Here are my Wrestlemania 2000 cheats.


Alternate Costumes:
At the character selection screen, press C-Left or C-Right.

Appearance by D-generation-X:
Place X-pac and HHH with the DX music and video to make them appear together in a tag match with "D-generation-X" displayed.

Appearance by Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown:
Place Mark Henry with the D'Lo Brown music and video to make them appear together in a tag match.

Appearance by The Brood:
Place Edge and Christian with The Brood music and video. Then, place Gangrel in a tag match with Edge or Christian. They will appear together with "The Brood" displayed. However, Edge and Christian will not appear together in any other matches.

Appearance by The Corporate Ministry:
Place Vince, Shane, or The Undertaker with The Corporate Ministry music and video to make them appear together in a tag match with "Corporate Ministry" displayed.

Appearance by the Headbangers:
Edit "Chaz". Change his clothes to "Thrasher", name him "MOSH" (case senstive) and change his theme and video to the Headbangers. Then when Mosh and Thrasher appear together, they will appear as the Headbangers.

Appearance by the New Age Outlaws:
You can have Billy Gunn come out with the Road Dogg by changing his titantron and entrance to the Road Dogg. When they appear, the game will say "New Age Outlaws".

Appearance by the Union:
Place Show, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, or Test with the Union music and no video to make them appear together in a tag match with "Union" displayed.

Austin's Smokin' Skull Belt:
To get the Smoking Skull Belt for use in the create-a-belt option, win Road to Wrestlemania with Austin.

Blur Effect:
When in the Create-A-Wrestler mode, go to the moves section. When you preveiw the move, hold Right-C button and you will see a blur effect.

Create Goldberg:
The character creation is so good in this game that you can make Goldberg. THQ even left in the JackHammer and renaming it the Sledgehammer. All of his taunts are there too.

Finishing moves:
Get in tie-up and move the Analog-stick while the spirit meter is in "Special".

Get Automatic Specials:
Before the bell rings hold down A then as soon as the match starts let go you then will have a special.

Get Bossman's nightstick:
Choose the Big Bossman Go to the crowd and press c-up and he will pick up a night stick.

Manager Assistance:
Your manager can help fight if your wrestler is the first person in the ring. Hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller three to have your manager be controlled by player three. If your wrestler is the second person in the ring, hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller four. Note: This only works for single matches.

Manager Interference:
Start a one-on-one match and select a wrestler that has a manager/valet. Select an opponent that does not have a manager/valet. Then, start the match and wait for a run-in for the opposing wrestler. After the new wrestler enter the ring, your manager will jump into the match and beat up the interfering wrestler.

Obtain a weapon:
Go to the side barricade, then face the crowed and press C-Up.

Play As Managers:
When you are in the start of the match plug a controller into the 3rd or 4th player slot and hold "Z" on one of the controllers for about 5 seconds. You will be able to wrestle as the managers.

Play as Cactus Jack:
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with any character and win the hard-core title. Defend it a few times and Cactus will come out and reveal himself as a hidden character.

Play as Dude Love:
Begin Road To Wrestlemania mode with any character and make it to Summerslam undefeated. Doing this will give you a shot at the WWF title. If you are victorious, Dude Love will come out and reveal himself as a hidden character.

Play as Dummy:
When you clone a women wrestler and edit the clone you can make the dummy that you do the moves to in create wrestler.

Play as Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler:
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with any character and make it to Wrestlemania. Before the action begins, JR and JL will introduce themselves and also become selectable characters.

Play as Paul Bearer:
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with The Undertaker. After several matches, Paul will eventually accompany you to the ring and become a playable character.

Play as Shawn Michaels (HBK):
Begin Road To Wrestlemania and make it to Wrestlemania. Either defend or win the WWF title and Shawn will challenge you. If you win, he will become a selectable character.

Play as Stephanie McMahon:
Begin Road To Wrestlemania with Test. After several matches, Stephanie will eventually accompany you to the ring and become a playable character.

Random Character Selection:
To choose a character at random, press C-Down at the character selection screen.

Steal Opponent's Finishing Move:
Strong grapple your opponent while your Attitude meter is flashing, then press the Analog-stick in any direction while simultaneously pressing A + B to humiliate your opponent by smacking him or her around with their own move.

View entrance costume:
Select a wrestler, then return to the character selection screen and highlight that wrestler again. The wrestler will be dressed in what will be worn when he makes his entrance.
