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Sexual abuse is one of the most horrendous crimes that can be committed against a child. Its effects are often lost lasting, can leave the victim with low self esteem and without counseling can lead to many other problems in life, including drug addictions, Relationship problems, and other anxiety and Phobia problems.

This is a positive site because it offers hope for those who are suffering and it provides A safe haven where you can come if you are troubled. It also offers resources where you Can go if you are feeling unsafe. Your emails will be read and answered and you can Post on the message board that will be available.

The most important thing is to realize that there is life after sexual, mental, or physical Abuse. My goal for this site is to present a picture of a victorious life that can be yours. Even though the journey back from abuse is not an easy one, by utilizing those resources that are available you can feel good about yourself again, You can rise above Your circumstances and most of all you can learn to love yourself again.

You are a victim but you do not have to remain one. The obstacles that you face can Become stepping-stones to a better way of life. Just the fact that you are here shows that You are a survivor and that takes a lot of strength. Draw on that strength and draw On the strength of others around you.

Most of all remember




If you need help immediately please click on the flashing light and you will be taken to a page with phone numbers and web sites where you can get help right now.

This page is designed by Ravens Graphics to contact the webmistress Christine Dunne just click on her name.