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Important Phone Numbers

  • Brain Injury Alliance of South Carolina: 1-800-290-6461
  • BIA Family Help Line: 1-800-444-6443
  • National Rehab Info: Center 1-800-346-2742
  • SC Information System: 1-800-922-1107
  • Charleston Independent Living Center: 1-843-729-3694
  • Charleston County Head and Spinal Injury Coor.: 1-843-852-5550
  • Berkeley County Head and Spinal Injury Coor.: 1-843-761-0334
  • Dorchester County Head and Spinal Injury Coor.: 1-843-761-0334
  • THISG Contacts: 1-843-852-5550 Ext. 14 Rick Brooks
  • Disabilities Resource Center: 1-843-225-5080

    If you think we need to have other important phone numbers on this page please e-mail us with them.