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I got flowers today
It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.
Last night we had a fight and he hit me,
But I know he is sorry
Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today
It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day.
Last night he threw me against the wall and started to choke me,
But I know he's sorry,
Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today
It wasn't Mothers day or any other special day
I was so swollen and bruised I was ashamed to answer the door
But I know he's sorry,
Cause I got flowers today

If I leave him, where will I go?
What about money? what about my kids?
It's getting worse every time but I'm afraid to leave
But I know he's sorry
Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today
My family and friends filed by to see me
Asking why I never left him,
If I only had the strength and courage to,
but I didn't
So I got Flowers today

Don't wait until you get the final flowers to do something.
Seek help from a neighbor a friend
but get out and get your children out.
Don't make this little poem come true for you.



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