Master of Disguise

By: Chandra Harman

Rating: PG

As I walked into class today, a whiff of you reached me across the room. Actually, it was that cologne you wear. Most of the time I can't smell it, even when I am close to you, but it is always there, that underlying scent that I always associate with sixth period. It smells like air and earth and sky. Maybe it isn't cologne; maybe it's just soap. I don't know, and I don't care, because the scent is you, and that is all that is important.

I don't know when you became so important to me. All of a sudden I began to wake up thinking about you, after dreaming about you all night. During the day I space out and start to think about you again, and again, and again. I don't even know that much about you, and you are all I think about, really think about, and I think a lot. I am, or was, a creative person who could make up a billion stories in my mind in a second, and live through those stories thousands of lives that were all so much more fantastic than mine would ever be. Whenever I closed my eyes a new story would unfold, a new world would be born, a world just for me to be. Now, whenever I close my eyes all I see is you.

It never used to be this way. I used to be happy being myself, and I even knew who that was. Now I am just a pale shadow of a person, a ghost, whose only purpose in life is to sit and breathe you. If you smile at me my entire day is brightened, and when you are upset with me I break down and cry. You affect every part of my day and night. I changed myself to make you happy. The most disturbing part is that you have no idea about any of this, any of these feelings of mine. You sit there in class and talk to me without even a notion of what you are doing to my insides.

Either you are totally blind, or I must be a master of disguise. That's it! I must be a master of disguise.

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