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Where Have All The Young Men Gone?
We met in high school during my senior year. He had ambitions for a career in the field of mechanics and engineering, wanting to design cars someday. He enrolled in college but not before he received a letter from Uncle Sam inviting him to join in a WAR that was going on in VietNam.
Diane Dean White

'Emmer always stood by me no matter what'
They never drove a car or flew in an airplane and as far as I know, did not travel anywhere except in the southern part of the United States. They were simple country people and the phrase that best describes them is "salt of the earth."
LaRose Karr

My Kingdom For A Tree
When you decide that you would like to raise some fruit trees in your garden area, its time to find the ideal plant to start with. The best trees are at least two years old and from 3-5 feet tall. They will survive the disturbing transplanting process and also bear fruit faster.
Arleen M. Kaptur

The Choices Of Your Child's Heart
It's not up to us to make our children happy. Let me say that again - its not up to us to make our kids happy. It is up to us to love them, support, nurture, protect, teach and guide them. The emotions of the heart; well, that is their choice!
Dionna Sanchez

Lessons Learned at the Ballpark
As we walked by, the attendant abruptly reached down and grabbed Taylor’s glove hand as if my son was concealing contraband in his mitt. “Son, have you got a baseball in that glove?” he asked suspiciously. Taylor was startled by the stranger and replied, “No,” in a soft whisper.
Tim Fulton

The Real Lessons in Youth Baseball
During two years as a 8-and-under baseball coach, I've noticed that we are teaching the young players more than simply a game and sportsmanship. Sometime during every player's season, he or she will experience some of Life's grand lessons -- but given on a level that they can understand.
Mike Morgan

Go to the Feeder
Oftentimes, we let our spirits go too long without soul food. Then like the sparrows, we come in droves to the feeder. Even if it has been a while since our last visit; food will be waiting.
LaRose Karr

A Woman's Touch
A woman's hands are created not only for touching and feeling... a woman's hands do so much more. They hold an infant when it's crying and cradle it to sleep. A woman's hands touch her husband’s face in love. Our hands soothe an aching head or hold and comfort a grieving soul. Our hands have the power to heal, our hands also have the power to destroy.
LaRose Karr

The Heart Of A Mother
When 'Mother's Day' comes each year I tenderly recall the days as youngster when plans were made to go to the little white Church at Grandma's for a "dress up" banquet. My first Mother and Daughter banquet was at the age of four.
Diane Dean White

The Most Beautiful Hands
I don't think there was ever a time my mom stopped doing things for me, even during those times that I was difficult, mean, and downright disrespectful towards her.
Shery Ma Belle Arrieta

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Internet & E-Commerce
Money Tips: Overcoming financial anxiety
There is a difference between education and experience. Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it! But isn't it true that great learning comes from both education and experience?
Todd A. Williams

Make Money at Home Growing Small Landscape Plants
Small town, big town, it doesn’t matter, if you have a small area in your backyard that you can use for planting, then you can make money growing small plants at home. Actually you can make pretty good money on 1/40 of one acre.
Michael J. McGroarty

Secret of a Greenthumb
Plants grown by people with a green thumb seem to grow as if by magic or luck, however the one and only 'magical' or lucky ingredient these people possess is knowledge and understanding of the conditions that those plants require.
Ron Williams

The alarming trend in unemployment is forcing more and more mature members of the potential U.S. workforce to upgrade their skills in order to stay current and marketable.
Joan Marques

The Parable Of The Child
There is a difference between education and experience. Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it! But isn't it true that great learning comes from both education and experience?
Steve Goodier

Just Thinking - Curing a Virus
A friend knocked on my office door last Tuesday and I invited them in. I said, "Come on in, I've got a virus!" They stopped in the doorway and began to back out. I smiled and said, "Not me, but my computer."
David M. Simmons

The Power To Really Live
I had just graduated from college and was about to move away and pursue my dreams. An older friend said something I thought was a bit peculiar at the time. She said, "Don't ever lose your enthusiasm." I was not particularly aware that I possessed any enthusiasm, and I had no idea how to keep whatever amount I had!
Steve Goodier

Good For The Goose is Good For The Gander!
I disarm in the parking lot, lock my firearm in my vehicle, and go transact my business, right? Are you out of your bloody little minds?? Does anyone here really believe that a locked vehicle is secure?
Kathryn A Graham

Overcoming Your Cyberspace Fears
Thank Goodness for Networking !
Making Sense of the Internet Job Search