to manage. It was clear she hadn’t expected this kind of speech.

          At that exact moment, the bedroom door burst open again and Delano’s head popped in. "Destiny, I-" He stopped short when he noticed half of Devon’s body sprouting from under Destiny’s bed. It didn’t take a scientist to figure out what all this meant. A furious look gleamed in his eyes. "Nick!" Delano called, never taking his cold, dark eyes off of Devon and Destiny.

          Nick Corona appeared at the doorway a second later with a toothbrush in his mouth. "What?" He managed to garble out. Then he looked past Delano, into the room. His eyes widened and glittered with silent laughter, but all he said was, "Oh."

          * * * * *
          PART 25:

          Five minutes later, all four Daybreakers had gathered in the kitchen. All were dressed, with no dust in their hair and no toothbrushes in their mouths.

          Destiny sat at the kitchen table, while Nick and Delano both leaned against the sink and Devon stood at the door looking ready to bolt at a moments’ notice.

          Delano felt like he was ready to burst. Why were women always like this? Give them an inch of space and they cheat on you? What was worse, was that Nick had almost laughed when he saw Devon and Destiny together. He was supposed to be Delano’s best friend!

          "So, would the two of you like to explain what’s going on?" The Lamia asked with exaggerated patience, though the answer was really quite obvious.

          Devon and Destiny muttered gibberish for a while and eventually Nick answered very simply, "They’re soulmates."

          Closing his eyes for a moment, Delano willed himself not to lose control. He glanced at Destiny and Devon from under his lashes and knew what Nick had said was true.

          Devon’s eyes betrayed his calm exterior, but he looked ready to fight Delano if he had to.

          Destiny’s face just held sadness and regret. "I’m sorry, Delano." She whispered and turned away, unable to stand his accusing glare any longer.

          Nick cleared his throat nervously. "Uh, guys, I don’t see-"

          "Shut up, Nick!" All three teens cried out. "You’re only 16, what do you know?" Delano added resentfully.

          He jumped. "For your information, Delano, sixteen is ONLY 3 years younger than you. But, okay, fine, if you don’t want me here, I’ll just leave." With his chin in the air, the shifter sauntered past his brother and out of sight.

          Delano turned back to the pair of witches. "Well, there’s not much more to say, is there?" He glared at Devon venomously and followed Nick out the door.

          Goddess, how he hated that dumb, blond witch. Delano couldn’t get rid of Devon, to do that would be to hurt Destiny, something he wouldn’t dream of. But how he wanted to at least get him out of the way for a while.

          *So much for, ‘Never go to bed angry’,* Delano thought as he slammed his door. Hard. He could just feel Destiny wince downstairs. "Serves her right," the vampire growled, but inside, he knew he didn’t mean a word. He would love Destiny, until the day he died.

          * * * * *
          PART 26:

          *Please tell me last night was just a bad dream.* Delano thought as soon as he opened his eyes. The prayer repeated itself as he got dressed and went downstairs. It kept on going until he saw Devon. Then, denial was totally futile. Everything had happened. Every word Delano had remembered was reality. And Destiny was no longer his. Despair rushed in like a tidal wave. The chant twisted itself around until it said, ‘Destiny isn’t mine.’

          All morning, the thought went on. He barely heard Devon when he declared that the team should go to another safe house.

          When Delano finally felt he would explode, he saw his chance to talk to Devon alone. It was something the vampire felt he had to do. There would just be no escape from the madness otherwise.

          Delano approached Devon as he was packing his belongings into his bag. "Can I talk to you?" The vampire demanded more than asked as he closed the door behind him.

          Devon smiled and tried to be friendly. "Sure. What about?"

          "You know, Destiny."

          A frown crossed the witch’s features. He nodded slowly in bewilderment. "Okay. Destiny."

          Delano shrugged, looking embarrassed now that he was actually talking. "Basically, how are you going to treat her. Are you going to make her happy, that sort of thing. They’re stupid questions, I know, but I just need some peace of mind." He looked at the ground, ready to be laughed at.

          This was the first time Devon had ever heard Delano speak that way. Usually, he just pretended he didn’t care about the world and that he was some tough guy. Hearing the vampire say those words, made him so much more...real. Devon blinked in surprise, he’d been so used to thinking of Delano as a cold unfeeling piece of stone. This changed everything and would take some getting used to.

          "Of course," the witch finally said when he got his voice back. "I’ll do anything I can to make Destiny happy. Goddess, you must hate me," Devon added.

          Delano glanced up sharply. "No! I, I don’t hate you. I’m just...just a bit jealous. But I understand. She’s your soulmate. I’m not going to stop you two from being together...and...and, I’m sorry."

          Surprise number two. Devon’s aqua eyes gazed at Delano in wonder. "Sorry? For what?!?! If any of us has reason to apologize at all, it’s me. You didn’t do anything wrong."

          The sides of Delano’s lips reached skywards. He was beginning to like this witch. "All right, then. Thank you. If you hadn’t said that, I would have felt guilty for the rest of my life. Which could turn out to be a very long time."

          Devon shrugged. "No problem. In fact-"

          "Devon! Phone call!!!" Nick hollered from downstairs.

          The witch gave Delano an apologetic look, then picked up the phone on the desk.

          Delano quietly left the room, finally at peace. With a guy like that, Destiny was going to be fine. Just as Delano was settling down to read a magazine, he heard Devon’s door open and the witch yell, "Everyone! Kitchen ho!"

          More doors opened and there was a dash for the stairs.

          After much confusion and arguing over who wanted to sit where, the team was settled.

          Devon’s face turned serious. "Okay people, looks like we’ve run into a little problem..."

          * * * * *
          PART 27

          He paused, trying to think of the best way to put it. "Well, that call that I just got was from Black Dawn-" Devon was unable to go further.

          "They have our number???? But how!"

          "Black Dawn?! What?!?!"

          "Oh, Goddess, what do they want? I don’t like this, I really don’t."

          Chaos had broken out. Everyone was talking at once and Devon had to shout to be heard. "People, SHUT UP!!"

          Destiny froze, her hand in mid-gesture. Nick was caught with his mouth hanging open about to speak. Delano stopped in mid-stride as he headed towards the doorway.

          The blond witch took a deep breath and tried to sound calm. "Okay, everybody, just sit down and listen. Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I said this was a LITTLE problem, maybe not even that.

          "Now, I was informed by Taran to meet Black Dawn at this address," Devon held up a slip of paper. "I have no idea where it is, but I can tell you right now, to expect a fight. The question is, should we go, our not?"

          "Why should we?" Destiny pointed out immediately. "It’s probably a trap."

          "Knowing Black Dawn, it’s definitely a trap," Nick muttered under his breath, though everyone could hear him.

          Always the strategist, Delano asked thoughtfully, "Did Taran give you any more info?"

          "Not really," Devon answered. "Our whole conversation went something like this: ‘Hello?’ ‘Meet us at 15 Adobe Rd. 7 pm.’ ‘Who are you?’ ‘Bring no one but your team.’ ‘I said, who the hell are you?’ ‘Call me Taran.’ Click."

          "Well, I think, by now we’ve all realized that we can’t run from Black Dawn forever," Delano said. "Sooner or later, there’s going to be a fight. We might as well get it over with now, don’t you think?"

          Destiny and Nick still looked skeptical, but Devon was agreeing. "That’s what I’m thinking too. We can’t run forever and this way, we have time to plan. Are you two in?"

          Nick nodded reluctantly.

          Only Destiny needed more reassurance. "Guys, I’m getting a really bad feeling about this. I may not major in premonitions, but I know something’s going to happen."

          "Destiny," Devon said gently, "Come on, you knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? A few cuts and bruises and a broken bone?"

          The sable-haired witch looked at Devon for a long time, contemplating his answer. Finally, she replied, almost too quietly to hear, "Fine, Devon. I’ll go. But you’re about to find out how wrong you are. At least let me call Monaco’s team and tell them where we’re going."

          Her soulmate agreed. Seeing the look in her eyes, Devon tried to repress a shudder. He’d learned the hard way that Destiny was usually right and he was beginning to doubt himself already.

          * * * * *

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