His name is Date Seiji. His full title is Korin no Seiji ("Seiji of the Halo/Aura"). His armor is green and gold, and the symbol on his armor is a lightning bolt. His weapon is a huge sword, with a shiriken as part of the guard. He also has some ability to heal injuries when he uses his full powers. His sword is a no-dachi, an extremely long "field sword". His battle cry is "Rai Ko Zan", or "Thunder Lightning Thrust" / "Thunder Bolt Cut" (American version). As the series progresses, it seems at times that he's gotten sweet on Nasti/Mia... His main opponent is Darkness Demon General Anubis / Cale. His father runs a small martial arts dojo, and his interests revolve around swords, meditation, and "chatting up girls".