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Support the Right To Organize;
Boycott Colgate Palmolive!

¡Pero la Unión sigue! | Mais l'Union roule sur!
Aber die Gewerkschaft rollt auf!
Ma l'Unione rotola su! | Men Unionen ruller på! | Mas a União rola em!




IWW Endorses Boycott!
And Supports The Right To Organize

This is the site of the Intrnational Boycott Campaign targeting Colgate Palmolive and its subsideriesHill's Science diet and related pet food products, Murphy Soap Oil By producing this page we intend to provide you our supporter with the latest developements as Missouri Prisoners and supporters battle for recognition of the right to organize.

We wish to stress strongly three points:
1.) This is a non-violent campaign. We will not intiate physical or verbal attacks against prison staff, other prisoners or the public at large. Our tactic wil be to fold our arms and simply turn a blind eye to Colgate Palmolive prodcuts and that of its susideries.
2.) We are not out to build a cushy lifestyle. We are attempting to win recognition of our Union, a moritorium on the use of capital punishment in the Stae of Missouri in particular and internationally in general, a fair days pays for a fair days work and a safe and non- abusive place to work.
3.) We will not either organizationally or individually threaten the substantive security interest of the institution.

If you do not find the information you are seeking here, please feel free to e-mail me personally at

Take care, speak with you soon. Confusion To Our Enemies.

Mike Lee
National Communications Officer
Missouri Prisoners Labor Union
2435 E. North St. PMB 255
Greenvile, SC 29615

Rebuilt with great difficulty on 11-29-2000

This site built with volunteer Union Labor

Equal Justice
Endorses Boycott!
To end the Death Penalty And Support The Right To Organize

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