
Oh, bother.
As most ppl know, Winnie the Pooh says that when he's faced with a problem. I say the same thing when I think about writing an update. But, I made this page and I might as well use it. It seems stupid not to, after all. So, read on and find out what's been going on with the site!

12-09-02: Update
Wow, finally got around to another update! Just added a new poem: Mid-Winter's Night. There's a few more that I've written lying about. I'll find them and post them soon :)

08-01-02: Update
Just added a new story to the site. Some of you have probably read it already - it wrote it maybe 4 months ago. Anyway, it's here. Enjoy!

05-27-02: Update
OMG, will you look at this? The last time I wrote an update was in January and now it's almost JUNE!! Well, at least summer is here - finally!
So, just because I haven't written any updates doesn't mean I haven't posted things on the site. Mainly, I've just added poems. Enjoy!

01-12-02: Update
First: Happy New Year! Okay, I've got maybe 2 minutues. Let's see...

I've just fixed the link to Original Stories and added a new story to the page, so check it out!

That's about it for now. Enjoy!

12-13-01: Update
Happy Christmas everyone! Or rather, Happy Holidays, b/c that applies to everyone. :) How's everything going? Yes, I'm finally adding a NEW update, after the last one in JULY!

Well, sorry I can't be more comprehensive, but I can't really remember everything I've done to the page since the last update. hm... I know that I've added a few new poems. Also, I've started a new story, but I'm not posting that until I get some feedback from a few friends. If you'd like to check it out for me as well, feel free to email me at Leandra84@hotmail.com !

Oh, and the Quotes Pages have been revamped as well. Hopefully, this will make it easier to find things. :)

And that's about it! Enjoy!

07-02-01: Update
Okay, again, there's not much to say - I mean, only 4 days have gone by, really. But in those 4 days, I've managed to add another poem - not mine, mind you, but still good, if I must admit :) Anyway, it's here.

06-28-01: Update
Well, I've only made a few minor changes this month. There're some new quotes as well as a new poem. The whole poems page in general has also been re-formatted.

06-04-01: Update
Well, last time I mentioned that I was almost finished a short story. Well, now I am done! :) And I've posted it on the Short Stories page. It's working title is Full Circle. Go check it out...and any other title suggestions would be welcome as well :)

04-24-01: Update
Okay, lets see...I recently added a poem to the site, something I wrote while watching (or pretending to watch, rather) Bill Nye: The Science Guy in chemistry :) It's called The Fairest Rose.
Also, I'm almost finished a short story I've been working on - hoping to finish it up this weekend. What I do have done I've posted up here. It's untitled right now, so any suggestions and/or comments are welcome!

04-03-01: Update
Okay, just put up a sketch/picture for AoD. If anyone's interested, it's here.
Also, is there anyone out there who'd like to edit my short story...when it's done? :) Actually, some feedback on what I have now would be appreciated as well. If you wouldn't mind checking it out for me, just email me at Leandra84@hotmail.com.

03-30-01: Update
Well, there's not much news right now. I recently put up a short story from a friend, entitled Master of Disguise.
I'm also working on a short story myself, but things have been hectic as usual and I'm not sure where it's going. I'll try to get it up as soon as possible. :)
Take care!

02-17-01: Update
Hi everyone!
Wow, it feels like forever since I wrote an update. In reality, it's only been a bit over a month and what a hectic month that's been! I don't even want to think about it.
At any rate, I'm currently in the middle of writing a short story, after a whole year of doing nothing productive whatsoever. Hopefully, I'll be able to get that up soon. I'll keep you guys informed. :)

01-06-01: Update
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wow! Can you believe that it's 2001 already? Whoa, I'm not ready! Unfortunately, life goes on regardless :(
Neway, I've made a few tiny changes to Endless Night on the Original Stories page, but that's about it for now. I wish I hadn't been so lazy this vacation, but ah well. Another time. :)
Take care!

12-01-00: Update

Hah! Can you BELIEVE it?!?!?!?! I actually put something NEW up on the page!!!! I know I'm shocked! Neway, they're two poems, entitled Perfection and Speechless by a friend of mine. Go check them out!

10-29-00: Update
Hey everyone! It's almost Hallowe'en!!! What's everyone doing this year? I WANT to go out trick-or-treating, but I'm getting a lee-tle too old :P I'd probably get more dirty looks than candy :( Ah well, there's always parties... :)
Anyway, there isn't much in the way of site news. I've been really busy lately and just wanted to talk about Hallowe'en :) So, have fun, whatever you're doing and I'm off!

10-15-00: Update
Hey guys! Finally got around to taking down that Thanksgiving post :) Neway, since Friday the 13th just passed, I thought I'd ask the question, "Where'd that superstition come from anyway?" I mean, what's so wrong with the # 13? I've heard theories that it's because a coven of wtiches has 13 ppl and witches were once considered demonic. I've also heard that it's because of the Friday the 13th movies (tho I don't believe that). What do you think? E-mail me at Leandra84@hotmail.com. Btw, something to consider: Apollo 13 was launched at 13:13 and things started to go wrong on April 13th (shoot, I can't remember the year). But you get the idea. And supposedly, the names of a lot of serial killers have 13 letters in them. Is that just coincidence?
Neway, in terms of site news, nothing much. I've posted part 12 of Endless Night. That's about it.

10-07-00: Update
Thanksgiving! Yeah! Maybe I shouldn't mention this since it'll get outdated very soon, but too bad. I'm excited! Long weekend, no school...Unfortunately, there is homework. :P I hope your vacation isn't as hmwk filled as mine!
Neway, onto webstite news:
I've added a NEW STORY!!! It's working title is Music and is on the Short Stories page.
I've also added part 11 of Endless Night.
And lastly: I'm hoping to post some new 'covers' for the Fanfics. So far, I have Angel of Destiny and Angel of Hope up. I don't have the rest done and as you can see if you go to AoDestiny or AoH, I'm no great artist, but I started it. I'll finish it!
Sometime... :)

09-27-00: Update
Okay, I admit, I don't have that much to say. I'm really only writing this because I feel obligated. It's been almost 3 weeks, after all.
I will say this to a certain friend, however. The link that I wanted you to check out is here. It's a Fanfic, so email me at Leandra84@hotmail.com if you need more info. But really, friend, you MUST read this one!

I'm not sure how many of you actually READ Endless Night on the Original Stories page, but I'm making a few little editing changes to it. Nothing major. I'm changing the name of Zion's nightclub and any spelling/grammatical errors I might catch while doing that. I only write this to let you know what's going on when I suddenly start referring to Zion's nightclub as The Pheonix instead of whatever it was before. :) And, of course, there might be a few glitches while I sort things out.
Neway, update over. I'm off to do French hmwk. Ugh.

Okay, the changes to the Fanfic page have been made and everything should be working fine now. If not, email me at Leandra84@hotmail.com and let me know.
Also, on a completely off topic note (those of you how know me know how I like to ramble :), school is starting tomorrow!!! Oh, the terrible-ness!!! Back to forced story writing. Well, let's look on the bright side. At least you'll be seeing something new soon on the Short Stories page! :)

Guess what? I have FINALLY added something new to this site! And it's actually good, even if it's not done :) Check it out at Original Stories!
Also, the Fanfic page is being re-vamped (just a little), so bear with me. If there're any links that aren't working, just let me know and I'll fix it as soon as possible.
