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Chansey's Pokemon Center ExTrEmE


9:47pm EST- May13, 2000 Well I did some major things on this layout and my old layout. On this layout and soon my new one, I have added a banner service! Now you can get your own banner free and in a short time! So check it out at the Banner Service to get yours today. I have also added a lot more to the new layout. Have fun! -Chansey

10:02pm- May 11, 2000 I haven't written in the update box but have updated. I got a new layout as you might already know. Click HERE to see the updates on that. Thanks for hanging in there and always being faithful everyone! -Chansey

8:58 P.M.- May 8, 2000

Ok, so I'm not getting a new layout afterall. The person who said he would make it fell through. BUT, I did add a lot of javascript. As you can see, the links turn red when you put the mouse on it. Some pages have the new navigation bar which, by javascript, allows you to go back and forward just like a browser! If you would like these codes just e-mail me at Have fun!

11:00P.M.-April 29, 2000

Well it looks like I'm getting a new layout! It's one of the cool ones like The Anime Underground's. I did a lot more in the Pokemon Adventure Game but you can't get to Sabrina...sorry. Have fun!

8:20-April 28, 2000

I did more on the site. I updated the Pokemon Adventure Game so you can get past Erika, past the Poke Center, and on your way to Saffron. By the end of tonight I expect to get up to Sabrina and maybe even finish it! Make sure you check out the update below!.Have fun!

7:00A.M.-April 28, 2000

Well today and yesterday I did a lot! I have reopened the Gold/Silver Animations section. I also have updated the Pokemon Adventure Game so you can now use Ivysaur in the Erika battle. You will be able to get to the pokemon center as well. Tonight I expect to get all the way to Sabrina! You will catch and lose many Pokmemon on your way. Also the first edition Team Rocket cards are officially sold out. You should be happy if you got any. Have fun! (don't forget to vote...hehe)


9:30-April 26, 2000

It has just been discovered that Eevee's tale of it's two new evolutions might be a fraud. Click HERE to get the real scoop on how to evolve your Eevee quickly!


Well looks like CPCE (my site) has a new message board. This one is cooler that ever! You DONT even have to sign up! Also if you havn't noticed, my Haunter is back. Oh....there is one more thing. If it's not too much to ask, something got screwed up in the topsites(and I lost a LOT of votes) so I was wondering if all of you could vote...Thanks! Have fun!!! :)--<

Charizards Back!

4:50-April 25, 2000

Hey everyone! I've finally got a hold of the Team Rocket most of you have been waiting for. It's not Here comes Team Rocket but it IS Team Rocket's Charizard! So check it out HERE. Remember, if you want to join my Pokemon Adventure game update mailing list, E-Mail me and tell me so at -Chansey


7:01-April 23, 2000

Happy Easter! Well even though it is Easter I did a lot. For one thing I finally updated the Pokemon Adventure Game. I am starting a mailing list so you get an E-Mail from now on when I update the game. If you want to join it E-Mail me at Thats not the only thing I've done. I also have added more American Team Rocket cards. You gotta check them out! I also updated the new Saturday Episode section. It now tells about Wherefore Art Thou Pokemon!. That's not all. I made a section that can teach you to sing Pikachu's Goodbye in no time! Click HERE to go to it. Have fun!

8:43 P.M.-April 22,2000

Well, a lot has been done today! For one thing I have made a new Team Rocket TCG section. It includes the latest news, and pics of cards from the Japanese and AMERICAN cards that I got today. Click HERE to go to it. I'll write back later when more is done! Have fun!
