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Hello my lupus friend's and family! My name is Linda Huggins 120 Ridgeland Rd. Wilmington, Delaware 19803. I have systemic lupus, asthma, osoesporisis, high cholesteral, and nerve damage. All resulting from the lupus.

This disease for me started working on my system when I was six years old. The doctor's at the time did not see Lupus in my future, so I wasn't diagnosed then. I was anemic and on the verge of Luekemia. For a whole year I was picked and probed. I eventually got better, but would at times break out in a rash. My sister had allergies and was the sick one in the family, so my mother thought that was also my problem. The joint pain, well the old doctors, called them growing pains.

I remmember, going on a field trip in School in my teen years and had to rush to the bathroom and passed out. I had never passed out before and was embarrassed to tell anyone when I came to! At the age of eighteen I married my high-school sweet-heart and a year later my first child was born. Did very well with everything! And then my second child came along and problem's began. My marriage was falling apart, for I had married a man that became an alcoholic, and I was a battered wife. I lived with this man for eight years. I kept getting sick, alway's a strange infection, swollen glands. Weird stuff! I thought it was my nerves acting up. And so did my doctor's. My last pregnancy, was a bad one. For I stayed in the hospital for over 6 times. Bleeding, premature labor, partial placenta previa. On October 31st, I almost bleed to death in the hospital. Was given five units of blood and had to have C-Section. The bleeding didn't stop there and later had to have surgery to try and stop bleeding. After my daughter was born, my husband and I separated.He became a stalker, so my children and I moved to Delaware for safety. By that time I was 27 year's old. In that year, I was put in the hospital 3 times. More weird stuff. But still not diagnosed with Lupus.

In 1989, I became stricken again with a strange illness. I thought I had a stroke and so did the E.R. doctor. They ran test and found nothing! They released me saying possible M.S. or AIDS because of of my blood transfusion in 84. They recommended testing for AIDS. I was tore apart, for I had remarried, and was afraid that I had given my loved one AIDS. Thank god, the test showed negative, so I had possible M.S. By 1993, my illness struck again and this time it was bad! The nerve damage was eating me alive! They were still thinking M.S. and now wanted to do a biopsy on the nerve. So we went through it! I had by this time became unable to work. but had no diagnoses! Disability, was a joke! The biopsy came back as nerve damage unknown, but stated that I had it for a long time. Was born with something! I was told that I could live a year or die a year and may never have a diagnoses. When I tried to get disability, the doctor decided then that everything was in my head! NOT! I knew my body and I never felt this before. It took me two years fighting with the government, to get on disability. And each day was getting worse. My medical bills were piling up to the ceiling. I decided to fire those doctors and get a new one. A year after I got disability, and writing everything down from day to day. Every symptom, for I had so many, and didn't know they were all related. I never heard of Lupus. What was Lupus? I guess you say that I went through many doctors and hospital's trying to get an answer.

My husband didn't work to far from the house and would check on me from time to time during the day. He came home one day and found me soaking wet with no clothes on, trying to put my nightgown on. I was that sick! He rushed me to the doctor's nightgown and all, for we had lost confidence in the hospital's. He ordered bloodwork and I finally showed a positive ANA I was told that I had a rare form of Lupus, where my bloodwork will not alway's show positive! I buy this time was dying. I was admitted and put on IV's. And have been on drugs ever since. The sad part is that I live in a highly congested area, not enough Doctor's and I have seen the Hospital's in Delaware decline in caring. So cold they are!

Just last night, I ended up in the Emergency Room. I told them about my problem and I waited in the waiting room for 7 hours. The drunks, drug-addict's, shootings, stabbing's and if you threatened to commit suicide, the royal red carpet is rolled out and you get in the door, to be seen. Admitted, and very well taken care of! They have just started something new here, where if you are on Medicare, you get this different band, put on your wrist. A red one! Then you go on a stretcher in the hallway! Even the elderly! One time I saw them bring in a herion addict, while I was in the hallway and he got a room. ASAP STAT! After seven hours of waiting, I finally got angry and told the nurse at the desk, that I was leaving. Got better care at home. If I have to I'll take more pills and if I overdose, hopefully she will see me back! Then maybe I will get the red carpet here!

The government is somehow involved here. They don't care! I came home in terrible pain and cried like a baby! I even told my family that I felt like I didn't belong here on this Earth or this time frame. It has been an every day battle. And our healthcare has gotten worse. Two yaer's ago I had to have a total hysterectomy, In hopes to stop my lupus from progressing so fast. The insurance company would only pay for one day and I was booted out on the street as if we got your money so you can leave now! It was very rough for me to go home cut from hip to hip. Took me monthes to recover! And now you have an angry Lupus figther that is not going to rest! My story is true, and I need everyone to help us get the care we need! So please mail me your letter, for a good cause! We can't let the insurance companie's, or government win this battle that we are fighting! For those who wish to share my story with others, please do! if it will save us and other's, I will feel grateful to know that my story was passed along!

With Love and Hugs


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