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In the news:

Is there anything new to know? Does it pertain to just me? Of course, not!
Does it pertain to you? Does it pertain to the United States? Does it pertain to the universe?
This is news; topics that concern everyone that I feel is important. Newsworthy in my opinion. So if you don't see something about, I dunno, how Greenville, Montana has just double in population in the last year, TOUGH! So on with the news...

1. On my way to Duke in the beginning of November, I was listening to NPR news. I happen to like their music that they play in between that monotonous talk they do. Anyway, the happen to mention Bill Gates. Oh, what an ear catcher, I was tuned in. They said that Bill Gates had just signed (not by choice, more or less, by force and threats, not life threatening, but detrimental to his business) a contract that will last for 5 years that will allow other (competitve) companies to have ACCESS to HIS code so that those companies can make programs operable with MicroSoft OS. These companies will profit off of Bill Gates's code. NOT FAIR, not ethical, not nice. This is not how you do business, not through a forceful manner. Bill Gates should have had the choice to share or not share his code. Of course, he could have not signed the contract, but what would our government have done? They would have imposed some law or rule to restrict Gates's business or to impede his process and wealth. He didn't have a fair choice to be competitive or cooperative.

2.Not quite sure of the outcome or how it is going, but, does anyone know anything about the ridiculus case of the overweight man who is suing the fast food restuarants because he gained weight from eating there? I mean, I don't like McDonald's, much less, eat fastfood, but that does not mean that I agree that they should be sued. This man is an adult; he knows what his actions are and what he is doing. He is responsible for his life. It's like people suing the cigarette companies for cancer. The warning is on the pack!!! READ! You know the consequence, suffer it if you choose the action.


22NOV02 Got something newsworthy??? Just lemme know and I'll consider putting it up. Perhaps, if I feel like it.