Raw Results <-9/19/00->
-LIVE, from Chicago, get out the hankies, put on something
black, the WWF says "adios, sayonara, now get the f--- out my house" to the
USA Network with that stations very last [say it with me now...] RAW is WAR!
Pyros flare (for the last time on USA), welcomes are issued (for the last
time on USA), and RAW officially begins (for the last time on USA). I can't
get over this station change thing. JR starts by saying this is in fact that
last RAW on USA, after a 17 year partnership. The show starts with Stephanie
McMahon-Helmsley making her way to the ring. She has come out to put an end
to something that should have ended a long time ago. She says she is very
"special," and that men have been fighting for her attention for her whole
life, but this has gone on too long. Her life changed in November of 1999, a
month that was great for her, but not for Stone Cold. She says she has
nothing to do with that, but she did marry the Game, Triple H during that
month. It was also the month that Kurt Angle debuted in the WWF. That makes
this situation so inconceivable to poor Steph. She says this is petty and
ugly. She then asks Foley to come out and cancel the match at Unforgiven
between Trips and Angle, because if it were to happen, she would be very
unhappy. She tells Foley that no one in the world would ever want to see her
unhappy (cue the puppy dog face). Instead of the Commish, King Kurt Angle
makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. He tells Steph that he
admires her courage to face the roughnecks in Chicago, instead of watching
the Olympics, where Kurt won the gold medal. He says the match has to take
place, because if he doesn't teach Triple H a lesson, she'll be even more
unhappy. Kurt says it is a coincidence that he debuted when Austin got hurt,
but he knew Triple H was bad back then. He says Steph must have a bad
memory, which cues a video of all of Triple H's suspect actions, set to
Trips' music (everything from the Trish incidents to last RAW's elbow). He
says he is sorry he had to show it, but Triple H must be the most pathetic
person Angle has ever seen. He says if Steph wants him to, he will walk out;
she just need say the word. Before she can speak, The Game walks out very
cool and composed, not mad at all, seemingly. Steph stands between the two.
Triple H says that Kurt must think he's an idiot, not knowing how the company
works. He says he knew Angle was making that video package, so he put
together his own package for later on. He says he watched Angle's video, and
thought he could be wrong about Kurt Angle, and this is all a
misunderstanding. It dawned on Triple H that Angle is a 30 year old,
physical specimen of a man, but in front of him stands the beauty of
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, the perfect woman. However, Angle looks at her
and says he wants to be Steph's "friend." What kind of a man would stand in
front of a hot woman but wants to be "friends." Triple H says they would
like to go shopping for drapes with Steph, not that there's anything wrong
with that. Triple H says he embraces Kurt's "alternative lifestyle." He
says maybe national TV might not have been the right place to point this out.
He tells Kevin Dunn to role the footage, which is of Angle wrestling at the
Olympics, with an opponent in his crotch, then hugging a male ref, and then
crying. He says that perhaps in the heat of the battle, emotions got the
best of Kurt. He then roles footage of Angle at the medal ceremony, days
after his match. In the tape, Kurt steps up to the podium and cries his eyes
out. The crowd chants "Sissy," and Triple H says the Olympics were very
emotional, but that it might be time for Kurt to come to terms with his
feelings and open the closet door. We hear the crashing of car doors and
Mick Foley makes his way down to the ring. Angle yells at Foley. Foley says
to Triple H that he was once an amateur wrestler and no one has more respect
for Angle's work at the Olympics that he...but he wants to see the footage
again. He and Triple H laugh at Angle's crying. He says that Angle
represented the US at the Olympics in 96, but in 2000, what team is he
playing for now? Foley turns to Steph and says that no one wants to see the
triangle break, which is why the match must go on, and is why Foley is the
ref. He says they won't get to tear each other apart tonight because all
three will team against T&A with Trish tonight. Have a nice day! Triple H
blows kisses to Angle as he leaves. In the back, Steven Richards tells Bull
and Goodfather that he tried to censor the Dudleys before, but then he didn't
have this team. The Acolytes run in, but get taken out by the RTC.
Dudley Boys vs. Right To Censor:
-The D-Bombs drop and the Dudleys make [say
it with me now...] their final appearance on RAW on USA. The sirens blare
and all four members of the RTC come down, fresh from beating down on the
Acolytes. Bull and BuhBuh start. Bull clubs BuhBuh to the corner. Big
boot, followed by a clothesline by BuhBuh. Scoop slam on Bull, followed by
D-Von's head to the groin. BuhBuh calls for the tables, but they are
attacked by Val and Steven on the outside. Bull works on D-Von in the ring,
tag to Goodfather. Splash in the corner by Goodfather, tag to Bull. Flying
forearm by D-Von, and both men go down. Tag to BuhBuh who clotheslines Bull
twice, then a scoop slam, then a slam on Goodfather, then another slam on
Bull 1-2-broken by Goodfather. BuhBuh back body drops Goodfather outside,
and the Dudleys hit a doubleteam falling neckbreaker on Bull. Venis gets on
the apron, and D-Von knocks him off. Meanwhile, Steven runs in and
StevieKicks BuhBuh. Bull rolls on top 1-2-3! The RTC storm in and beat on
the Dudleys until the Acolytes run in and even it up. In the garage, we see
the Rock come in for his [yes, that's right] last appearance on RAW on USA.
Unforgiven Main Event Segment:
-The Rock enters the arena and makes his way
to the ring. Finally, the Rock is getting out of the USA Network (OK, he
didn't say it, but I bet he thought it). He realizes that people respond to
losing well, while others respond poorly. We see what Undertaker's response
was on SmackDown! Rock says he never liked Undertaker, but has always
respected him. He understands Taker is angry he went through a table, that
Rock is Champ and he is not. He says all Taker had to do was ask for a title
shot. Since he already has one at Unforgiven, if he wants one tonight, just
ask. He tells Taker to come out as the Badass, the Phenom, the Lord of
Darkness, the Lord of Monkey Feces (my words, not his), whatever, just bring
it. This prompts the Taker to come out (as the Badass, of course) and enter
the ring. Undertaker says he was standing in the back, but heard Rock says
he respected the Undertaker. He says while Rock was in high school trying to
get some from Mary Jane Rottencrotch, Taker was in the ring, winning titles.
He asks who Rock is to call out the Undertaker. He says he told Rock not to
piss him off, which is what he did on SmackDown! He says Rock can lift as
many eyebrows as he wants, talk about as many monkey nipples as he wants,
whatever, but he called out the Undertaker, and he better be able to back it
up. He says he may not dress like Satan, but he is still down with the
devil, and will get medieval on Rock's ass. Foley comes down to ring, saying
that he needs to spell out the rules for the Fatal Fourway at Unforgiven. He
says all four wrestle at once, and whoever scores the pin becomes Champ. He
says as far as these two tearing each other up, he won't try to stop it. It
will be Rock vs. Undertaker tonight. This prompts an appearance by Chris
Benoit. Benoit says that if anyone deserves a title shot tonight, it's him,
the greatest technical wrestler. He says he is the most deserving. BOOM!
The stage flames [last time, yada, yada, yada] and Kane asks what makes
Benoit think he deserves the title. Kane says he is the only one who
deserves the title. Foley says he never said anything about a title shot,
that was the Rock's words. He says Rock is capable of electrifying the
crowd, making a catchphrase he can steal, and wearing that shirt and getting
away with it. However, Rock is not able to make title shots. He says it
will be Benoit taking on Kane, and Rock fighting Taker, no titles on the
line. Kane and Benoit go after each other. Kane leaves, but Benoit hits him
with a chair. Meanwhile, Taker and Rock just stare at each other in the
middle of the ring. We go to tape of Hugh Hefner earlier today. Hugh says
Eddie's actions meant nothing, and we'll see Chyna like never before. We see
Eddie and Chyna talking. Chyna tells him it will be OK. He says he can't
believe he tried to stop the pictorial, and says that everyone deserves to
see her. She says she already forgave him, but he has to get ready for
Rikishi. Eddie starts coughing. He says he will be more accepting of Chyna,
more coughing. Chyna says she'll get him some water. Commercial.
We come back to the last RAW on USA to see that Benoit and Kane have been
fighting this whole time, and it continues into their official match. Kane
beats on Benoit in the corner. Benoit floats out of a piledriver, but gets
slammed after trying a suplex of his own. Benoit misses a dropkick, but then
Kane misses an elbow drop. Benoit kicks Kane's knee. Kane gets Benoit set
for a chokeslam, but Benoit takes out Kane's knee again. Benoit slams Kane's
now bad knee, then jumps on it. Benoit drops an elbow on this knee, but then
Kane stands and hits an enziguri on Benoit. Kane fights back, hits a
clothesline on Benoit. Big boot by Kane. Kane goes to tackle Benoit, but
hits the ringpost. The battle sprawls to the outside. Kane press slams
Benoit on the security barrier. Benoit grabs the ring bell and Kane rolls in
the ring. Benoit nails Kane with the bell twice. The ref calls for the
bell, but of course Benoit has it. Benoit goes up top and hits the diving
headbutt on Kane. Kane then pops back up, and Benoit runs scared. In the
back, Trish says that with Trips and Angle fighting, Steph won't have
protection. Test and Albert make condom jokes. In their dressing room,
Triple H tells Steph to stay away from Test and Albert, and that he knows
Steph can take care of Trish. Angle comes in and tells Steph he'll defend
her. He tells Triple H to go a week without hitting his wife, to which
Triple H responds, "Try going a week without hitting on me, okay?"
Kurt Angle, Triple H & Steph vs. T&A & Trish:
-As Kurt comes out, we replay
the tape he played early in the night. Trips comes out with Steph, and we
see the tape he played earlier. For official notice, thus ends the final
9-10pm showing of WWF programming on USA. T&A & Trish come out and Steph
shoves Trish down. Triple and Albert start off. High knee by Triple H. Tag
to Test, and an effeminate tag to Kurt. Test gets a belly-back suplex from
Kurt Angle, tag to Triple H. Big boot by Test, but a clothesline by Trips.
Tag to Angle, who hits a leg hook overhead suplex on Test. Angle walks into
a clothesline by the newly tagged Albert. Incredible underhook flapjack type
maneuver by Albert, tag to Test. Test hits a gut wrench powerbomb. Test
sets up a pump handle slam, but Angle floats over and suplexes Test. Angle
tags Steph, but Test didn't tag. Steph realizes what this means and very
slowly bends through the ropes. Test motions for her to come in, when Triple
H clotheslines Test. Triple takes it to Test. Back body drop by Trips to
send Albert over the ropes. Triple H pins Test 1-2-broken by Albert. Angle
runs in, but gets kicked out by Albert. Test and Steph are left. He pushes
her into the corner and calls Trish in. Trish takes it to Steph, while Test
climbs the turnbuckle. Triple H stomps fighting Albert outside long enough
to trip Test from his perch. Triple H Pedigrees Test and puts Steph on top
1-2-3! Angle rolls in and hugs Steph. Triple H sees this and as soon as he
drops Steph, Triple H spears Angle. They battle with refs. Commercial.
Eddie & Chyna Segment:
-We see Eddie shivering, while Chyna takes his
temperature. He asks her to tie his boot, but then starts dry heaving.
Chyna says she is going to cancel his match with Rikishi. Eddie says she
shouldn't because besides him, she is the only one who could fight Rikishi,
and she shouldn't be fighting. Chyna realizes this was all Eddie's plan and
says she'll fight Rikishi. Eddie tells her to hurry up because she's on
next, and that he has her back. Commercial.
Chyna vs. Rikishi:
-As Lillian Garcia starts to announce the match, the
lights go out and Tazz's music hits. He comes out with a bowtie on. He
takes Lillian's mic and asks her name "Lillian," what he points to "Nose,"
what is in his hand "Nothing." Tazz breaks out laughing, saying "Exactly,
Lillian knows nothing." He tells her she has the night off and announces
Chyna. When it comes to Rikishi, Tazz says "weighing 6000 pounds from the
waist down." Tazz takes a seat next to Lawler. The Latino Heat music hits
and Eddie comes out in a blanket, coughing. Chyna is happy to see him.
Rikishi, however, runs out and attacks Eddie. He throws Eddie into the
stairs. In the ring, Rikishi backs his ass up into Eddie, but when goes for
a StinkFace, Chyna stops him. Eddie pops out of his blanket and douses
Rikishi with pepper spray. Eddie leaves, while Chyna attends to Rikishi.
Rikishi gets up and gives Chyna a Samoan Drop. Eddie watches from the ramp
while Rikishi hits a Bonsai Drop on Chyna. Tazz yells that the winner is Riki
shi, while getting in Lawler's face. Commercial.
Steven Regal & Chris Jericho Segment:
-We come back to see Steven Regal
making his RAW (re)debut. He has a table set up in the ring, saying he is an
ambassador. He says Americans have forgotten manners, so he'll teach us. He
sits down, points out the table settings, and says we get confused with many
forks, but just to work outside in. He says the napkin is not our enemy, but
is to be placed on the lap. He says don't wipe with a napkin, just dab. 03,
02, 01, 00...BOOM! The Ayatollah is in the building! Regal looks appalled.
Jericho in his worst British accent asks "Willie" to shut the hell up. He
says that in a RAW debut one needs power, not manners, like he did when he
debuted in this very building. He comes in the ring, saying he will pull the
tablecloth out of the table, with none of the table settings breaking or
falling. He asks for a drum roll from the fans, and he proceeds to wrap all
the settings up and toss them out of the ring. Jericho starts to talk, when
X-Pac attacks Jericho from behind with the nunchucks. X-Pac puts Regal's
table over Jericho and jumps on it. Tazz is laughing, while Jericho crawls
on the floor. We see Rock pacing in his dressing room and then see a replay
of the end of last SmackDown! Commercial.
Too Cool vs. Edge & Christian (Tag Titles):
-Replay of Austin getting run
over at Survivor Series '99. Tazz announces Too "Fools" as having a combined
weight 135 pounds. Tazz announces Edge and Christian from "someplace in
Canada. Edge and GrandMaster start. Shoulder block by GM. Hairtoss, tag to
Scotty, double wishbone leg splitter. Tag to Christian. Shoulder block by
Scotty, followed by a suplex. Scotty knocks Edge off the apron, but gets
knocked down by Christian. Christian chokes Scotty, but gets a big boot,
then an elbow and a clothesline. Both men tag, and GrandMaster cleans house.
GM hits a powerbomb on Edge 1-2-broken by Christian. Big boot by GM, then a
bulldog by Scotty on Edge, which leads in to the last Worm on USA. Edge
misses Scotty and spears Christian. GrandMaster hits the Hip Hop Drop on
Edge, but Christian brings in a title belt. While the ref takes Christian
out of the ring, Edge takes the belt and nails one of the members of Too Cool
1-2-3! Tazz yells at Lawler, but gets escorted out. We see Taker warming
up. Commercial.
Foley and The SmackDown Challenge:
-We see Naked Man at WWF New York. Foley
comes out to the stage. He says he'll be brief, but he needs to say that he
feels the WWF is being ignored. Despite registering 80,000 votes and having
millions of fans, Al Gore and George W. Bush have ignored the SmackDown
Challenge. Foley asks them to forget special interest money and to put the
United States first, by debating on SmackDown. Have a Nice Day!
The Rock vs. The Undertaker:
-This is it, folks. The last Main Event in
USA's history. We see that Benoit is doing commentary also. Benoit says he
will walk out of Unforgiven Champ. Undertaker comes out via motorized cycle.
Rock comes out, and the match gets underway. Taker pounds on Rock in the
corner. Sidewalk slam by Taker 1-2-kickout. Back elbow by Rock, followed by
a clothesline. Taker tosses Rock outside, where Rock's head finds the
stairs, thanks to Taker. Rock ducks and Taker punches the ringpost. Rock
punches Taker in the genitals. Benoit: "Is that what Rock is aboot?" Back
in the ring, the ref gets knocked out as Taker gives Rock a jumping DDT.
Spinebuster by Rock, who goes for the People's Elbow and hits it [for the
last time on USA]. Rock pins, but the ref is still down. Taker chokeslams
Rock 1-2-shoulder up on the long two count. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom, but
doesn't get it. Taker hits the Last Ride on Rock 1-2-3! Clean pin for the
Undertaker. BOOM goes the stage and the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.
Benoit knocks Taker into Kane and the three brawl. Kane and Benoit team to
beat on Taker, but Rock gets up and fights Kane. Rock and Taker clean house,
but Taker walks into a Rock Bottom. That will be the last move on the last
RAW on USA Network. It's all over, so long USA. End Show.
----Credit: RajahWWF.com
Email: wrestlerock316@hotmail.com