Angel of Destiny (con't)

          * * * * *
          PART 28:

          It turned out that Taran had given the team the address of an abandoned amusement park. The sign had long been blown away, leaving no trace of what the name might have been. Giant structures loomed in all directions, rusted and unused. They looked ready to topple at any second. They could also hide a group of Night People ready to murder them all.

          The sky had clouded over and if rain fell that very moment, it wouldn’t be a surprise. Since the sun was ready to set, the two witches were already having a hard time seeing.

          "I’m beginning to think this wasn’t such a good idea. I hope Moncao’s team gets here soon," Nick remarked. "Didn’t that LJ Smith chick write a book about a group of teens that almost get killed in a deserted amusement park?"

          An I-told-you-so expression appeared on Destiny’s face. She glanced pointedly at Devon.

          "Nothing’s happened yet, Princess," He smiled.

          Destiny’s expression changed. Devon hadn’t called her that in a long time, ever since he had found out about this assignment. She found herself thinking back to when he had first found out she was a little rich girl and bestowed upon her that nickname.

          Back then, Destiny had been part of Monaco’s team, which Oriel and Leila had not yet joined. Thierry had introduced Devon to Destiny’s team as an ex-vampire hunter. The Night Lord had asked them to take Devon with them on their next mission, one that would take them to Toronto, Canada. Monaco hesitantly agreed. No one had known how valuable an asset Devon Corona would be.

          Within 2 days, the task, which had been estimated to take a week, had been completed. The team, being made up of young people, decided they could have a night out. They had gone to the Ex, which had an amusement park much like the one before the group now, except it was in use and much newer.

          Monaco and Aria had gone off together, after Destiny had begged them endlessly to leave her and Devon alone. She’d already decided she wanted the blond boy.

          The evening was spent with Devon, going from ride to ride. Destiny’s favorite had been a roller coaster named Doppel Looping. It had taken their whole ride on The Monster to figure out the coaster’s strange name. For half the ride, Devon had believed it was called Double Dipping.

          "Who would name their roller coaster Double Dipping, for heaven’s sake?" He had asked in bewilderment.

          "Double Dipping? Like, as in chips?" Destiny laughed at the idea. "Well, it has got too loops in it," she pointed out.

          "Wait, wait, it’s not Double Dipping," Devon squinted at the sign as the Monster spun them wildly around. "It’s Doppel Looping!"

          "That’s just as bad as Double Dipping."

          A musical laugh came from Devon’s lips. "Who really cares? Let’s go to...Crazy Flip next."

          Destiny’s eyes widened as she glanced at the Crazy Flip. It was spinning the people upside down, over and over again, only stopping to flip in the other direction. Then, it turned the people sideways and began twirling in that direction while tossing them around. "Devon, if we go on that, I think I’m going to be sick."

          He shrugged non-chalently. "So? I’ll be sick too, but that’s the fun of it! After that, we can go on something easy, like the Ferris Wheel." He added.

          Gathering up her courage as she got off the Monster ride, Destiny agreed. "Okay, let’s go. But you have to promise, the Ferris Wheel is next!"

          The Crazy Flip was everything Destiny had expected it to be and then some. When they got off, Devon was laughing hysterically and Destiny was ready to sprint to the washroom.

          They headed to the Ferris Wheel as promised. It was then that they really got to know each other. They had a long ride. Destiny put up a spell to make sure she found out all she wanted to know before they got off. Besides, she was still queasy.

          "So, Thierry said you used to be a vampire slayer," Destiny said, trying to get him talking, "How did you find out about the Night World?"

          Instead of answering, Devon asked another question. "How did YOU learn about the Night World?"

          "Me?" Destiny repeated, surprised. "Well, um..." She couldn’t say why she hadn’t wanted to tell him she was a witch, but she just didn’t. "I met someone from Circle Daybreak a while ago. He told me the secret." That someone had been her cousin, Oriel, who had been part of another team at the time. "Aren’t you going to answer me?" She gently probed.

          "They killed someone close to me," Devon answer shortly, obviously not wanting to say more.

          Oh. Well, next subject. "So, do your parents know you joined CD?"

          His eyes clouded over and he seemed to be thinking about something that had happened a long time ago. "Destiny, my parents have been dead for 15 years now."

          Okay. Next subject. Was there a next subject? "Um...I’m sorry."

          "It’s all right. So, tell me a bit about you," Devon said quietly, still a bit lost in his memories.

          "Well, there’s not much to tell. I’m 18, live alone, don’t talk to my folks and have a 2 million inheritance coming to me at age 21. That’s about it."

          Devon arched his brow and whistled. "Two mil? You’re a little princess." Then he looked around. "Uh... princess, you think there’s a reason why we’ve been sitting here for over 20 minutes?"

          Destiny had totally forgotten about the spell. "Oh, I’m sure the attendants are just very absentminded."

          "Right," Devon said slowly with a confused look. Then, spotting something, his face lit up. "Hey, you want to try that game over there, Jungle Ladder?"

          A smile surfaced on Destiny’s lips. The game he was pointing at was one where people raced against each other on ladders that could swing upside-down if you weren’t careful. Whoever got to the top of their ladder first, won a prize. It was very amusing to watch others play, and Destiny wanted to try it for herself. "I’ll race you!" She challenged.

          "Sure," Devon said, "But be warned, I’ll either whip your ass...or fall flat on my face."

          Devon fell flat on his face and Destiny won a plush white tiger.

          As they were walking away, Devon spotted Monaco and Aria in the crowd. "Let’s go hang with them for a while," he suggested.

          Destiny reluctantly agreed. The four of them stuck together for the rest of the night. Eventually, Destiny gave Devon her tiger and he accidentally won a googly eyed alligator for her. She still had it now, a prized possession.

          "Destiny? Princess? Hello?" The Devon of the present said in a sing-song voice as he waved a hand in front of her face.

          "Oh!" She exclaimed. "Hey, hey, I’m here."

          Nick hiked up a brow and gave the female witch a Look. "Really? After repeated asking you the same question five times and not getting an answer, I was beginning to think you’re brain had been sucked away by aliens."

          Destiny ignored him as best she could. "So, what was the question?" She asked, trying to sound cheerful and interested.

          "Forget the question," Delano said tightly, "Black’s Dawn’s right there."

          "And they’re going into the fun house," Devon observed dryly. "I guess we’re supposed to follow."

          A snort came from Nick. "Don’t tell me we’re actually going to follow them. I mean the Fun House? That’s so basic. In the movies, it’s always the Fun House where bad things happen. Couldn’t they have been a bit more creative?"

          "You can’t pay Night People to be creative," Destiny said. "Let’s just go, there’s nothing else we can do."

          The Daybreak team followed Destiny’s lead, Nick muttering about how stupid this was all the way. For once, he would be right.

          * * * * *
          PART 29:

          "This is soo dumb!" Nick grumbled as the team entered the Fun House. "I can’t believe I’m doing this!"

          "Nicholas, SHUT UP!" Delano said, deciding he’d had enough of the shifter’s complaining.

          Devon groaned. "Guys, really-"


          The three guys whirled around at the sound, to see Destiny standing there with a sheepish little smile, rubbing her forehead. "Sorry guys. I’ve forgotten how confusing these mirror houses can be."

          Devon smiled and shook his head as they all turned back around and simultaneously screamed.


          "Oh God, oh Goddess..."

          "Who is that?"

          "WHAT is that!?!?"

          A corpse seemed to be dangling in front of the team. Other than the dried blood on it, the body looked relatively fine. The head was a different matter.

          Nick supposed that the body was being held aloft by a rope, but it was hard to tell. Around the neck, where the rope should have been, the skin and flesh was so decayed it hid everything that might have been on it. The skull lulled to one side, a broken mass of crushed bone and rotten tissue. All kinds of crawly things were creeping out from it’s open jaw and onto it’s body.

          Bile rose in Devon’s throat.

          "It’s Lunae," Delano gasped with a horrible certainty, sick that he was the maker of this disgusting corpse.

          "But...but, it c-can’t be," Nick objected, still feeling the effect of his earlier shock. "Vampires mummify when they’re killed."

          "Maybe they only mummify when staked," Destiny whispered, surprised she could find her voice at all.

          "Yes, maybe they do," said a mockingly thoughtful voice from behind them and the lights in the Fun House flashed on. "Or maybe she’s not dead at all, ever thought of that?"

          Without having to turn, Destiny knew the only way out would be through the Fun House. She’s heard that voice only once before, but it was one you never forgot. The authority of it could never be erased from the memory. Behind her team, was Hunter Redfern.

          "You’re supposed to be dead," she said without emotion, turning to face him and Black Dawn.

          A cold smile spread across Hunter’s ageless features. "Haven’t you figured it out yet? I’m death itself."

          The team may have been scared enough to pee their pants, but they were NOT amused. "Nah," Nick said a bit shakily, "You’re just his advocate."

          Hunter laughed. "Ah, Nicholas, always the one to be joking around, making smart-alick comments. Believe it or not, YOU are the reason I’m here right now."

          A collective ‘Huh?’ went through the Daybreak team.

          Another laugh escaped from Hunter. "Well, I didn’t expect you to know anything. To realize what a precious little resource you have right before you. Not many people do, you see. Not even Circle Daybreak has found out about this yet." He claimed in delight.

          "What are you talking about?" Devon demanded.

          "Why, about your little brother, of course! It seems he has the power to stop a Wild Power." Hunter continued before anyone had time to ask questions. "Have you ever wondered why my grandson never killed you? Have you ever wondered why he cared for you like you were his own son?" He leaned closer to Nick. "It’s because Chervil knew HIS child was soft, knew that one day he might betray the Dark Kingdom, and when that happened, he would need you to stop that little brat.

          "You see, it seems a year after the Wild Powers were born, four more children were born with the ability to stop them. One for every Wild Power. You’re my great-grandson’s other half." Hunter laughed at the thought, then continued. "Didn’t you ever stop to think how you, a measly macaw shifter could possibly have killed a Lamia without a broken bone in your body? It’s because when you set your mind to it, you can kill anything. Just a flick of your mind, send a little jolt through their body, and their gone. And you’re going to help the darkness win, Nick." Hunter ordered. "Come on, you know you want to."

          Up until now, Nick had had a horrified look in his eyes, an expression of confusion and disgust. Now, his aqua eyes were set and he said without hesitation, "No. No, I don’t want to help darkness win, I’m not going to help you do anything. I’ll just kill you. You said yourself how powerful I am."

          Hunter was now very amused. "Yes, of course you’re powerful, but the thing is my dear boy, you don’t know how to use it. I’m a nice guy, so I’m offering to teach you. All you have to do is leave with us right now and everything will work itself out."

          Nick snorted. "Yeah, if I leave with you, what’ll happen to my friends? You’ll probably just kill them."

          "Why shouldn’t we? They’ve caused us a lot of trouble. It’s only fair we get our revenge." Hunter took a step forward, Black Dawn following. They were closing in and it was clear the team would have to go through the Fun House.

          *Okay, guys, on the count of three, we turn around and haul butt.* Delano’s mental voice rang loud and clear through his team’s minds, but a slight tremor told them he wasn’t as confident as he sounded. *Oh, and let’s try to stay together, please. One, two, THREE!*

          The team whirled around and ran straight towards Lunae’s image, trying not to get sick at the sight, with Hunter and Black Dawn only seconds behind.

          It turned out that Lunae was in another part of the maze, but that did little to comfort the team, since they just might run into her later.

          Dodging left and right, the group bumped into walls more than once. The only good thing was that no matter how superhuman they were, no one couldn’t tell which direction held a mirror and which didn’t. However, that wasn’t much help, Black Dawn was still closing in.

          *Goddess, we’re never going to make it!* Destiny’s mind made it into a chant, but surprisingly, suddenly Hunter was no longer behind her. In fact he was no where to be found. The only problem was, Destiny had also lost Devon, Nick and Delano.

          * * * * *
          PART 30:

          Devon Corona hurtled through the maze of mirrors, Hunter Redfern right behind him.

          "You’re not going to get away, Devon," The vampire said, not in the least fazed by the chase. "My men killed your brother and now I’ll do the same to you."

          *So, he’s responsible,* The blond witch realized. He had the impulse to just stop and face Hunter right then, but knew it would be a hopeless situation. Even as it was, Devon was gasping for breath, almost stumbling through the maze, while the oldest Redfern alive pursued him with almost no difficulty what-so-ever.

          Through from the transparent glass and mirrors, Devon saw that he’d managed to lose Black Dawn, but the rest of his team was also no where to be seen.

          Unconsciously, he made a left turn and emerged from the maze into total darkness. He swore silently, realizing he was trapped. Behind him, there was a slight panting sound. *So, he can actually be short of breath.* The thought gave Devon little comfort.

          "I’ve got you now, little witch," Hunter’s smug, sing-song voice echoed in the small room.

          *There’s got to be another exit somewhere,* Devon thought desperately, though he already knew the only one was blocked by Hunter. *I’m going to have to try and get past him,* He realized. The only problem was, Devon was practically blind, whereas the Lamia could undoubtedly see every feature.

          Willing himself maintain a normal expression, Devon tried to remember where the entrance back into the maze would be located. The task wasn’t easy, Hunter was only about 4 feet away and could easily attack at any minute. In reality, Devon didn’t really hope to get away, but he’d sure as hell try.

          The location of the entrance firmly established in his mind, the witch readied himself for the chance of a lifetime.


          Delano Saldivar sprinted through the Fun House - which was really just a bunch of different mazes put together - with half of Black Dawn on his tail. He had no idea where he was going, all sense of direction had been lost, all he knew was that he had to get away. The group behind him undoubtedly wanted him alive to torture or something just as gruesome. He didn’t even want to think about what was going on with Destiny, Nick and Devon.

          There was good news though. Ara, being a bird shifter was already slowing down and was also unable to fly in the small corridors. Taran and Mariah were also starting to gasp for air. Delano thanked the little animals he’d been chasing for the last week as food for keeping him in shape.

          However, up ahead was the exit from the mirror maze into a darker, less confusing one. *Uh-oh,* Delano thought, *Great, now I get to run around in another stupid maze, dodging fake monsters that come out of no where and trying to lose real vampires without hurting myself. Is that possible?*

          He quickly got his answer. Sometime while the Italian was trying to figure out what to do, Taran had slipped away from the group behind him and was now blocking Delano’s way. There was no way out.

          *I’m dead.* Delano realized.


          Nicholas Corona raced through the mass of mirrors, occasionally looking into them to see if Gavin, Jason and Leandra were still following. They were.

          "Come on Nick," Jason tried to sound amiable, but the menace behind his voice was unmistakable. "We’re not going to hurt you. Just stop right now, and everything will be fine."

          *He sounds like Hunter,* Nick thought dryly. He was panting hard, but didn’t stop.

          A roar sounded through from behind the macaw shifter and echoed through the whole Fun House. That was the only notice Nick had before he found himself sprawled on the cold floor, 250 pounds of big cat snarling on his back.

          When Leandra was sure Nick was too hurt to get away, she got off and the bird shifter rolled onto his back. Six pairs of eyes looked back at him hungrily.

          Gavin smiled eerily. "You’re ours now, fearless leader."


          Destiny McNite wandered around among the glass and mirrors, not knowing which way to go. Occasionally, she caught a glimpse of Delano or Nick running through the maze, but when she tried to get to them, got lost all over again. Not once did she spot Devon or Hunter.


          Her head snapped up. That had to be Leandra. And the lioness had been with who’s group again? Nick’s. *Goddess, I hope he’s not dead,* Destiny prayed. She’d grown very close to her teammates over the past week and a half, and really didn’t want to attend one of their funerals anytime soon. "Or my own, for that matter," She muttered.

          A rustling could be heard in front of Destiny and she rounded the corner, hoping to find one of the guys. Instead, a blood-curdling scream escaped her lips. Anyone in her position would have done the same.

          Because in front of her was Lunae’s broken corpse. And it was moving.

          * * * * *

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