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About Us

Founded in 1977, the Santee Cooper Bass Club is arguably, the oldest non-federation bass fishing organization in the South Carolina Lowcountry.

Its six original founding members were active duty or retired Navy men homeported aboard ships and stations in the Charleston area. They were bass-fishing enthusiasts, pursuing their sport in a competitive format, without the prohibitive expense and time tables required by federation clubs.

The original concept, limited the club to 35 members with an annual renewable membership of $15. Tournament entry fees are just $5, and most all of our members contribute to the monthly "big-fish" pot for $1.

Tournament prize money is not in our charter. We compete for points, not money. This keeps the cost of the sport down, and keeps the door open for those who wish to participate. We have one money tournament each April for the top ten points leaders from the previous year. Of those ten competitors, everyone collects a prize after the weigh-in.

We are totally family oriented, and encourage members to get their families involved. Guests are always welcomed to compete.

We hold club meetings on the first Tuesday of every month at the local American Legion.

We remove our covers and pledge allegiance to the colors, before the meeting begins.

Our founding members' dream was to provide a club organization for active duty military personnel and their families, with tournament schedules that worked around the service members duty and not penalize him for "standing the watch". These men understood the "call of duty". In forming this competitive relationship, they fostered a lasting comradery and a vibrant cohesive morale.

Of the six original founders, only two remain. Mr. Dave Hansen, and Mr. Ralph Davis. The other four have either transferred or answered the bugle call for "taps".

They are not forgotten.

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