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ALVIN, SC -- Just a word of thanks to visitors of this website during the four years that it was actively serviced. Your patronage, interest and support have been heartwarming.

We have moved away from our original area of coverage and additionally do not have the same time and resources to devote to this project, first conceived in November, 1999.

We did envision a day like this coming, and so we have built some regularly updated features into this website which should be of interest. Our front page includes latest headlines from the New York Times, as well as the latest quotes from the stock market.

Our South Carolina page provides a glimpse of headlines from various newspapers across the state. We have an international section which provides coverage to Canada in both French and English, Europe in five languages, as well as Africa, Asia and Australia.

You might say that our web site is now on "automatic pilot" as each of these pages updates daily -- including our popular news about celebrities on "Hollywood 411." We hope you will continue to visit our web site periodically, and use it as your window to the rest of the world.

Best Wishes to one and all,
Ken Willmott (HartKeeper)

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