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As Tenerife's sights are spread around the island car hire is a good idea.

When hiring a car here are a few tips:

·         Does the car have 2 red emergency triangles in the boot?                                         

Because by law it should and if you break one should be placed 100m behind the car and one 100m in front on the other side of the road to warn drivers.

·         Does the car have a spare tire?

Incase of emergency, good to have one at hand

·         Are all the insurance and ownership papers in the glove compartment?

They should be there incase you are pulled over by the authorities.

·         Does the car have a box of spare bulbs (3. 4. 5. 6.)?

By law the car must all of these.

·         In case of an accident are there claim form-accident report papers in the glove compartment.


ATLANTIC CARS                                                                                             C.C California- Local 4,Av.Noelia Afonso                                                       Tfno: 922795315             Fax: 922795365

AVIS                                                                                                                Park Club Europe.Av.Rafael Puig                                                                  Tfno: 922796353   Fax: 922791001

UNION RENT                                                                                              Ap.Udalla Park, L.6.Av.Antonio Dominguez                                                    Tfno: 922750399     Fax: 922787540

Buses- the local bus system if extensively used and is very reliable it is run by a local company called TITAS