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Tartan Day Debacle

As has become usual, the great and the good of the Scottish Executive trooped off on their annual jaunt to New York to help celebrate Tartan Day on April 6th. We are in no doubt that this annual celebration of all things Scottish helps keep Scotland in the mind of the American public, with resultant interest in our country and culture, and hopefully a financial spin-off in increased trade and tourism. So no argument there then, other than a query of the actual expense of said junket. But this year, we as a nation were exposed to ridicule once more by that last great bastion of Britishness, "Union" Jack McConnell.

He chose to wear a 'brave' new design in menswear, presumably to demonstrate what a forward-looking, go-ahead 'nation' we are under New Labour's careful ministry. The only trouble is, it looked like a wee lassie's school uniform. Topped off with a badly-fitted big girl's blouse, Shagger chose to wear a skirt.

Yes, you read that right. A skirt. OK, he claimed it was a modern kilt, and there were some pleats at the back. But it wasn't tartan. It was bog-standard London businessman issue pinstripe. Worn without the aid of a sporran.

We're sorry, Jack. If it's not tartan, and it doesn't have a sporran -


Judge for yourselves...

Union Jack models a very fetching little number in pinstripe, for the discerning cross-dresser

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