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The Outback & The Testimony

My name is Christine Dunne. I am the Web Mistress for this site. I asked Sissy if I could have this page for my testimony. I came to know the Lord in a little different way then others before me did.

I was seventeen and attending a Youth Camp for this church that I went to every now and then. I didn't go to church often because I really never saw the point in it. If someone were to ask me I would have said, "Yes I am a Christian." I knew what the Bible said but I didn't know anything about faith and grace.

It has been a hard year. I had two years worth of school work to do in one years time to graduate with my class, my whole life was in tatters at my feet. I realize now that it had been that way all my life. I had never had a chance to be happy or normal.

Here I was at this youth camp with a bunch of people I couldn't stand and not one of them knew me or cared to know me. It was quiet hour at the camp. That was the hour off they gave us each day after lunch to do what we wanted to do. Mostly for me it was seeking the solitude of the beautiful Colorado Rockies. I had found a place that was prefect to just sit and think. I had my Bible with me but it wasn't open. I just laid back against this large rock that I was sitting on and was enjoying the last of the August sun.

All at once, there was a feeling that I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes and looked around. There was no one else about, just me. While I had been laying back enjoying the sun, a little squirrel had been busy right beside me, gathering up nuts to put away for the winter. A bird was singing in the trees and was making his nest warmer by gathering pieces of cloth and things. I sat and watched it and thought how beautiful it was. I started to realize that things in this world were going on and that maybe I could also. I also came to the realization that God was in charge, everywhere I looked I saw Him. In the sunlight, shining through the trees I saw the shape of a cross. In the leaves that were falling around me, I studied their delicate veins and saw how they were each made so perfectly. I knew that each was different. My first thought was if God takes such pains to make each leaf different, or to take care of that small squirrel and the birds above me, how very much He must love me.

For the very first time in my life I felt something deep inside me open up, and the faith that I needed to believe that God had sent his son Jesus to this earth to die for me was granted to me, and that He hadn't stayed dead but rose again and was now at the right hand of God reaching down to touch me with His Grace. I knew that there were places in my heart where there was darkness and nothing but pain, and I felt those places open up and the Lord gather me to Him. I closed my eyes and saw myself sitting on the lap of Our Heavenly Father snuggling close to Him and His hands around me saying, " No more will the hurt touch you, not in here. When the hurt starts run to me child and I will give you rest and peace." He didn't take the hurt away but He gave me a place of peace where I could go. I sat right there with my eyes closed and prayed the sinners prayer, with each word I felt lighter, happier and more at peace than I ever thought I could be. I knew then that I was truly saved and a Believer in Jesus Christ. I no longer just mouthed the words, I started to feel the words and to know and believe them.

It was the start of my life as a Believer. I have stumbled and fell many times since then but Jesus was always there to catch me and give me peace. Even in the worst times of my life, there He was not to make them better, but to give me the love and the guidance I needed to get through it all.

It was an incredible experience and each day is a new day with Jesus in my heart. No matter how low you are, Jesus can pick you up and make you whole again. He can mend a shattered life and give you the ability to get by the rough spots. He is always there to pick you up and carry you until you can walk again. He never leaves you or forgets about you. He lives in your Heart in a way that no one else can.

The sinners prayer is so easy. The words that come from your heart will just flow to Him. First you must acknowledge that you are a sinner, that you have done things wrong in your life and that you are sorry for those things. Then you have to tell Him that you Believe He died on the cross for you, and that He rose again for you and through Him you can become a child of God. You have to ask his forgiveness, acknowledge what He did for you and thank Him for it, and then ask Him into your life. Ask Him to live in your heart and your mind. Then end your prayer, for it is in Jesus' name I pray and I come to you, My Father, my Lord, my King. Amen.

It is so easy, and the relief that you feel, knowing that you are never alone, knowing that your life now belongs to Him and He will guide you. Knowing that He will give you peace and solace. It is an incredible feeling and it never goes away. There are times you drift away from Him but He has a firm hold on you and He will not let you go.

If you need more information about this incredible event, Please let Sissy or I know in an email or on the message board or in the guest book. We are here for you and more important than that, there is the loving God who can be there for you

God bless you all and keep you in His faith and love,
Christine Dunne



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