Resolution In Support of
Missouri Prisoners Labor Union
Colgate Palmolive Boycott

The economic self-sufficiency of Prisoners is central to any program of rehabilitation either individual or institutional and that paying Prisoners wages comparable to Free citizens is rehabilitative, a cost effective method of saving taxpayer dollars and a pro-active response in order to prevent more jobs from being sentenced to prison at wages far less than what would be paid otherwise.

Prisoners have the right to form organizations of economic self-defense.

The continued use of Capital Punishment creates an intimidating, chilling effect on Prisoners ability to form such organizations.

The continued use of Capital Punishment is not a deterent to anti-social behavior and a purposeless use of tax payer dollars and as such must be halted immeadiatly.

Colgate Palmolive reaps immense profits and direct benefits from Prisoners, specifcally those confined in Missouri.

Colgate Palmolive has a social responsibility to insure that the economic benfefits which it recieves from Prisoners is used in part to benefit society in general and Prisoners in particular.

Colgate Palmolive has refused to issue a letter of endorsement in support of the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union and /or aims and objectives for three points which are summarized as follows:

  1. The establishment of minimum wage pay for all Missouri Prisoners.
  2. Abolishing all forced labor and abuse perpetrated by the Missouri Department of Corrections in particular and the State Government in general.
  3. Active involvement in persuading the State of Missouri Legislature to impose a Bill of Moratorium on all executions of Prisoners in the State of Missouri
Missouri Prisoners Labor Union has intiated an economic boycott to obtain win recognition of their union, a moritorium on use of Capital Punishment and the establishment of minimum pay.. Resolved
That the Industrial Workers of the World recognizes that Prisoners do have the right to form organizations of economic self-defense.

That the Industrial Workers of the World condemns the further use of Capital Punishment and calls for a moritorium on all executions for the following reasons:

  1. It creates an intimidating, chilling effect on Prisoners ability to form organizations of economic self-defense.
  2. It is not a deterent to anti-social behavior and a purposeless use of tax payer dollars and as such must be halted immeadiatly
. That the Industrial Workers of the World recognizes and supports the non-violent Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Boycott of Colgate Palmolive

That the General Secretary/ Treasurer is instructed to send on behalf of the organization a letter to Colgate Palmolive in suport of the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Boycott and its three stated points.

That the Industrial Workers of the World membership at large, elected leadership, delegates and or other representatives are encouraged to refrain from further purchase of Colgate Palmolive products.

That the Industrial Workers of the World membership at large, elected leadership, delegates and or other representatives are encouraged to assist the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union by every means possible including but not limited to informational picket lines, writing letters expressing support of the boycott to Colgate Palmolive and the Missouri Prisoners Labor Union.

That the editorial collective of the Industrial Worker is instructed to prominately place a display ad provided by Missouri Prisoner Labor Union in every edition until at such time instructed other wise. Siize to be mutually agreeded upon by Industrial Worker editor and Missouri Prisoners Labor Union

Be It Resolved this ____ of ______ 2000

General Secretary Treasurer
on behalf of the General Executive Board
and membership at large

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